راسموسن يستبعد فرض حظر جوي على سوريا
Read this story in Englishاستبعد الأمين العام لحلف شمال الأطلسي اندرس فوغ راسموسن فرض منطقة حظر جوي على سوريا.
وأثناء زيارته المفاجئة للعاصمة الليبية طرابلس اليوم الاثنين قال راسموسن لوكالة "فرانس برس"رداً على سؤال عن احتمال أن يتزعم الحلف الأطلسي الان منطقة حظر جوي فوق سوريا "الأمر مستبعد تماماً، ليس لدينا أي نية للتدخل في سوريا".
ويقوم راسموسن بزيارة مفاجئة لطرابلس الغرب قبل ساعات من انتهاء مهمة الحلف الأطلسي في ليبيا بشكل رسمي، وذلك بعد سبعة أشهر من اطلاق القوى الغربية الضربات الأولى ضد قوات الرئيس الليبي السابق معمر القذافي في حرب جوية لعبت دوراً رئيسياً في الاطاحة به.
وقال راسموسن ان "الظروف في سوريا مختلفة عنها في ليبيا"، وأوضح "اضطلعنا بمسؤولية العملية في ليبيا لوجود تفويض واضح من الأمم المتحدة، ولحصولنا على دعم قوي ونشط من بلدان المنطقة".
وتابع "في الواقع لقد أسمهوا بشكل نشط في عملية الدرع الموحد. غير أن أياً من تلك الظروف لا يتوافر في سوريا. فضلاً عن ذلك فإن الحالتين مختلفتان. علينا اتخاذ القرارات في كل حالة وفق أوضاعها، وعموماً لا يمكن مقارنة سوريا بليبيا".
وكان النشطاء السوريون ناشدوا المجتمع الدولي فرض منطقة حظر طيران على سوريا لحماية المدنيين وتشجيع المنشقين عن الجيش ضد النظام المستبد للرئيس السوري بشار الأسد.
ودان راسموسن بشدة حملة النظام السوري على المحتجين المطالبين بالديموقراطية التي قتلت أكثر من ثلاثة الاف شخص معظمهم من المدنيين بحسب حصيلة الأمم المتحدة.
وأضاف "بالتأكيد أدين حملة القوات الأمنية على المدنيين في سوريا وهو أمر شائن تماماً والسبيل الوحيد للتحرك قدما في سوريا، كما هو في بلدان أخرى، هو تلبية التطلعات المشروعة للشعب السوري والأخذ باصلاحات ديموقراطية".
Hypocrite! The only way in which the Syrian case differs from the the Libyian case is that it is worse. Gadaffi was charged in the ICC with indiscriminately killing just over 200 unarmed protesters. Assad has ordered the killing of well over 3,000 along with torture of many more.
Europe is not only financially bankrupt, but morally bankrupt as well.
.......because we had strong and active support from the countries in the region," Rasmussen said.
That is the key here. They still don't have the support of the countries in the region. Perhaps, more blood, more torture, more massacres are needed to garner more support...... what a shame!
What a Dumb incensitive shameless statement indeed!!! He just gave Assad a shot in the arm to go on slaughtering the Syrian free people. This is outrageously rash and unethical! Rasmussen should be asked to step down over this!!
These are some of the differences between Libya and Syria:
1: Geographic Location (Right next to Iran, Lebanon and other Shiite friendly countries)
2: Demographic Makeup (There are over 2 million Christians in Syria as well as the largest Alawite community and other religious forces within the country, backed by Rome, Backed by the Ayatollah, Backed by Russia from Weapons and Oil buying projects, backed by other international interests)
3: The Assad family and its 'secret' alliance with Israel (Syria and Israel have an active secret alliance, this was used in the Assassination of President Bachir Gemayel to prevent A Christian Lebanon from winning, and used as a pre-factor in maintaining Alawite totalitarianism in Syria for the benefit of the Jews and the Alawites)
4: Syria was created as a neutral Arab state, as far as anyone can be seriously concerned - they have maintained the interests of the Arabs throughout their history.
5: Assads are bad, but there’s worse!
Gabby, I guess it's back to the drawing table, my friend? It has been 14 days past your prediction, if you recall. Did you meet with Dar Falso or the Falsos to review and re-analyze past wrongs or you just keep making mistakes that you never learn from? Miss you!!! Why don't you check with "peace" above? As far as he is concerned, ASSad is here to stay because he is "an allay of israel !!!" Go figure, my friend. One Falso who is just as good as another Falso, huh!
Syria and Israel have a secret alliance? Israel wanted Bachir Gemayel assassinated? Huh? You know about Gemayel's May 17 agreement, right? Go play in the park!
The difference is that Syria borders Israel and Bashar is the protector of Israel, that is the difference. However, do not read too much into this, what do you expect him to say? there is no Arab mandate yet, let alone a UN mandate, so the question is very premature at this point and thus the answer is expected. There is no need for no fly zone really, Turkey can do so much to help the rebels. Everything will happen in due time. The World decision to end Bashar has been made, the rest is details to make sure Israel is not affected, this is the precise reason why military intervention is very carefully approached.
ooops, I gues I was correct.
Nato not willing to send ground troops anywhere. Got it LF'rs {I cannot expect much from your intellect, else you would not be in LF}. So until you get some formidable syrian militoa going then forget about it. and again that is not even close as of this writing.
@peace and @Gabby:
I no longer understand you, revolutionary geniuses!
@peace says: how can they take measures against an ally of Israel?
@Gabby says: then send anti-tank rockets and short range anti-aircraft rockets.
Do you have any idea how much you confuse us? A LOT MORE THAN YOU ARE CONFUSED YOURSELVES. Please guys, have mercy on us ordinary folks. Please, you two, get together and co-ordinate. PLEASE. And if necessary, talk to your leader, cheikh Imbecile, or the other imbecile, Dr. Falso, and exchange ideas.
To those who voted down my comment earlier :
Please indicate why you think im wrong, id love open conversation on this rather then just a thumbs up or down.
@Murad :
Ill go play in the park and have a good time doing it , thanks. Enlighten me about the May 17th Agreement rather than just act like an arrogent know it all. Back your statements with facts please. Ill be waiting
just think why this regime never did anything to free the golan heights? they talk about resistance but they let the israelis do what they want there... why?
why are the usa and europe so reluctant to do anything in syria?
they need bachar in place because he is a guarantee of peace in the golan heights!!!
so don t get confused and review your history....