ريفي انسحب من مجلس الوزراء لعدم احالة سماحة على المجلس العدلي والحريري:موقفه لا يمثلني
Read this story in English
انسحب وزير العدل اللواء أشرف ريفي من جلسة مجلس الوزراء، احتجاجا على عدم احالة قضية ميشال سماحة على المجلس العدلي.
وقال ريفي بعد خروجه من الجلسة: "لدينا خيارات عدة من أجل إقامة العدالة في قضية سماحة، وكل الاجراءات التي سنتخذها هي قانونية وستكون مفاجئة للبنانيين".
وأضاف:"ان قضية سماحة لم تصل الى الحكم المبرم ويحق لمجلس الوزراء احالتها الى المجلس العدلي. وسجلنا موقفا اعتراضيا اوليا مع وزراء الكتائب والمستقبل".
وقال ريفي:"سنقيم العدالة والا لن يقوم الوطن ولن نستسلم حتى احقاقها".
وبعد قليل من انسحاب ريفي غرد الرئيس سعد الحريري عبر تويتر: "موقف الوزير أشرف ريفي لا يمثلني، ولا يزايدن احد علينا بإغتيال وسام الحسن او محاكمة سماحة فكل من ارتكب جريمة سينال عقابه".

So this was the "mighty" Rifis warning. He withdrew from cabinet.

You just indirectly admitted to be a salafi, so you are not proud if you try to deny it.
Going to act like a moderate again? Wont save you.

Tell that to your hero salafi Fadel Shaker, he would agree with you too.

because he is on the run then it justifies samaha being free... what a sense of justice you M8ers have... iranian way it is... pityful miss tic as usual

Well Shaker is there for all to see, and March 14 does not give the greenlight for the army to capture him.
Only reason Assir was captured, was because of the good people at the airport security taking matters into their own hands.

Nobody is hiding from STL.
STL is a zionist hollywood inspired project aswell.
Let them put Assir infront in their investigations if they caree about terrorism, ofcourse they will not do that, because that court is limited only to accuse March 8.

Nobody is hiding from STL.
STL is a zionist hollywood inspired project aswell.
Let them put Assir infront in their investigations if they caree about terrorism, ofcourse they will not do that, because that court is limited only to accuse March 8.

Corrupt ministers plus decadent sectarian system amount to a failed state. The Samaha fiasco is just another proof of how inept the Lebanese republic has become.

Agree with you...I do not see our M14 so smart as to plan such machiavellanist strategies....
Alas, on the contrary...they have lost the Northern Star...