"داعش" تخطف نحو الفي مدني اثناء خروجها من مدينة منبج السورية
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خطف مقاتلون من تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية الجمعة حوالي الفي مدني اثناء انسحابهم من اخر جيب كانوا يتحصنون فيه داخل مدينة منبج السورية، وفق ما افاد قيادي في قوات سوريا الديموقراطية والمرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.
وقال المتحدث باسم مجلس منبج العسكري المنضوي في قوات سوريا الديموقراطية شرفان درويش "خطف مقاتلو داعش حوالى الفي مدني من حي السرب في شمال منبج" مشيرا الى انهم "استخدموا المدنيين كدروع بشرية خلال انسحابهم الى مدينة جرابلس، ما منعنا من استهدافهم".
وبحسب مصدر كردي في قوات سوريا الديموقراطية، فان خطف الجهاديين للمدنيين هدفه "تجنب نيران قواتنا" خلال انسحابهم من المدينة.
واكد مدير المرصد السوري رامي عبد الرحمن لوكالة فرانس برس بدوره "خطف الجهاديين لالفي مدني" مشيرا الى "نقلهم على متن نحو 500 سيارة باتجاه جرابلس" ابرز معاقل التنظيم في محافظة حلب (شمال) والواقعة على الحدود التركية.
وتمكنت قوات سوريا الديموقراطية في السادس من الشهر الحالي من السيطرة بشكل شبه كامل على مدينة منبج، اثر هجوم بدأته في 31 ايار بدعم جوي من التحالف الدولي بقيادة اميركية لطرد الجهاديين من المدينة الاستراتيجية الواقعة على خط امداد رئيسي للتنظيم بين معقله في الرقة (شمال) والحدود التركية.
وتحصن الجهاديون في الايام الاخيرة في منطقة المربع الامني في وسط منبج، قبل انسحابهم تدريجيا في اليومين الاخيرين الى حي السرب على اطراف المدينة الشمالية، وفق درويش.
واوضح درويش ان المدنيين المخطتفين هم "من سكان حي السرب واخرين اختطفوا من المربع الامني واحياء اخرى"، مشيرا الى ان قوات سوريا الديموقراطية "تمكنت من انقاذ نحو 2500 اخرين كانوا محتجزين لدى التنظيم".
وتعمل قوات سوريا الديموقراطية حاليا على تمشيط حي السرب بحثا عن اخر الجهاديين الموجودين فيه.

How did we get here, a reminder
Russian President Vladimir Putin: "Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could have avoided civil war by responding more quickly to demands for political change. The country was ripe for serious changes, and the leadership should have felt that in time and started making changes. Then what is happening would not have happened" - Jun 11, 2013

How did we get here, a reminder
Syrian VP Farouk Al-Sharaa, in an Al-Akhbar Exclusive: "At the beginning of the mobilization, the authorities begged for the appearance of a single armed person or a sniper at the top of one of the buildings. I do not deny that some of us acted as if the dialogue was unnecessary and whispered this to the leadership. So it distanced itself under the pretext that the internal and external opposition saw it as one of the regime’s charades. In the end, this finished off the political dialogue and opened the doors wide for the dialogue of bullets and guns. The drop in the number of peaceful protesters led one way or another to the rise in militants. The way events are heading will lead to an uncomfortable place where things will definitely go from bad to worse." - Dec 17, 2012

How did we get here, a reminder
Mohammad Ali Sobhani current advisor in Iran’s Foreign Ministry and Iran’s former envoy to Lebanon from 1997 to 2005: "The Syrian crisis started with the detention of youths who went out protesting. This behavior continued until [the uprising] turned into a war, had the government calmed people and played its role, we would not have faced the current political and sectarian conflict in Syria" - Nov 27, 2014

How did we get here, a reminder
Mohammad Ali Sobhani adviser in Iran’s Foreign Ministry and Iran’s former envoy to Lebanon from 1997 to 2005: accused Iraqi former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of following sectarian policies when he was in office, which led to the formation of an incubator for ISIS, as quoted by the Iranian website Nameh News. He said, "Were it not for Maliki's exclusionary policies against Sunnis in the country, the group would not have found a popular incubator among the Sunnis."
Sobhani also criticized the Assad regime, saying, "The Syrian people initially protested peacefully for legitimate demands, but the Assad regime tried to suppress the demonstrations with excessive force which led to the emergence of armed groups later," and pointing out that if the Syrian state had taken measures at the beginning of the demonstrations to meet the legitimate demands of the protesters, the situation would not be like it is today. - Nov 28, 2014

How did IS get here to begin with
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said Monday that 90 percent of foreign terrorists who infiltrate Iraq did so via Syria. Syria is being used as a staging post for insurgents to launch deadly attacks across the border. Maliki reiterated that ties with Damascus would not improve until it handed over the suspects it blames for one of two bloody attacks on government ministries in Baghdad on August 19 that killed 95 people and wounded 600."We demand that the Syrian side hand over the main people wanted in this crime" Maliki said.
Maliki also insisted that Damascus "expel the terrorists, Baathists and Takfiris who take Syria as a base to launch criminal activity inside Iraq" - Sept 01, 2009

I won't be talking about this for sure
Reports: Armed clashes between families have erupted in Bekaa's Hawrtaala and the army has encircled the town from all sides.
Tomorrow look for a rerun of one of my old speeches. I am actually on vacation watching the Olympics live and in person. I'm found a cozy nice little fully furnished sewer under Rio on AirBnB.

I think that is how it will go with him tomorrow:
- We were victorious in 2006
- Saudi Arabia is our enemy
-Palestine and Jerusalem we will never forget you
- Our battle to liberate Palestine is existential in Aleppo.
- We killed more than 2,000 takfiris in Aleppo in 2 days
- We closed the 2 meter gap the takfiris were able to make
- The people of yemen bahrain and nigeria will be victorious over saudi tyranny.
- this is not a religious war against sunnis
did i miss anything?

Assad tank destroyed by opposition on Aleppo’s Sheikh Sa’eed front
Opposition fighters destroy an Assad Kornet rocket launcher in Aleppo

Rebel TOW missiles annihilate Hezbollah at the Cement Factory in Aleppo

i don't think the chief terrorist will talk about that tomorrow;) Great shot!!!