الجامعة العربية تدعو من مجلس الأمن إلى تبني مبادرتها لوقف "آلة القتل" في سوريا

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دعا رئيس وزراء قطر وزير الخارجية الشيخ حمد بن جاسم آل ثاني باسم الجامعة العربية مجلس الامن الدولي الثلاثاء الى اتخاذ خطوات لوقف "آلة القتل" في سوريا.

واتهم الشيخ حمد الذي تحدث في مستهل جلسة لمجلس الامن مخصصة لمناقشة الازمة السورية وحضرها وزراء خارجية عدة دول، نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد ب"قتل شعبه".

وقال ان "جهودنا ومبادراتنا ذهبت ادراج الرياح" اذ لم تبذل الحكومة السورية اي جهد للتعاون مع جهودنا "ولم يكن لديها حل سوى قتل شعبها".

واضاف "آلة القتل لا تزال تعمل والعنف يستشري في كل مكان".

ودعا رئيس الوزراء القطري الامم المتحدة الى اعتماد مشروع القرار الذي تقدمت به المغرب ويدعو الى تسليم الرئيس السوري مهامه الى نائبه لانهاء العنف والبدء بمفاوضات لايجاد حل للازمة، معتبرا ان عدم قيام مجلس الامن بذلك سيوجه "رسالة خاطئة" للنظام السوري تشجعه على الاستمرار ب"الة القتل".

واكدت وزيرة الخارجية الاميركية هيلاري كلينتون في الجلسة ان عدم تحرك مجلس الامن الدولي بسرعة لحل الوضع في سوريا سيضعف "مصداقية الامم المتحدة".

وقالت كلينتون متوجهة الى مجلس الامن "على رغم سياسته التي لا ترحم، فإن حكم الرعب الذي يمارسه (الرئيس السوري بشار) الاسد سينتهي وسيتمكن الشعب السوري من تحديد مصيره"، محذرة من تفاقم اعمال العنف وتنامي خطر اندلاع "حرب اهلية".

واضافت "السؤال هو معرفة كم من المدنيين الابرياء سيموتون قبل ان يسلم الاسد بالواقع وما هي درجة اللااستقرار التي سيخلفها وراءه".

كذلك دعا وزير الخارجية الفرنسي الان جوبيه مجلس الامن الى الخروج عن "صمته المخزي" بشأن سوريا من خلال تبني قرار يدعم خطة الجامعة العربية حول الازمة السورية.

واضاف "نجتمع اليوم كي يتولى مجلس الامن مسؤولياته امام شعب يعاني".

بدوره رفض المندوب السوري في الامم المتحدة بشار الجعفري المسودة الاخيرة من مشروع قرار في مجلس الامن يدعو الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد الى التنحي، مؤكدا ان دمشق ستواجه "اعداءها".

واشار في كلمة امام مجلس الامن خلال جلسة مخصصة لمناقشة الازمة في بلاده الى ان سوريا ستواجه بحزم "اعداءها"، متهما الجامعة العربية بانها "تلتقي مع المخططات" غير العربية الهادفة لتدمير سوريا".

التعليقات 17
Default-user-icon Salloum Bassbass (ضيف) 22:57 ,2012 كانون الثاني 31

Four letters will swiftly quiet these useless liars: VETO.

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 23:04 ,2012 كانون الثاني 31

Time to change tactics. Russia is blocking everything in the security council. Get the International Criminal Court engaged, and consider Arab League initiated no fly zones.

Oh and some anti-tank rockets, even though the rebels got 5 tanks yesterday.

Thumb jabalamel 23:59 ,2012 كانون الثاني 31

why are you so pesimistic?
the salafis will not pass

don't succumb to the hallucinations of zionist information war department

Missing realist 00:07 ,2012 شباط 01

Habal Amel, zionist this zionist that. Of course the regime is going to the trash bin and so will all the people that suppot such a brutal nazi dictatorship, no massive exodus will happen to anyone cookie, it is all in your head..christians lived in the midst of the muslim world for a thousand years. Habal Amel, bashar is israel's boy in the golan, they love him, trust me they are just as worried about his departure as you are. In the future people like you and we`am wahab will be open allies with israel against the majority of Arabs i.e the sunis.

Thumb jabalamel 00:23 ,2012 شباط 01

the filthy zionist information war department is still hallucinating about assad going down.
they also hallucinate about zionists controlling assad regime.
whishfull thinking typical for zionist information war department.

Thumb jabalamel 00:24 ,2012 شباط 01

also, amazing that arab league said nothing about bahrain

Default-user-icon Vito Bokassa (ضيف) 01:52 ,2012 شباط 01

The answer to Qatar and all the other Tatar is a 4 letter word: VETO.

Missing realist 01:52 ,2012 شباط 01

Cookie, are you seeing a mass exodus of copts from Egypt!? where did you get that?!? as for iraq, there are ten times more iraqis killed from other religions than chrisitans i.e violence went after everyone. As for Syria, did you know Mr. Cookie that the Christians were 3 million before hafez assad took power and became 1 million today!?!? Assad and his likes are bad for everyone regardless of faith and yes few glitches in history do not erase 1000 years of harmony. Grow up man. The smart thing the christians of syria/lebanon should do today is not to stand against the freedom of millions of syrians and support tyranny, how is that smart tactic of survival please explain!?! follow jumblatt/druze model they are the best survivors.

Missing realist 01:54 ,2012 شباط 01

HABAL AMEL, if you really think Assad is gona survive this tide then you are the one who is HALLUCINATING lol.

Missing helicopter 03:28 ,2012 شباط 01

For every ailment under the sun
There is a remedy or there is none
If there is one find it
And if there is none, never mind it
We can not affect what is happening in Syria, all we can do is hope for the best. However we can affect what happens in Lebanon and that starts with unity on some essential principles. Demarcated borders, arms in the hands of Army and Police only, Whoever wins elections governs (until they lose then they oppose peacefully), Leaders get investigated for plundering national wealth and prosecuted if found guilty (all of them, not selectively), whoever violates out sovereignty is our enemy (be it Syria or Israel), whoever strengthens our government institutions and army is our friend. Whoever collaborates with outsiders against fellow Lebanese is a traitor. Assassination and violence are capital crimes incompatible with democratic life..... wa halomma jarran. Kulona lelwatan.

Default-user-icon Dan (ضيف) 04:44 ,2012 شباط 01

Would Russia change his mind if Western countries decide to put sanctions on Russia as well? Like freezing assets that they most probably have in western countries.. Russia is all talk and NO action. they can't dare do anything if NATO does strike..what will they do? Send their only aircraft carrier they have that was build in 1985? Their navy is no match for the U.S. navy fleet

or...Do what Bush did..bomb Assad like he bombed Iraq without the U.N. backing

Missing sergio 05:33 ,2012 شباط 01

@ realist no worries about Ahbal he will soon be stopping the nonesense, as i stated before he just got back from training in Iran soon to be deployed in Syria. until then he will keep on barking the nonesense.
@ cookie I have been observing your post for quite sometimes without commenting but you have no respect to anyone's idiology. complaining about the killings in Iraq I believe the majority there are shiites so is the government. Christians were not harmed during sunni led government now it's shiite led & all of a sudden we have problems. In Lebanon during civil war Christians killed each other, Sunnis killed sunnis & shiites killed each other & the bigggest of all was the battle to control of Dahiye between Amal & Hizbollah. In Syria they are almost in civil war so expect that to happen.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 07:18 ,2012 شباط 01

Russia's deputy foreign minister, Gennady Gatilov, said on Tuesday that the resolution would be a "path towards civil war" ...doesn't this idiot know that is the path thy are sending Syria down by supporting the regime ...of course Russia has never had a problem with killing their own people (I think they hold the record)

Russia could not careless what happens to the Syrian people, all they are interested is in their client ...I truly hope the Syrian people remember Russia's stand.

Did someone say Russia offered to hold talks between the regime and the opposition ...but I thought there was no real opposition, only armed terrorist ;-)

C Monster, you are soooooo mindless, according to you everyone should be happy to live under an endless dictatorship ...because bad things might happen if the man with the iron fist isn't in charge!

Default-user-icon abraham (ضيف) 07:29 ,2012 شباط 01

I think you are smoking some of the stuff you grow.
before the invasion of Iraq there were more than 250 thousand Christians living i Iraq today only 15 thousand, In Egypt Christians are being killed by muslem Brotherhood, The same fate is awaiting the christians in Syria WAKE UP

Default-user-icon Dibado Boricki (ضيف) 08:03 ,2012 شباط 01

Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto. Veto.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 08:07 ,2012 شباط 01

@ Cookie, you are so scared of Salafis, its incredible, are you scared all the time? as a christian, we had the palestinian and syrian problem, we fought and resisted. And we were outnumbered. Now if the salafi problem occurs, the sunnis are not the same anymore like in 75, and the chiites whether i like Hezbollah or not will not let salafis control them. And the christians whether LF , Kataeb or Tayyar will not as well. So why are you scared? in fact , in my opinion, we are much stronger than in 75, because probably if this threat comes by lebanon, we will all stand together. And please dont say Hariri is with Salafis, when you will show me somebody who is more tolerable than he is, looking at the Future news, seeing so much christians working there, as well as many people close to him and advisors, are christians. They brought Riad Salameh ( a christian ).

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 08:08 ,2012 شباط 01

So please lets cut the bullshit and try to toughen up a little . If salafis come by Lebanon whether from Syria, Tunis, Egypt or Hell. They will be deal with and they know that ;).
As for the Arabs, as usual, crying out for outside help. Maybe you should start offering jobs to the palestinians in camps in Lebanon and get rid of them for us will you?