تفجير "ارهابي" في المنامة يسفر عن تضرر سيارات
Read this story in Englishوقع تفجير في شارع رئيسي في العاصمة البحرينية اسفر عن تضرر مجموعة من السيارات من دون ان يتسبب بسقوط ضحايا، في حادث وصفته السلطات ب"الارهابي"، بحسب ما اعلنت الاحد وزارة الداخلية.
وقالت الوزارة في تغريدة في حسابها على تويتر "تفجير ارهابي على شارع البديع يسفر عن تعرض عدد من السيارات المدنية لاضرار دون وقوع اصابات بشرية، والجهات المختصة تباشر اجراءاتها".
ولم تكشف الوزارة تفاصيل اضافية حيال هذا التفجير.
تشهد البحرين اضطرابات متقطعة منذ قمع حركة احتجاج في شباط 2011 في خضم احداث "الربيع العربي" قادتها الاغلبية الشيعية التي تطالب قياداتها باقامة ملكية دستورية في المملكة التي تحكمها اسرة سنية.
وكثفت السلطات البحرينية محاكمة وملاحقة معارضيها وخصوصا من الشيعة منذ قمع الحركة الاحتجاجية ضد آل خليفة.
وقبل اسبوع، اعلنت وزارة الداخلية مقتل ضابط امن برتبة ملازم اول في اطلاق نار في قرية شيعية قرب المنامة، مرجحة ان يكون الحادث ناجما عن "عمل ارهابي".
وفي 16 كانون الثاني، اعدمت السلطات رميا بالرصاص ثلاثة شيعة بحرينيين دينوا بقتل ثلاثة رجال امن بينهم ضابط اماراتي في اذار 2014.
وادت عمليات الاعدام الى اندلاع مواجهات متفرقة بين عناصر الشرطة ومتظاهرين في قرى وبلدات شيعية بينها منطقة البلاد القديم.
and the 'peaceful' uprising of the oppressed iranian shias of bahrain continues.....
more likely to be your takfiri friends, working with the Bahraini govt to justify a crackdown on the people
Bahrain's revolution is a peaceful one, it started as such and will remain without a single shot nor disturbances, the Bahreini authority is seekig to draw the majority of the population into confrontation by these sort of government fabricated acts, but this spirit won't be changed till the wahabi dictatorship is eradicated from its roots peacefully..
btw, all previous acts, were govt fabrication, even killing own policman.
southern, i am interested in any sources etc. that corroborate your allegations the bahraini government fabrications and 'even' killing their own policemen.
who is making the accusation here the Bahrain government is fabricating and killing its own policemen except you @mowateh?
Oh, didn't you once say:
you're the ones making up the accusations, youre the ones who should provide evidence."
Now, go hang yourself from a pole in central tehran or better yet sit on a cluster bomb and spare humanity your takiah lies.
amazing how the heretic iranian mowaten always likes to come back for more beatings and humiliation; it has to be part of his wilayat al faqih doctrine. His own words come back to haunt him.
I have the utmost respect and admiration for Mr. Mowaten because he is interested in proof the government of Bahrain did not kill its own policeman. Mr. Mowaten is wise, nice, and never tells lies.
I respect him, I just do.
rofl @eagle! another lesson the troll @mowaten learned today.
So, he makes the accusation, does not provide evidence to his accusation. When asked to provide evidence to corroborate his accusation, he asks you to provide your own evidence to prove that his baseless accusation was not a lie in the first place. Now if that is not the epitome of a mentally challenged troll what is?:)
strange! whenever mowaten appears, all the paid-per-phrase (PPP) , jump all together to spew their sectarian hatred.... sectarian hatred produces mental illness, jewstin is a very experienced one, ask him.
btw, only people who normally lie are asked to provide evidence!
and that is the reason why mowaten earned the title of the undisputed supreme troll of the forum and deservedly so.
"btw, only people who normally lie are asked to provide evidence!"
Southern thank you for confirming and admitting you are a liar. I was the one who asked you to provide evidence of your accusations. Read my post above:) It seems you don't like me today southern? I thought you and I had a cordial online relationship but you made it clear you hate me.
a liar like you can't ask someone who never lie, your argument doesn't apply, keep sniffing!
Southern...... 16 hours ago
a liar like you can't ask someone who never lie, your argument doesn't apply.
hahaha! Southern ya takiah serial liar when are you going to congratulate Hariri as you promised?
Hmmm, same thing happened when Hezbollah was blocked with banking. Very similar strategy.
Hi southern :). I see you activated one of your fake accounts. By the way the Muslim Brotherhood is just like you, keep on playing the victim card like your lovers/brothers do.
Hmmm, as usual southern you resort to childish assumptions. I'm Christian by the way, a free thinking one. Loving your pre programmed ignorance. No bottle for the baby, sowwy :)
Rock a by baby, on the tree top, when the wind blows, the Takia will deny it's happening lol. When the bow breaks, they'll play the victim, and down will come baby, creating more fake accounts :P.