الجامعة العربية تمنح سوريا مهلة ثلاثة أيام لإرسال مراقبين قبل فرض عقوبات اقتصادية
Read this story in Englishاعلن رئيس الوزراء وزير الخارجية القطري الاربعاء ان الجامعة العربية تمهل سوريا ثلاثة ايام لاتخاذ "اجراءات فعالة لوقف القتل" قبل ان تفرض عليها عقوبات اقتصادية.
وقال حمد بن جاسم في مؤتمر صحافي في ختام اجتماع للجامعة العربية في الرباط "ان لم تكن هناك اجراءات فعالة وفورا لوقف القتل فالجامعة العربية ستتخذ اجراءات وسنكلف المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي باعداد عقوبات"، وذلك ردا على سؤال حول ما اذا كانت الجامعة ستفرض عقوبات على دمشق ان لم تلتزم بمهلة الايام الثلاثة لتوقيع بروتوكول لارسال مراقبين عرب الى سوريا.
واضاف "لن نتبنى اي عقوبات اقتصادية تمس بالشعب السوري".
وردا على سؤال اخر، قال حمد بن جاسم "لا اريد ان اتكلم عن فرصة اخيرة حتى لا يظن احد اننا نوجه انذارات، ولكن اعتقد اننا قاربنا من نهاية الطريق ونامل من الله ومن اخواننا في سوريا ان يتعاونوا معنا لننهي هذه الماساة".
من جهته قال الأمين العام للجامعة أن الوقت ليس مناسبا لعقد قمة عربية بشأن سوريا وأضاف "كما تعلمون القمة تتطلب 15 موافقة" أي من 15 دولة.
وأضاف العربي ردا على سؤال "المعارضة السورية تأتي بكل أطيافها إلى الجامعة ولم يطلب واحد منهم أسلحة وهذا الموضوع خارج إطارنا".

And who are these illegitimate and despised-in-their-own-countries punks? Who do they represent? What past successes can they claim? How did they succeed? One is busy slaughtering the Kurs. The other is busy sending troups to slaughter the Bahrainis. The other is busy fumbling with his toes... These questions really do not need answers as answers are have been known for a lonnnnnnng time already. m3alla2in bi 7ibal al hawa

He will not comply. He cannot risk having witnesses to his brutality. If they come and he pulls the army from the streets, he will lose the streets of Damascus and Aleppo to the protesters. If he does not allow the observers, they will choke him economically and politically.
He finally painted himself into a corner.

These "towel heads" in the GUlf that have promoted this stance against Syria are a bunch of hypocrites. We see how well they took to the challenge posed in Bahrain. The massacres in Yemen, which is proportionally greater than that in Syria, haven't even received the attention it deserved. All these guys are doing the bidding of their Western whoremasters. It will take Qatar 2-years to organize elections but Syria is suposed to implement complex reforms and a constitutional overhaul in the blink of an eye!
Did they or do they really think that any unilateral action by the government of Syria would be successful without the oppositions cooperation? These guys won't be happy until they are once again under Ottoman rule and democratic principles and freedoms are thrown away in favor of a theocracy.

What the majority of the Arabs don't want to talk about is the fact that contrary to what the Israeli and Iranian media publicize, Israel, Iran and the Syrian regime share the same bed. Israel is helping in the Syrian regime to survive and pressuring the west not to aid the revolution militarily. At the same time Israel covertly is still selling the Iranians advanced technology. The talk of Israel attacking Iran is only designed to distract the Arabs on whats going on. At the end of the day, the Shiite will prove to be the closest allies Israel ever had.

the Arab league is exhausting all possible means with the Assad regime.
after this last trial, all the lies of the assad regime will not do anything anymore: no one trusts them anymore, and plenty of clear examples of continuous lies are at hand to justify what is coming :)

Can someone explain to me how any country would dare to go to war with syria? Are these countries mad. Syria has more than 50,000 long range missiles that can reach any of the gulf countries including turkey. They wont waist their time flying their warplanes. Syria will just launch countless numbers of missiles to turkey. The syrian army is trained along the lines of hezbollah. It is a militia. Israel which has one of the largest armies couldnt defeat hezbolah. How do they expect to defeat syria. Its insane. Lebanon will burn to the ground if anyone attacks syria. Turkish civilians will be bombarded with thousands of bombs causing 1000's of deaths on both sides.The turkish thriving economy will come to a stand still. Syria is no child when it comes to its arsenal. It will do everything in its power to survive. Just remember the largest cities in syria, damascus and aleppo ( 7 million ) still are regime fanatics. Any foreign invader will be slaughtered on the streets in cold blood.

The Assad regime has now destroyed Syria and the Alawites still think he is their infallible emperor. Rational Alwaites please speak up now or else.