اعدام سبعة اشخاص شنقا في الكويت بينهم احد اعضاء الاسرة الحاكمة وثلاث نساء
Read this story in Englishأيدت محكمة الاستئناف الكويتية الاربعاء حكما بالسجن ثلاثة اعوام بحق احد افراد العائلة الحاكمة بتهمة "العيب بالذات الاميرية" وانتقاد امير البلاد الشيخ صباح الاحمد الصباح.
وكانت محكمة الجنايات الكويتية اصدرت حكمها بحق الشيخ عبدالله السالم الصباح، وهو حفيد الاخ غير الشقيق للامير، في ايلول الماضي، قبل ان يجري استئناف الحكم.
وتعود القضية الى نشر المتهم شريطا مصورا عبر تطبيق "سناب تشات" للهواتف الذكية مطلع عام 2015، يوجه فيه انتقادات للحكومة وعدد من وزرائها الذين ينتمي بعضهم الى العائلة الحاكمة.
وامرت المحكمة الشيخ عبدالله في الحكم بدفع مبلغ 16,500 دولار اميركي كتعويضات لهؤلاء الوزراء.
وهي ليست المرة الاولى يواجه الشيخ عبدالله قضايا مع السلطات.
ففي 2012، استجوب لنشره عبر تويتر تغريدات اعتبرت متعاطفة مع المعارضة ومنتقدة للامير. وفي حزيران 2015، اوقف عشرة ايام على خلفية التحقيق في انتقاده للامير. وفي الشهر التالي، برأته المحكمة من تهمة مماثلة في قضية منفصلة.
وسبق للقضاء ان اصدر احكاما بالسجن بحق عشرات من المعارضين والمدونين الالكترونيين، على خلفية الاساءة للامير في تعليقاتهم. ومن هؤلاء المعارض البارز مسلم البراك الذي يقضي عقوبة بالسجن.
"THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below." Annaharnet is nothing but cut and paste.
you like to laugh a lot so it seems considering you spend most of your sad life on naharnet.
How would you know how often he is on here?
unless you live here & know all about it.
lol@life member justin
If they are not shias, then it is an internal Kuwaiti matter. But if there are shias among them, then Iran will surely condemn the action as barbaric.
What a pathetic world view you adhere to. Is all the evil & filth of the world Iran's fault?
Why can't you simply add some humanity regardless of who is doing this?
In the Islamic world, all it takes is two males or one male & two women to testify & your finished.
people like the Philippine maid had no chance of a fair trial.
yes in Islam it takes two females to have the same value as one male to testify...That in itself tells you how backward they are.
Stop the sectarian BS & call it how it is.
All islamic nations are backward & barbaric.
Where did I say he got a fair trial? Your just a bitter hater who lurks like a typical troll just to respond for the sake of responding.
either make a valid point or just keep on trolling lol
On a messageboard or anything similar, to browse the board very often, but without ever posting anything.
That guy is always lurking, but he never posts."
I haven't posted in a long time, but who said I havn't checked out the articles & posts?"
hmmmmm..... Zahhet...
Reading the articles from time to time & not having time to post is not lurking you goose..
lurking is your kind who wait all day long to respong to every post not suited to your agenda..
How far do you take this lurking? you sit all day long, copy everyones comments, then wait all day everyday so you can rewrite them.
That's a lurker...in fact a dirty no life lurker.
Vulturelurker lolol
lol is that why so many names came out to write about this article?
or just to help the last dill that got crushed?
Tex, for some reason, you simply cannot exchange ideas or have a civilized debate....why is that?
Why is your tone so hostile & derogatory?
Is it your paid to be so vile?
no:1 I careless about Assad or his track record with human rights abuse etc.
Assad is an Arab dictator, which never had my support.
so please repeat you dribble as to why my post labeling islamic ruled nations as backward & barbaric is unpleasing to you?
How did it offend you so? Debate facts dude.
2 days ago
You call him butcher, the majority of humanity thanks him for his unbelievable achievements in destroying your evil headchoppers, hearteaters etc."
no:1 I careless about Assad or his track record with human rights abuse etc.
Assad is an Arab dictator, which never had my support. "
absolutely & I will repeat it again.
Assad was never supported by many who now see him as a champion for wiping out this evil plague you call your friends...headchoppers, hearteaters
but is he supported for his rule? hardly.
try to grasp the meaning of reading on context, vulturelurker
eagledawn, when the_roar mentioned "the majority of humanity thanks assad" it does not mean he supports him at all.
the_roar does not consider himself part of humanity.:)
its just a shame you guys rush to post without having the foggiest idea how to read in context.
most rejected the Assad rule, myself included...but & A big but...when the evil plague that was sent to invade Libya, syria etc, most of humanity was hoping they could be stopped.
thus Assad is now seen as the champion who wiped these evil headchoppers, hearteaters out.
Read in context boys...at least try to learn how to.
more beatings for the_roar today yet he comes back for more abuse.
bedtime roar bedtime, it is after 3 in the morning in where you allegedly live. Get some sleep now but promise to come back tomorrow. I love to see you get humiliated some more.
"thus Assad is now seen as the champion who wiped these evil headchoppers, hearteaters out."
please say that again?!
who is assad meeting in Astana other than those you claim he wiped out? Cut down on your alcohol consumption specially before you post stupidities.
The rebels at the meeting are Syrians who joined IS-Qiada-nusra etc & would never meet until Assad was removed.
This is a clear win for Assad..
all the same...this article has been hijacked once again by some who are paid to do so....wonder why?
Not one person refuted one fact I posted in my original post.
It was attacked, distorted & anything but refuted.
paid agenda is clear by now...unable to refute so distort.
let me summarize it for you and explain to you how no one was able to refute one piece of factual contradictions and propaganda that you posted:
You have been singing assad's praises for 5 years, yet you do not support him
He is not a butcher according to you and the majority of humanity is thanking him yet he never had your support.
He wiped out the rebels according to you yet he is meeting with them as we speak.
Clearly, it is difficult to refute your facts ya retard.
All my respect and admiration for the-roar.
That he attracted so many buzzards on this page speaks volumes.
Keep swatting them my friend, keep swatting them.
lol, the theologist has spoken !!!
some just speak to appear as if they are relevant..heck of a post..
The Naharnet vulture has saved another post & lurks just to rewrite it
Well done vulturedawn...At least your life has some significance..copy & paste on naharnet.
All my respect for the chickenhawk for wanting to be relevant but too bad, the-roar keeps swatting him thus rendering him IRRELEVANT.
it does hurt when you read your own comments and suddenly realize what an idiot you are.
I see.... so you better log out now and log in back again as flamethrower so the battle is balanced, eh?
man sayin FT & I are one is the biggest compliment you can give me.
Thanks dude...I'll take that compliment any day of the week
I havd had admiration for Mr. the_roar in the past but his recent dissertation on Islam and its practices made my respect for him skyrocket.
not enough admiration, ice-terro-norma-pupet..there for you receive a thumbs down
try harder lololol
Still traumatized by ice-terro-norma-puppet-eagle-justin- and just about any poster on the forum?
Of course !!! cross dressers, clowns etc have a very traumatic effect on me ....
lololol You seem offended, does cross dressers & clowns pay you to post on their behalf?
Your contribution to this article thus far has been?
That;s right, as usual zippo...just interested in defending your other names that were crushed above.
lol you seem like a pro at shaving terr-norma..is it the she-male in thing at the moment?