إيران تختبر السبت صواريخها القصيرة والبعيدة المدى في محيط مضيق هرمز
Read this story in Englishتختبر البحرية الايرانية التي بدأت في 24 كانون الاول مناورات بحرية في محيط مضيق هرمز، السبت انواعا عدة من الصواريخ القصيرة والبعيدة المدى في وقت تهدد طهران باغلاق هذا الممر الاستراتيجي لنقل النفط بحرا.
وقال الاميرال محمود موسوي المتحدث باسم المناورات التي تستمر حتى الاثنين بحسب وكالة الانباء الايرانية الرسمية ان "صواريخ قصيرة وبعيدة المدى ارض-بحر وارض-ارض وارض-جو ستختبر السبت".
وهددت طهران باغلاق مضيق هرمز الذي يعبر من خلاله ما بين ثلث و40 بالمئة من النفط العالمي المنقول بحرا، اذا صدرت عقوبات جديدة ترغب الولايات المتحدة والدول الاوروبية فرضها على صادرات النفط الايراني بسبب برنامجها النووي المثير للجدل.
والخميس رفض الجنرال حسين سلامي نائب القائد العام لقوات الحرس الثوري الايراني تحذير الولايات المتحدة من اغلاق مضيق هرمز مؤكدا ان ايران ستتحرك بتصميم "للدفاع عن مصالحها الحيوية".
وكانت واشنطن انتقدت "تصرف ايران اللاعقلاني" مؤكدة انها "لن تقبل بأي خلل في الملاحة البحرية في مضيق هرمز".
ومضيق هرمز ممر ضيق لا يتعدى عرضه 50 كيلومترا وعمقه 60 مترا.
Well, it is unfortunate, but I see it coming. It doesn't take much to start a war, but that's how things seem to be unfolding. Who will win the war at the end? It wasn't Saddam in the past, nor Ghadafi, and why now would there be any difference?
THe world is full of idiots who never read history!!
absolutely warrior hope we wake up on the 2nd of january and see that war is raging against all ennemies of democracy and the war wont stop untill all region from morrocco till iran passing by the gulf become a democracy
I hope they do something stupid. Unfortunately they are not that stupid. They are only playing these silly games in an effort to raise oil prices. These wimps couldn't defeat an injured fish let alone the US.
Locking horns with the US has been proving to be fatal. Iran could cause damage around and could fire its rockets to neighboring countries but the cost of its adventure will be a lot higher than any before.
The US, with no boots on the ground, can inflict a lot of damage to the Iranian military infrastructures and will cripple the Iranians armed forces in hours.
The Iranian people should prevent at any cost their government from embarking in such a suicidal war because they stand to bare the brunt of the losses.
this proves that the embargo is effective and that the iranian terrorist state is getting nervous!!!
Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggles and it will only perish through eternal peace.
Min canada once again throwing words left and right without really knowing what he's talkin about, maybe we should bomb the "pussy nation" which is canada for a change and spare us your pointless views, so easy to say bomb Iran siting in ur cozy little home at the other end of the world, by bombing Iran you would have bombed far smarter far more cultured people than you or your likes in canada ever dreamt to be, So please spare us your accusations cause the biggest threat to world peace comes from you and your neighbors, and not from a nation which hasn't invaded any country for hundreds of years.
the filthy zionist information war department is getting aroused because they think usa will attack iran.
hope the war starts in the 2nd of january and dont stop until the whole region is democratized
oh no jabal not aroused! scared to death by the mighty force of the ayatollahs!!! helpppppppp! i m so scared by you and yor friends!
jabalamel the only ones working with Isreal are your buddies whether you like it or not.for over 50 years no arab country has attacked Isreal so before you call anyone zionist have a look in your household im sure you have Isreali blood.Thank you
So be it! Now's as good a time as any! Let this be the straw to break the Camel's back, the sooner the Iranian regime is bombed back to the stone age the better for the whole world! Enough slow dancing with these criminals from hell and send them back to hell where they belong!! Enough taking shit from these arrogant dumb neanderthals time to give Natural Selection a shot in the arm...!!