السعودية تتوقع عجزا بقيمة 52,8 مليار دولار في موازنة 2017
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اعلنت المملكة العربية السعودية اكبر مصدر للنفط في العالم الخميس اعتماد موازنة العام 2017 بعجز جديد توقعت ان يبلغ نحو 52,8 مليار دولار، بحسب ما جاء خلال جلسة حكومية بثت مباشرة على الهواء.
وتبلغ معدلات الانفاق المتوقعة في الموازنة المقبلة لاكبر اقتصاد عربي 890 مليار ريال سعودي، اي نحو 237,2 مليار دولار، بينما تبلغ قيمة الايرادات المتوقعة 692 مليار دولار، بما يعادل 184,4 مليار دولار.

Syria will be to Saudi what Vietnam was to America and what Afghanistan was to the old Soviet Union...tsk tsk so many Salafis and not enough suicide belts to go around poor Saudi

not to mention yemen where they are throwing away tens of billions of $ worth of US weapons and ammo, only to end up retreating even from their own territory. lol

I'm betting that by end 2017 the actual deficit will be at least twice or three times the 53Bn$ they're projecting now.

I respect Mr. Mowaten for his fiscal acumen and expertise in predicting budget deficits.

mowaten is the modern day version of Joseph Goebbels who said “ “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
if you don't know who I mean ..you should !
look it up

This is Saudi Arabias vietnam.

_mowaten_ 16 hours ago
I'm betting that by end 2017 the actual deficit will be at least twice or three times the 53Bn$ they're projecting now.
is that your sectarian hatred and wishes forecasting the saudi deficit or your vast experience at the mullah's central bank ya troll?

The King's Minister of Personal Finances, Juliano "Ralpn" al Thani, has publicly mooted for the first time the possibility of the Kingdom selling its overseas possessions, particularly its share in the joint-venture with NATO in the Levant. Mr. al Thani described returns from the joint-venture so far as "disappointing". He suggested that a Shia concern might be interested in the property, a group involved in the manufacture of trolls, which he did not define but which apparently are robots that cannot read but can type on a keyboard.

The Yemeni war is far worse for Saudi Arabia than it is for them in Syria.
In Yemen they have a direct front with the Ansarullah, being bled alot.
In Syria they just have proxies and "volunteers" from the Saudi land.