اغتيال الكاتب الصحافي الاردني ناهض حتر امام قصر العدل وسط عمان

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قتل الكاتب الصحافي الاردني ناهض حتر صباح اليوم الاحد امام قصر العدل وسط عمان بعد نحو اسبوعين على اطلاق سراحه بكفالة مالية اثر نشره رسما كاريكاتوريا على صفحته على فيسبوك اعتبر انه "يمس الذات الالهية" .

ونقلت وكالة الانباء الرسمية (بترا) عن مصدر أمني قوله ان "الكاتب الاردني ناهض حتر قتل صباح اليوم (الاحد) امام قصر العدل في منطقة العبدلي (وسط عمان) بعد اصابته بثلاث رصاصات".

واكد "القبض على المجرم مطلق النار وضبط سلاحه الناري" مشيرا الى ان "التحقيقات جارية معه للوقوف على ملابسات القضية". 

وافاد شهود عيان لوكالة فرانس برس ان مسلحا مجهولا ملتحيا يرتدي دشداشة رمادية اطلق النار بمسدس على حتر الذي وصل الى المحكمة صباحا لحضور جلسة محاكمته التي يفترض انها كانت سرية. 

وبحسب الشهود فان حتر (56 عاما) اصيب بمنطقتي الرأس والرقبة.

ونقل جثمان حتر من مستشفى "لوزميلا" الى مستشفى البشير في عمان حيث الطب الشرعي.

وقال مصدر امني لفرانس برس ان "مطلق النار اردني يبلغ من العمر 49 عاما وقام بتسليم نفسه لحرس المحكمة".

واعلن مصدر مقرب من عائلة حتر ان "عائلته سترفض استلام جثمانه لحين ظهور نتائج التحقيق".

ونددت الحكومة الاردنية ب"الجريمة النكراء التي راح ضحيتها الكاتب الصحافي ناهض حتر".

وقال وزير الدولة لشؤون الاعلام الناطق الرسمي باسم الحكومة محمد المومني، في تصريحات اوردتها (بترا) ان "الثقة بالقضاء الأردني وبأجهزتنا الأمنيّة عالية في متابعة ومحاسبة من اقترف هذه الجريمة النكراء".

واضاف ان "اليد التي امتدّت إلى الكاتب المرحوم حتّر ستلقى القصاص العادل حتّى تكون عبرة لكلّ من تسوّل له نفسه ارتكاب مثل هذه الجريمة الغادرة".

واكد الوزير ان "القانون سيطبق بحزم على من قام بهذا العمل الآثم، وان الحكومة ستضرب بيد من حديد كلّ من يستغلّ هذه الجريمة لبثّ خطاب الكراهية الطارئ على مجتمعنا".

واستنكرت دائرة الافتاء العام في بيان مقتل حتر، مؤكدة ان "الدين الاسلامي بريء من هذه الجريمة البشعة". ودعت "ابناء المجتمع الأردني جميعاً باختلاف أديانهم وأطيافهم إلى الوقوف صفاً واحداً خلف قيادتهم الهاشمية ضد الإرهاب ومثيري الفتنة".

كما دانت جماعة الاخوان المسلمين في الاردن مقتل حتر. وقال بادي الرفايعة الناطق باسم الجماعة في بيان ان الجماعة "تستنكر هذا الاعتداء والطريقة البشعة التي جرت فيها".

واضاف "نحذر من اثارة الفتنة وندعو الجميع في وطننا الغالي للحفاظ على أمنه واستقراره".

وكانت السلطات الاردنية افرجت عن حتر في الثامن من ايلول لقاء كفالة مالية بعد نحو شهر على توقيفه.

 واوقف حتر في 13 آب الماضي عقب نشره رسما كاريكاتوريا، على صفحته على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "الفيسبوك" إعتبر مسيئا للذات الالهية.

ووجه مدعي عام عمان الى الكاتب اليساري المسيحي حتر تهمتي "اثارة النعرات المذهبية" و"اهانة المعتقد الديني"، واعلن حظر النشر في القضية. ونفى حتر حينها ما اتهم به مؤكدا انه "غير مذنب".

وكانت عقوبة اي من التهمتين المسندتين لحتر قد تصل في حال ادانته الى الحبس ثلاث سنوات.

 وكان رئيس الوزراء هاني الملقي طلب من وزير الداخلية سلامة حماد مطلع الشهر الماضي استدعاء حتر واتخاذ الاجراءات القانونية بحقه لنشره "مادة تمس الذات الالهية".

وكان حتر نشر رسما كاريكاتوريا، لم يرسمه، على صفحته الشخصية على فيسبوك بعنوان "رب الدواعش" ما اثار جدلا واستياء على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي. 

لكن حتر حذف المنشور من صفحته بعد ان اكد أن الرسم "يسخر من الارهابيين وتصورهم للرب والجنة، ولا يمس الذات الالهية من قريب أو بعيد، بل هو تنزيه لمفهوم الألوهة عما يروجه الارهابيون".

واضاف قبل ان يغلق صفحته الشخصية ان "الذين غضبوا من هذا الرسم نوعان: أناس طيبون لم يفهموا المقصود بأنه سخرية من الإرهابيين وتنزيه للذات الإلهية عما يتخيل العقل الإرهابي، وهؤلاء موضع احترامي وتقديري". 

وتابع ان النوع الثاني "اخونج داعشيون يحملون الخيال المريض نفسه لعلاقة الإنسان بالذات الإلهية. وهؤلاء استغلوا الرسم لتصفية حسابات سياسية لا علاقة لها بما يزعمون".

التعليقات 35
Thumb lubnani.masi7i 13:10 ,2016 أيلول 25

he was not killed because of the alleged cartoon. He is a mouthpiece for the assad regime and the terrorist militia. He has appeared on so many terrorist news stations praising assad and nassrallah.

Good riddance

Thumb janoubi 13:49 ,2016 أيلول 25

شبيح للأسد
ويعرف حتر بتأييده لنظام الأسد والمشروع الإيراني العالمي (الثوري) التوسعي، وترويجه لفكرة "المؤامرة الكونية" على سوريا، وأنه من أبرز الأصوات التي تدافع بشراسة عن رأس النظام في سوريا، ودخل "حتر" في مشاكل عدة جراء مواقفه تلك.

وكان نشطاء على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي دشنوا حملة غضب تنتقد تواطئ السلطات الرسمية الأردنية حيال صمتها لانتهاكات ناهض حتر المتكررة ضد الثورة السورية منذ اندلاعها، وتطاول على عدد من الدول العربية التي تقف ضد نظام الأسد وايران وميليشيا حزب الله، وعدها من الأنظمة الحاضنة للإرهاب، الى جانب انتقاده سلسلة قرارات رسمية أردنية حيال الملف السوري التي وجد فيها تهديداً لنظام الأسد.

Thumb janoubi 13:16 ,2016 أيلول 25

he is the jordanian version of nasir kandeel.

Thumb janoubi 13:49 ,2016 أيلول 25

it seems not everybody is sectarian like you.

Thumb justin 13:51 ,2016 أيلول 25


Michele Smaha is also "Christian". Should we support him just because he is Christian?

Thumb Southern...... 14:02 ,2016 أيلول 25

with which color you painted your face today!?, green?, black?... No, use the brown one, it suits you.

Thumb justice 15:25 ,2016 أيلول 25

what do you call massacring women and children in syria?
what do you call blowing up 200 Christian marines in Lebanon?

spare us your takiah and propaganda

Thumb Mrowwe 16:07 ,2016 أيلول 25

Southern, you really think the victims are majority daesh and terrorists and not children, women and civilians?

If yes then would you say amen if someone made this prayer:

"Dear God, cause the person southern and his family, whether they are women, children or elderly to be in an area where the terrorist bashar bombs daesh"?

If you really think these bombs aren't killing and maiming civilians then you should have no problem saying amen.

It's clear you are a dishonest God-less liar. Nobody supports such crimes except people who have evil in them. Unless you repent then may you suffer just as much as you wish for the syrian civilians to suffer under bashars bombs and terror and may you stand next to bashar on the day of judgement together with your hypocrite fame-loving fat and fake nasrallah and face the wrath of God for your satanic love of shedding innocent blood.

Thumb Mystic 16:21 ,2016 أيلول 25

How come the so called White Helmets of Al Qaeda never covers the atrocities committed by Nusra?

Thumb oompa-loompas 15:55 ,2016 أيلول 25

southern one can't murder over half a million people with a knife and a mortar you illiterate idiot,one does it with exploding barrels and air strikes.
And RIP anyone who shines a spotlight of the hypocrisy of fundamental Jehadist Islam in all it's smells.

Thumb oompa-loompas 16:11 ,2016 أيلول 25

no you dimwitted inbred not even with daily car bombs in market places one can't murder over half a million people, it really takes exploding barrels and air strikes.. oh and chemical weapons.

Thumb oompa-loompas 16:56 ,2016 أيلول 25

Mystic the Tatbiring neanderthal, sorry to disappoint you I don't live in a barrel and I don't live in a sewer like the sewer rat Hassan Nasrallah either. I live in a nice house..
And I'm actually crying over the almost half a million, and counting, Assad's murdered en masse and the all ones burned, beheaded, raped, buried alive by the opposition and the regime and it's supporters.
Assad's own allies agree that he could have avoided the war had he agreed with his people's demand for political reform and that his heavy handedness turned the peaceful protests into an armed conflict..

Thumb Puppet 18:51 ,2016 أيلول 25

I respect Mr. Nahed Hattar, Mr. Mowaten, and Mr. Flamethrower equally.

Thumb Mrowwe 16:12 ,2016 أيلول 25

Car bombs are evil. Do you agree that barrel bombs are evil too or are you a cursed hypocrite? Southern shaytan.

Thumb Mystic 16:28 ,2016 أيلول 25

Any bombs that hits your Salafi fake moderate rebels are a gift from above.

Thumb Elemental 18:40 ,2016 أيلول 25

I bet you smile every time you see dead children too :).

Thumb Mrowwe 19:12 ,2016 أيلول 25

Mystic, may you and your family be there when those bombs hits then. Say amen since they only hit terrorists and not civilians according to your filthy satanic propaganda. Im not actually making that prayer but you should dare to make it since you are trying to portray it as terrorist targeting and not butchering of civilians.

Also, trying to lump people with salafists, daish and terrorism simply for not supporting your satanic butcher is further proof of how little your hizbi cult care about the laws of Islam which prohibits slander. I will meet you in the court of God and take my right from you for slandering me. I know shiites think taqiyyah is halal but God allmighty disagrees with you and luckily it is God, not khamenei and nasrullah who will judge on the day of judgement. The victims of Assad will also be able to take their right from you. Just imagine all those kids who will one by one take their right from you. You shameless terrorist supporter.

Thumb Mystic 00:06 ,2016 أيلول 26

Amen I will let God decide in Judgement day, meanwhile enjoy the bombs you salafi.
Where is your dua for Yemen and Palestine being bombed?

You who claim to be pro civilian.
Well fact is, if the takfiris are sick of the killings, why don't you just drop your arms and stop your already lost battle for a fake caliphate?

Thumb Mrowwe 00:47 ,2016 أيلول 26

Look at that taqiyah. I said say amen to you and your family being where bashar and his communist buddies drop bombs. Can you do that?

Im not salafi, im against daish and their fake state. Daish and salagis hate eachother by the way so at least get your propaganda straight.

What will you tell God when he asks you on what basis you accused me of being that? Simply for being anti butcher you shameless terrorist supporter?

Why would i write a dua for palestine and yemen here? Are you stupid or is that just part of the emotional propaganda that your side tries to fool people with?

Unlike you i condemn every act of terror and injustice against civilians, including shiites.

Thumb Mrowwe 00:48 ,2016 أيلول 26

May the evil you support come back to haunt you soon. God will give those dead and injured babies and civilians their right.

You sold your soul for your sick shia clerics who are leading their sheep tp hell. Your clerics know how misguided bashar is but they still supported him as a temporary thing hoping for him to help them weaken the Muslims (not the terrorists but rather the Muslim ummah) and in the process they showed how little they care about the Quran, the Prophet and the Ahlulbayt. You think Ali would be with bashar the secularist who hates Islamic law and who turned syria into a dance hub? Is that the way of Ali you shameless fake followers of ahlulbayt? You follow shaytan, not ahlulbaut.

When God decides it's time then your cults entire vision will crumble and you will face the consequences for your evil.

The dead babies have a right upon you since you supported their murderer.

Thumb Mrowwe 00:48 ,2016 أيلول 26

Nah dont pretend like you accept Gods judgement. God forbade the killing of innocent people, he forbade secularism, he forbade oppression yet you still support bashar and his violence and his Gid-less rulership. Enjoy the consequences of that because it's coming ya terrorist supporter. Your bombs are only temporary, but jahannam the place of the opreasors and secular and pagan kuffar is eterbal.

Hasbuna Allah wa ni3mal wakeel :) you lost the moment you joined hands with the butcher. Hussayn would fight you yazeedi-style hypocrites.

Thumb oompa-loompas 17:16 ,2016 أيلول 25

They're also killing Shiites for being Shiites, Alawites for being Alawites, Kurds for being Kurds, Yazidis for being Yazidis.. Sunnis for not being their kind of Sunnis, other Salafis for not being their kind of Salafis.. In short they are killing people they don't like just like the regime is doing. Kinda reminds me od what Saddam was doing, killing Shiites for opposing his regime and killing Kurds for opposing his regime. Christians and Yazidis were safe in Iraq.. unless and untill they opposed Saddam's regime then, bye bye...
Come to think of it Hafez Assad killed Christians, Shiites, Sunnis and Druzes in Lebanon but only ones when dared oppose his occupation and hegemony, so that's cool I suppose.

Thumb marcus 18:25 ,2016 أيلول 25

5 minutes ago Hizbullah condemned the assassination of Jordanian writer Nahed Hattar, saying he was “a brave and loud voice in opposing the movement of takfir, elimination, exclusion and extermination.”

It confirms whoever was behind this assassination did the right thing.

Thumb liberty 01:58 ,2016 أيلول 26


Thumb Elemental 18:38 ,2016 أيلول 25

I suggest projecting your fetish of Isis and dead sunni and christian children elsewhere Mystic. He was a paid mouthpiece just like you, enjoying Obama's 400 million by the way? I'm sure you can get more cocaine pushed into Lebanon with it too.

Thumb Elemental 18:38 ,2016 أيلول 25

Takia, and the same will happen to the rest of the mouthpieces.

Thumb skeletor 19:11 ,2016 أيلول 25

I was urgently called to receive this brave journalist who despite receiving multiple shots and had surrendered his soul earlier was still talking about global conspiracies even in my presence.

Thumb Hayek.Feghali.Abdelatif 20:25 ,2016 أيلول 25

should you kill the writer?

Thumb Hayek.Feghali.Abdelatif 20:34 ,2016 أيلول 25

General Michel Aoun: "By the way, I remind you here that the Syrian regime had said that it came to ‎Lebanon to save its Christians from extermination. I want to ask this regime who, apart from ‎it, in fact wanted to exterminate us?" ‎
Aoun on ‎‏MTV's Elie ‎Nakouzi 09/04/2002

Missing peace007 20:40 ,2016 أيلول 25

This Death is tragic and should be condemned by all. The person that committed this act is an enemy of Islam and humanity. God Bless Him.

Thumb liberty 01:45 ,2016 أيلول 26

but you celebrated and distributed candy when Gibran Tueini was assassinated. Gibran was a Christian journalist too killed by your barbaric iranian militia.

Thumb liberty 01:50 ,2016 أيلول 26

where is the bad news here? A hired criminal mouthpiece was put down and for a good reason.

Thumb .mowaten. 10:18 ,2016 أيلول 26

And that would make it alright according to your takfiri propaganda?

Thumb .mowaten. 10:23 ,2016 أيلول 26

I guess it does, since you already made it clear that killing the majority of Syrians who support their government is justified for your israeli and saudi masters.

Thumb .mowaten. 10:19 ,2016 أيلول 26

and you takfiri propagandists insult our intelligence every single day, by your standards this justifies killing you.