إيران تحذر حاملة الطائرات الاميركية من العودة الى الخليج وواشنطن ترد: باقون كما سابقا
Read this story in Englishحذر قائد الجيش الايراني الجنرال عطاء الله صالحي الولايات المتحدة من إعادة حاملة طائراتها الى الخليج، على ما أفادت وكالة الأنباء الرسمية الايرانية، مما استدعى ردا من واشنطن بالتأكيد أن قطعها البحرية باقية "كما هو الحال منذ عقود".
وقال الجنرال صالحي "ننصح حاملة الطائرات الأميركية التي عبرت مضيق هرمز والموجودة في بحر عمان بعدم العودة الى الخليج الفارسي" مضيفاً أن "جمهورية ايران الاسلامية لا تعتزم تكرار تحذيرها ولا تحذر سوى مرة واحدة".
وكانت حاملة الطائرات الاميركية جون سي.ستينيز المتمركزة في الخليج عبرت الاسبوع الماضي مضيق هرمز متوجهة الى بحر عمان خلال المناورات البحرية الايرانية التي دامت عشرة ايام في المنطقة نفسها.وأكدت وزارة الدفاع الأميركية أنها "رحلة روتينية".
من جهتها علنت وزارة الدفاع الاميركية الثلاثاء ان الوجود العسكري الاميركي في الخليج باق رغم التحذيرات الايرانية بهذا الصدد.
وقال المتحدث باسم البنتاغون جورج ليتل في بيان "ان الوجود العسكري الاميركي في الخليج الفارسي سيستمر، كما هو الحال منذ عقود".
واضاف المتحدث ان تحركات حاملات الطائرات في الخليج وفي مضيق هرمز نابعة من التزام عسكري اميركي قديم لضمان سلامة العمليات العسكرية الاميركية في المنطقة، وايضا لضمان تطبيق القوانين الدولية التي تنظم حركة التجارة البحرية.
وقال المتحدث الاميركي ايضا "ان مرورنا في مضيق هرمز يتفق مع القوانين الدولية التي تضمن حرية مرور قطعنا البحرية".
وتابع "نحن ملتزمون بحماية قواعد التجارة البحرية (...) وهذا من اهم اسباب الوجود العسكري الاميركي في المنطقة".
ويأتي هذا التحذير الإيراني بعد يوم واحد من انتهاء مناورات ايرانية استمرت عشرة أيام عند مدخل الخليج وشملت تجارب إطلاق ثلاثة صواريخ مخصصة لإغراق القطع البحرية.
We in the USA, hear your warning, and now you should hear ours. Make one move against any of our troops and ships, and you will cease to exist, very quickly. We are NOT the same USA, from the 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's, and will not take your crap anymore. Not a good a idea to "warn" or "threaten" us either, as we just may decide to hit you first, instead of you hitting us, now that you have opened your big mouth. Soon, Bashar will fall, then you're next on the list. Or, we might take out your puppet Nasrallah, and then come after you. We have not decided the order, but not worried, as we are in control, right now, and YOU, are not....keep opening your big mouth, and the bigger you open, the larger your wounds will be...
hope for an all out war in the region and this war will not stop till all countries in the middle east and gulf be democratic
The Iranian regime's posturing is only to create a diversion from the internal problems and to incite a much needed rise in oil pricing. So far the regime did not suffer any no military consequences but the situation might escalate to become a major disaster for the Iranian people.
The Mullas of Iran seem to have a blind military superiority complex, not Nazi Germany, not Communist Russia not Japan were able to compete militarily with the war production capabilithy of the USA. Yet here we hear a mullah threatening the USA's military power. Perhaps their Allah will do the fighting and bring victory to them.
the filthy zionist information war department is getting aroused because they think usa will attack iran.
Everyone knows the Iranians never do their own fighting. They let the Hezz and Hamas adopt their ideaology and take the beating. That is why all of them are on the way out. First Syria and Hamas.....then the Hezz and Iran.
@Demon - Wasn't David an Israelite King? You sure you can use that reference and maintain credibility at the same time?
Gabby, peace, thepatriot, allouchi, mabrouchi... DO NOT TAKE WHAT IRAN SAYS AT FACE VALUE. You should demand that Iran allow you in as the representatives from the Committee of Regional Strategists of the Levant to inspect the military institutions and Iran's capabilities. I repeat: INSIST ON INSPECTING ALL OF THESE. Bests.
sweaty boy wants to impress us he is educated..... and knows about the spartans. Did you watch the movie on a pirated 1 dollar dvd in dahiyeh?
Who can really blame Iran when the US, day in and day out, is publicly talking about possibilities of attacking Iran? These are people's lives they're playing with. I'm not a big fan of the Islamic republic, but I'm with them 100% on this.
You should google Operation Praying Mantis before you keep making a fool out of yourself stinky! :-)
Some Historical facts can hurt! ;-)
bravo jabalamel: you still are giving a great image of yourself and your party! still depth in your analysis and undeniable facts to support your comments! we only have to agree with such truth you are enlightening us with!
no doubt you have a fan! you are a PROPHET!!!!
the filthy Metwalies are talking about US pullout from Iraq. it is because of US you filthy shia thugs are in power today in Iraq. US made the biggest mistake getting rid of saddam you filthy bastards you have no right to live in peace go back & live in your tents. let Iran make a small move & see what happens.
@sweating_demon: You are delusional. The world is rapidly changing and the Iranian, Syrian, Hizbullah, way of doing business, the lies, repression and assassinations are no longer going to work. The Internet has made this world much smaller. Governments can no longer suppress or kill their people and get away with it. Those days are over. The days of your Iranian Masters, Bashar and Nasrallah, will be over soon. If you choose to keep your stubborn head, buried in the sand, that is up to you, but someday you will have to come up for air, and might be shocked to find a Free and Democratic Iran, Syria, and finally, ya Rab, Lebanon.
@sweating_demon: Think I am crazy? 5 years ago, after the killing of Hariri, I made a prediction to Syrian friends, there would be a democracy in Syria, within 5 years. They laughed at me. They are not laughing now. How did I come to that conclusion? After 40 years of watching events unfold in the Middle East, I knew once Bashar withdrew his troops from Lebanon, after he killed Hariri, that would be viewed as a sign of weakness, by his Syrian opposition. Hafez would never have done that, but once Bashar pulled them, that was it. That, my friend, was the beginning of his soon to be, end.....
you know, iran is lucky the US is civilized, and Obama is non-confrontational. some one else would give these bearded goons an ultimatum and send an aircraft carrier group right in the gulf and if these dummies fire one round or a stupid retarded iranian missile, then one thermal nuclear head right in tehran and wipe that turd country off them map, and if no one likes it then they can bite the US behind. enough dealing with these idiots of the world with kindness and respect, these guys only understand power, and believe me, if teh US wants to play by no rules, the likes of Iran, Syria, Afganistan N Korea, will seize to exist in one minute.
the filthy zionist information war department is hallucinating and speaky speaky empty words that have no meaning or relevance
Sergio and everyone one dont fret about this the arabs are weak and cowards, they cant think for themselves, so othey always rely on their leaders and mullahs to think for them. the US went into Iraq and got rid of their dictator and lost 5000 US soldiers to help these ingrid bastards and finaly left because they realized that it was a lost cause, these people are just bajam and they will always be bajam, they deserve what they get
This is quite funny. One US Aircraft carrier battle group carries enough fire power to destroy all of Iran and this pissant Iranian tin horn is threatening and warning the ship not to sail in international waters? This is like a gnat warning the elephant not to move or else it will toss the elephant on its butt.
And like the gnat, the pissant Iranian tin horn doesn't issue its warning twice. Oohhh we are afraid!!
wow here comes sweaty boy during Iran US conflict US smuggled weapons to Iran lmao this is what they call " HAKA BADRI" @hmorsel you are absolutely correct but even though they left Iraq yhey still own that Iraq oil contract. Over 50% of Iraqi oil is owned by US they didn't loose that many soldiers & spent Billions of $ just to get out 10 years later. let the Arabs & Iranian think that they won against US like Hezbollah think they won the war in 2006.
eh ya hassounti enta habib mama enta... leyk habibi you read Greek history is that the children's version Greek 101 :) lol you need to go learn a bit humanity unfortunately they don't teach that in Dahiye University :) FYI mr diaper man I graduated UCLA with double major yeah when you were really sweating wearing you plastic slippers going to school in dahiye.
the filthy zionist information war department started to agree with me because they know who is patriot and who is not
How is it that you let posts pass moderation when they clearly are filled with hate and inciting remarks towards one sect?
I am sure you are breaking some media law in the process...
Has Naharnet really become the mouthpiece for POS to disperse hate and sectariamism?
De3an ta3abak uya Tueni!
Dont be so sure my american friends. Read this report written by a man of your nation. Iran has bought far superior missiles from russia, which cant be shot down by your navys defense system. www.rense.com/general59/theSunburniransawesome.htm
Demon: you didn't use a Jesus reference here...you used a David and Goliath analogy (when you use a Jesus reference we'll talk). It's probably preferable to refrain from using analogies that could be deemed contradictory to your political platform and ideologies.
FYI you need another century to even reach a US junior college forget the major universities that probably you need couple of centuries. Ha Ha Ha
what an idiot. Go ya eben mama go start reading now Greek 102 since you already read 101.
Be careful here. If either side decides to act negatively, we will be at war with Iran. I say again, war with Iran. Let's NOT go there. This would be very bad for Everyone.