بوتين يحذر من التصرف "بتهور" حيال سوريا وميدفيديف لم يمح خيار الأمم المتحدة
Read this story in Englishدعا رئيس الوزراء الروسي فلاديمير بوتين اليوم الاربعاء الأسرة الدولية الى عدم التصرف "بتهور" حيال سوريا معتبراً ان على الشعب السوري ان يقرر مصيره بنفسه.
ونقلت وكالات الانباء الروسية عن بوتين قوله "يجب الا نتصرف بتهور. علينا ان نترك الشعب السوري يقرر مصيره بنفسه".
قال الرئيس الروسي ديمتري مدفيديف انه يريد ان يتواصل البحث عن حل للازمة السورية بما في ذلك داخل مجلس الامن الدولي، بحسب ما افاد الكرملين الاربعاء.
وقال الكرملين ان مدفيديف اكد في مكالمة هاتفية مع رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب اردوغان على "ضرورة الاستمرار في البحث -- بما في ذلك في مجلس الامن الدولي-- عن سبل منسقة لمساعدة السوريين على ضبط الازمة بانفسهم".
واضاف ان ذلك يجب ان يحدث "دون تدخل خارجي، وباحترام تام لسيادة سوريا".
واستخدمت روسيا الاسبوع الماضي حق الفيتو للاعتراض على مشروع قرار بشان سوريا في مجلس الامن الدولي، وهو ما وصفه مدفيديف بانه قرار مبرر قائلا ان مشروع القرار لا يشجع البحث عن حل سلمي للنزاع.
ونقل عن مدفيديف قوله ان مشروع القرار المقترح "لم يسمح لنا بالقيام بتقييمات غير متحيزة للوضع في سوريا او ضمان دعوة الطرفين الى وقف اطلاق النار وانهاء سفك الدماء".
وقال ان "مثل هذا القرار لم يكن ليشجع البحث عن طريقة سلمية لحل الازمة".
In the end you will be enjoying the cold water of the Black Sea. You screwed yourself in the Med now. Say good bye to your navy base.
This is no time for little anecdotes when there is a slaughter happening.
This Putin is a nut head like his predecessors in the USSR. he himself faked winning his reelection and refusd to recount or repeat the election process. He is a short, brainless and ignorant sun of a gun who thrives on self-admiration. He's so out of touch and is the same dictator his predecessors were. He knows not anything about mercy. But sooner or later his last fortitude (Syria) will be history and will come begging for acceptance. Unfortunately, it would be too late. Russia is a bubble. The Russian people who are drastically poor because of him are scattered all over the world working their butts out for a piece of bread and he's acting like his country is a superpower. What amazes me though is his counterparts, the American, who are playing the smart game of blaming him for the impasse on UN resolution. Everyone knows that the USA doesn't want to stop violence in Syria even if all the Syrian are killed because this suits Israel who thrives on Arabs killing each others.
"We need to allow people to decide their own fate independently."
Hopefully, Russian people very soon are going to decide their own fate by voting to get rid of you, Mr. Putin. The world will be much better place without psychos like you and your friend Bashar.
This is fantasy land talk. In Syria, the Assad Regime and the Opposition are in a death grip to which neither can let go without the other being dead first. No one is going to commit suicide.
The Russian Veto at the UN on Saturday was a death warrant issued to the Syrian people and/or the Syrian regime. No one will be spared in the fight that is to come, the Russian led frustration to a negotiated resolution has insured war in Syria and much death and suffering to the Syrian people.
Let us hope that the Russian veto does not mean that the contagian let loose in Syria, which will be sectarian, does not spread to infect the whole region. Thank you Mr. Putin! Thank you for making the virus of the Assad Regime's spreading and killing more innocents when we had a chance to end it, and bring about a peaceful resolution with a UN Vote.
Assad may not have decided to carry on without his Russian shield.
Watch this, then ask that question again.
Watch this, then ask that question again.
what "heavy arms" idiot, there are no artillery or tanks but onky simple arms with the defectors. I hope this would be the case one day and heavy arms flow to make the fight even, you would then see the rebels in damascus, it will happen btw, it will take long but it will.
I really dont think the russians have a clue what to do, they just want to oppose the west cause they were kicked out of libya and do not want to lose syria next. The US does not have to give the russians the fancy bill they are asking for to obtain their approval, the americans (and any logical person) knows that time is not on the regime's side: just imagine the size of defection, the number of enemies, and the state of the economy in syria 6 months from now and you would know that the fall of the regime, as we know it, is a mathematical certainty. It might convert after that to a bigt militia in latakia and the coast.
beiruti i can only pray what you have said leads to more death and a Greater civil war for the most deserving people of syria.I couldnt have happened to a more deserving people may they have endless more of what they deserve and NO end in sight.Thank you