مقتل 32 شخصا والجيش السوري يطلق النار على متظاهرين حاولوا الوصول الى المراقبين العرب
Read this story in Englishقتل ثلاثون برصاص قوات الأمن السورية، وجنديين منشقين اليوم في سوريا اليوم الخميس، فيما ذكرت منظمة "هيومن رايتس ووتش" أن قوات الأمن أطلقت النار على متظاهرين سلميين حاولوا الوصول الى مراقبي الجامعة العربية في مدينة جسر، مطالبة الجامعة العربية بادانة السلطات السورية.
وأفادت لجان التنسيق المحلية التي تتابع التحركات على الأرض أنه "ارتفع عدد شهداء سوريا اليوم حتى اللحظة إلى اثنان و ثلاثين شهيدا بينهم طفله و جنديان منشقان و ثمانية جثث غير معروفة الهوية في المشفى الوطني بمعرة النعمان".
والقتلى الباقون هم تسعة في إدلب وعشرة في حمص، ثلاثة قتلى في دير الزور وقتيل في كل من حماة ودوما بريف دمشق.
من جهة أخرى قال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان لوكالة فرانس برس ان "قوات الامن السورية فرقت بالقوة مئات الطلاب الجامعيين الذين كانوا يتظاهرون في حي البرامكة بدمشق واستخدمت العصي الكهربائية خلال تفريقهم واعتدت بالضرب المبرح عليهم".
واضاف المرصد ان قوات الامن "اعتقلت ما بين 30 الى 40 من الشباب".
وتقع منطقة البرامكة قرب عدد من الكليات التابعة لجامعة دمشق.
من جهتها، أعلنت منظمة هيومن رايتس وواتش في بيان نقلا عن شاهدين قالت أنهما أصيبا في الحادث وفرا الى جنوب تركيا أنه "حوالي الساعة 11 صباحاً بالتوقيت المحلي في 10 كانون الثاني 2012 تقدما (الشاهدين) من ساحة حزب البعث لمقابلة مراقبي جامعة الدول العربية المتواجدين هناك وعندما اقتربا من نقطة تفتيش في الطريق إلى الساحة، منعهما أفراد من الجيش من التقدم".
وأوضحت أنه "بعد أن رفض المتظاهرون التفرق، تم إطلاق النار على الحشد، فأصيب تسعة متظاهرين على الأقل".
وذكرت المنظمة أن مراقبي الجامعة العربية "كانوا في ساحة حزب البعث، لكن غادروا في سيارة بعد أن بدأ اطلاق النار، على حد قول الشاهدين".
ولفتت المنظمة إلى أنه رغم عدة محاولات، لم تتمكن من الاتصال بالمراقبين للتأكد من صحة الواقعة التي رواها الشهود.
وأضافت أنه "على ضوء هذه الانتهاكات وغيرها من الانتهاكات البينة للاتفاق المبرم بين الحكومة السورية وجامعة الدول العربية، على الجامعة العربية أن تكشف علنا عن نتائج البعثة وتقييمها لامكانية استمرار البعثة".
وأفاد شخص قال أن اسمه أبو أحمد وهو أحد المتظاهرين المصابين في الهجوم إلا مقابلة المراقبين. لكنهم اطلقوا النار علينا".
وأشار شاهد آخر يدعى مصطفى الى أنه "عندما بدأ المتظاهرون في الجري لهيومن رايتس ووتش "كنا حوالي 300 إلى 500 شخص، وكنت أسير في الصف الامامي عندما أصبحنا على مسافة 100 متر من نقطة التفتيش، هتفنا للجيش أننا لا نريد مبتعدين، طاردتهم قوات الجيش واستمرت في إطلاق النار عليهم" مضيفا انه "كان وسط مجموعة من الأفراد وأصيب برصاصتين في ظهره وأخرى في ذراعه الأيسر كما أصيب خمسة أشخاص" اخرين، بحسب بيان المنظمة.
وقالت آنا نيستات، نائبة قسم الطوارئ في "هيومن رايتس ووتش" أن "مثل هذه الحوادث وعدد الوفيات المتزايد باستمرار يظهران بوضوح أن وجود مراقبي الجامعة العربية لم يفد كثيراً في الزام السلطات السورية بالكف عن جرائمها".
وأردفت: "حان الوقت لأن تندد الجامعة العربية باخفاق الحكومة السورية في الالتزام بالاتفاق السماح باستمرار البعثة دون جهود فعالة أو واضحة لحماية المدنيين لن يؤدي الا للمزيد من الوفيات".
"intend to turn the current interference with Syrian affairs into a direct military intervention."
little by little the nest is closing on bashar and his puppets in lebanon...
I'd like to see what kind of spin these moronic M8ers are going to put on this one. The Politicians and their silly sheep that flood this website as damage control. Should be amuzing to say the least.
" U.S. accused Syria of failing to provide an environment hospitable to the media". How many journalists did the blood thirsty American imperialists kill in Iraq??? How times was Aljazeera crew bombed by American troops???
No progressive or Leftist should support this Saudi Syrian owned opposition. At the same time, I do not see a reason why ANY progressive or Leftist should support the Syrian regime.
bashar was crystal clear in his last two appearances= more iron fist. so he chosed to confront the "terrorist west"...and the nearest western front to syria/regime is LEBANON.
poor sleiman/mikati, bashar will no more accept a "neutral" position ,but a clear regime siding on all fronts...
ASSad might as well shoot himself. He will not be able to avoid the end game. The observers wil have to recommend a court for crimes against humanity, as well as military protected areas with no fly zones. These M8 pre-Sryia freaks can spam this site all they want. But ASSad is cooked.....stick a fork in him.
john from koura: it seems you do not believe in the liberty of the press as a great supporter you are of dictatorships...
even your pro syrian lebanese papers al akhbar and al safir were forbidden because they wrote things that didn t please your beloved terrorist regime!!!!
but it seems all right by you it seems... poor little fascist you are
Qamrade Qawmi John take it easy brother you might get a heart attack. I agree with you about the no progressive or Leftist should support this Saudi Syrian owned opposition or the Syrian regime. But why should we progressive or Leftists support a group under the command, owned and financed of the Iranian Revolutionary guards who murdered, exiled, arrested and tortured all the progressives and Leftists who helped with the revolution but refused to live in the strict intolerant theocracy that the Ayatollah created. Oh well, as long as the rhetoric is correct "down with the western imderialists and zionist amreekah and God brotects brizident Bashar!!!!!!!!!!!"
liberty of the press ?!!!!!!
in which arab and gulf countries there is democracy and liberty of the press ??!!!!!!!
bachar should change the regime and make it a kingdom like the gulf countries ,
Assad is the only one,who knows the time he must step down...
Those who were killed will never let him escape...
Dead men and women,dead children can walk ,can talk ,can scream,the dead can stretch the hands ,pull down their killer and whisper ,we can go now to heaven and up the skies.
They were calling on Syria to pull all heavy armor from cities, and the observers admitted that had been done. Now suddenly this neighborhood is "heavily militarized by regime"? And now it's difficult for the so-called FSA to attack the Syrian army? They said they had done it many times. These guys can't keep the same story for more than a couple of days.
Great message Kamal. It goes without saying that message will haunt these morons on here trying to justify the torture and killing of their fellow man for their own personal gain. May they one day bear the pain and suffering of all the people they are oppressing.
peace...you are an idiot. I was commenting only on bloody US hipocracy. I did not say anything about "freedom of the press". If I was supporting the Syrian regime...I would not say not to support the Syrian regime??? Why do I bother on this website.
Also, if Al-Akhbar is "pro-Syrian" it would not have been banned in Syria. Do you know what logic means ..."peace"???. Incredible!
Gabby, what do you mean "ASSad" might as well shoot himself, my friend? What ever happened to your predictions? Whatever happened to your 3-months-and-he'll-be-gone? Whatever happened to your "Saturday is coming" when it actually comes every friggin week? Whatever happened to your calls in the wild for anti-tank missiles and no-fly zones? Where do you get these fabulous ideas from? From Dr. Commander in Chief Samir Patton, the outstanding military strategist who lost each and every battle that he was involved in both militarily and politically? Did you hear of the Lebanese saying: 7mar wa medde3eh? Keep on sniffing and keep hallucinating, my friend. Might as well shoot himself, huh? Did you do your KG assignment? YA FRIGGIN 3EIN YA GABBY. Bests.
Peace, you seem to oppose the freedom of speech of any person who does not agree with you. That makes you the "fascist".
Two hours ago, the count was 12. But then who is counting and who is checking with whom? Numbers are being thrown left and right for the pleasure of those who want to practice their math skills online. As if those who know that these are just number games really care. Go play bel 4
"But why should we progressive or Leftists support a group under the command, owned and financed of the Iranian Revolutionary guards who murdered, exiled, arrested and tortured all the progressives and Leftists who helped with the revolution but refused to live in the strict intolerant theocracy that the Ayatollah created".
First of all you are not a Leftist, but an ignorant right winger. Leftists (and SSNP) continued on fighting Israeli enemy until the Last day of 2000. In 2006, when Israel invaded Lebanon 8 members of LCP were killed fighting the Israeli enemy. In the mid 1980's when HA was under the lousy Toufali, we were attacked by them. Toufali has been kicked out of the party. Leftists support ANY organization that fights imperialism and Zionism. If you have any intelligence, you would understand that JUST BECAUSE WE ARE ALLIES AGAINST ZIONISM AND IMPERIALISM, it does not mean that we embrace their ideology. The LCP is not a member of M8.