24 قتيلا في سوريا معظمهم من المدنيين وقطع مكثف الأحد على حمص

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قتل 24 شخصا على الاقل معظمهم من المدنيين الاحد في اعمال عنف في سوريا وخصوصا في مدينة حمص التي لا تزال تتعرض لقصف قوات النظام وتشهد ازمة تموين.

وقال مدير المرصد السوري رامي عبد الرحمن في اتصال مع فرانس برس ان "القصف بالدبابات وقذائف الهاون تكثف بعد ظهر الاحد"، لافتا الى "مقتل 14 مدنيا على الاقل في حمص بينهم 13 في حي بابا عمرو".

واوضح ان "عددا من احياء المدينة تعاني ازمة تموين".

من جانبها، قالت لجان التنسيق المحلية ان "كل مخابز المدينة اغلقت ابوابها باستثناء الفرن الموجود في حي الملعب"، مؤكدة ان "الازمة الانسانية تزداد خطورة".

وقالت اللجنة الدولية للصليب الاحمر في بيان ان "متطوعي الهلال الاحمر السوري في حمص يوزعون المواد الغذائية والبطانيات والمساعدات الطبية على الاف المدنيين".

وكان عبد الرحمن اشار في وقت سابق الى "تعزيزات عسكرية تتجه نحو حمص بالقرب من منطقة النبك (ريف دمشق) تضم نحو ثلاثين الية عسكرية بينها دبابات وناقلات جنود".

الى ذلك، افاد المرصد ان "طفلا استشهد في مدينة درعا اثر اصابته برصاص قناصة خلال تشييع طفلة استشهدت مساء امس برصاص حاجز امني، كما استشهدت سيدة اثر سقوط قذيفة على منزلها في مدينة الرستن بمحافظة حمص".

وفي محافظة حماة (وسط)، قتل ثمانية جنود في الجيش النظامي السوري خلال مواجهات مع منشقين قرب قرية قلعة المضيق، بحسب المصدر نفسه.

وعند المدخل الشمالي للرستن في محافظة حمص، اندلعت معارك مماثلة قبل ان يتراجع المنشقون.

ويحاول الجيش وقوات الامن السورية منذ ثمانية ايام اخضاع حمص، ثالث المدن السورية والتي تعتبر معقلا للمعارضين السوريين منذ بدء الانتفاضة الشعبية المناهضة للنظام في اذار 2011.

وفي القاهرة، قررت الجامعة العربية في ختام اجتماعها الوزاري الاحد انهاء عمل بعثة المراقبين العرب الحالية ودعوة مجلس الامن الى اصدار قرار بتشكيل "قوات حفظ سلام عربية اممية مشتركة" للاشراف على تنفيذ وقف اطلاق النار في سوريا التي تشهد احتجاجات دامية منذ 11 شهرا.

كما جاء في البيان الختامي ان الجامعة قررت "فتح قنوات اتصال مع المعارضة السورية وتوفير كافة اشكال الدعم السياسي والمادي لها ودعوتها لتوحيد صفوفها والدخول في حوار جاد يحفظ لها تماسكها وفعاليتها قبل انعقاد مؤتمر تونس".

وفي وقت سابق قدم محمد الدابي رئيس بعثة المراقبين العرب في سوريا استقالته من منصبه الاحد، كما صرح مصدر رسمي في الجامعة العربية لوكالة فرانس برس.

التعليقات 35
Missing peace 12:55 ,2012 شباط 12

to the M8 "patriotic" supporters: would you agree that hezb launch an attack on israel to divert attention from syria or in retaliation?
would you think that is defending lebanon? would it be in agreement with what the gvt boast itself of not interfering in syrian affairs?

because that seems what is awaiting us....

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:48 ,2012 شباط 13

Are u asking a question or just 2itfalsafing. Because I love Lebanon and I am concerned about my country and its people I am not an M8 or M14 supporter. But I will provide u with an unbiased answer so that way u can possibly use ur own brain in the future. If Hizbollah attacked Syria, right now, in the current state the region is in, instability in Syria, threats and possible attack on Iran, Hizbollah would most definitely lose, the odds of losing are over 80%, common sense. So what kind of person would enter a fight knowing the odds of him winning are only 20%? What kind of person would enter a fight knowing the odds of him winning is 80%. What is awaiting us is wolves, Lebanon is a sheep surrounded by wolves from the North now and from the South.

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:51 ,2012 شباط 13

Our only external problem before was an attack from the South by Israel even if provoked by Hizbollah,as well as Iran possibly trying to implement a mock government in the future. But who would provoke an attack with their life line cut off, and the presence of a new enemy in the North? Thats suicide. Now our problem is Al Qaeda in the North, Israel in the South and a country turning into a full out battlefield for Al Qaeda operatives and Israelis bent on the destruction of Hizbollah... And we are all stuck in the middle of this. Everyone needs to use their brain, because not using it is what keeps us in this mess. Our new enemy to the North is far more deadly then the one in the South. Jst look at Afghanistan, Iraq & Libya...

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:52 ,2012 شباط 13

If I were Israel I would purposely attack Lebanon now,because I have an 80% chance of winning. And no one will stop them this time.

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:53 ,2012 شباط 13

Are u asking a question or just 2itfalsafing. Because I love Lebanon and I am concerned about my country and its people I am not an M8 or M14 supporter. But I will provide u with an unbiased answer so that way u can possibly use ur own brain in the future. If Hizbollah attacked ISRAEL*** correction sorry

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:54 ,2012 شباط 13

Correction for the first response
If Hizbollah attacked Israel. Not Syria, sorry.

Default-user-icon Kass (ضيف) 14:46 ,2012 شباط 12

Well, at least the Gulf nations, European nations, Isreal, the US & Alqaida (Iman Zawahiri) are all playing for the same team! With Zawahiri coming out today in support of northern Lebanese "HELPING" the small minority of Syrians wanting to install a Wahabi/Salafiest state instead of Assad & co..... Henry Kissinger once said this; While being Americas enemy is dangerous, being Americas friend is disasterous!

Default-user-icon Gando Lisse (ضيف) 15:43 ,2012 شباط 12

Lollipop-sucking action is one action they will be doing, the other being lollipop-shoving up their wazoos action.
@peace, as usual, is revealing his latest per-diem prediction. Can we say that he beats Gabby or perhaps Dr. Samir Bhim?

Missing peace 20:19 ,2012 شباط 12

just wait and see don t be impatient, it ll be all the more fun to see you crying for the fall of the terrorist regime and party you support...

Missing peace 20:20 ,2012 شباط 12

oh and by the way you didn t answer the question maybe because you are waiting after your leaders to give it to you and then repeat their words , as usual....or you don t have the guts too which wouldn t be surprising too!

Missing lebanese_bebe 13:00 ,2012 شباط 13

The last time I checked Al Qaeda was a terrorist organization. Currently in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. The military governor of Libya Abdel Hakim Elhaj put into power as a thank u by NATO, he was a personal friend of Bin Laden's and is also a suspect in the Madrid 2004 bombings. He is also currently physically part of the "Free Syria Army" a long with his other Al Qaeda friends who were airlifted by NATO and taken to Syria. So ur saying it better to replace Hizbollah with Al Qaeda lol. Compare their histories. Lebanon is still not Iran. But it can become Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya really fast.

Default-user-icon Gianni Follana (ضيف) 18:17 ,2012 شباط 12

Once again we see how the "game over for Assad" and other predictions of the warriors allouchi, Gabby, peace, thepatriot, shab, Dr. Samir Halwasani... keep shifting with time since at least 2005. You've got to give these warriors credit, though, as they have not lost their stamina in predicting ever-shifting predictions, but have even expanded their field to cover Russia and China and many more places! Call them the cosmopolitan clairvoyants!

Missing peace 20:15 ,2012 شباط 12

lol keep up the comic show, you re a real clown!

Missing peace 18:27 ,2012 شباط 12

how come you criticize arms smuggling to syria when you allow the same for the hezb coming from syria?... double standards as usual

and of course you avoided answering the question so you d better have not said anything at all...

Missing peace 00:40 ,2012 شباط 13

it is smuggling , don t play on words, they accepted 1701 so they are doing illegal things as they do not abide :) oh and what about 1559 which aoun strongly defended? forgot that too?

you are so funny with your double standards!

Missing lebanese_bebe 13:09 ,2012 شباط 13

Oh please who the hell respects 1701. The largest Israeli spy ring was found in Lebanon after 1791 and 1559. Air raids continue daily in Lebanon by Israel. A CIA spy ring was found the other day. Israel continues to privatize Lebanese oil in its territorial waters. They have even shot at our army, kidnapped a boy. I mean the list goes on. Smuggling lol. Ok while Hizbollah which is part of the government is smuggling in weapons, ur smuggling weapons out of the country to Al Qaeda in Syria. Now tell me where did u get these weapons in the first place??? They were smuggled in and smuggled out. Hypocrite

Missing lebanese_bebe 13:10 ,2012 شباط 13

Oh please who the hell respects 1701. The largest Israeli spy ring was found in Lebanon after 1791 and 1559. Air raids continue daily in Lebanon by Israel. A CIA spy ring was found the other day. Israel continues to privatize Lebanese oil in its territorial waters. They have even shot at our army, kidnapped a boy. I mean the list goes on. Smuggling lol. Ok while Hizbollah which is part of the government is smuggling in weapons, ur smuggling weapons out of the country to Al Qaeda in Syria. Now tell me where did u get these weapons in the first place??? They were smuggled in and smuggled out. Hypocrite

Missing lebanese_bebe 13:06 ,2012 شباط 13

Are u Lebanese or Syrian or from the Gulf?? LOL. As a nation u would want more weapons for UR country since the West has banned giving our army weapons, but u choose to send these weapons out of the country LOL... to a hostile neighbor to the North??? That has enemies within ur country? UR DELUSIONAL.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 18:58 ,2012 شباط 12

Cookie bastard, Is the Army allowed to enter Lassa in Jbeil or they need a permission from higher council?

Missing peace 20:29 ,2012 شباط 12

assad shows courage to bomb its own people but cowardice to shoot a single bullet on israel! that s the kind of man M8 is supporting...

Missing peace 00:43 ,2012 شباط 13

waw! military expert now! getting better! as far as i know the golan heights are syrian not israeli but your friends are too coward to do anything and also they promised israel to keep that front quiet in exchange of the assad s family being in power, you forgot that too...

as usual your memory has malfunctions!

Missing lebanese_bebe 13:10 ,2012 شباط 13

This I agree with.

Missing lebanese_bebe 13:11 ,2012 شباط 13

Only smart thing u have said thus far. lol

Missing lebanese_bebe 13:13 ,2012 شباط 13

Well what idiot would point their guns at the Golan...Its a good buffer and good place to set up spies. And the last I checked the Druze of Israel and the Golan are very high in the IDF... So taking back the Golan or shooting the Golan is not an option. And weapons from the US vs hand me down weapons from Russia. I mean seriously, common sense.

Missing lebanese_bebe 13:13 ,2012 شباط 13

Its not called being a coward, its called picking ur battles.

Thumb jabalamel 21:20 ,2012 شباط 12

the filthy zionist media terrorists are furious because the rebellion that thgey financed is useless and they didn't achieve anything like always.

to analize post by post and is a waste of time. it's just IQ tending to zero that is a common thing in all their posts.

Default-user-icon Shommar Barry (ضيف) 23:48 ,2012 شباط 12

These zionists' most intelligent comments are the ones that include or end with the word LOL

Missing peace 00:45 ,2012 شباط 13

you analyzed your situation well jabalahbal, that therapy you are doing here to improve your mental health seems to work as you can utter what you are really thinking of yourself :)

Default-user-icon serj tankian (ضيف) 22:47 ,2012 شباط 12

Leb Expatriate: Shame on the LEBANESE

Thumb jabalamel 01:40 ,2012 شباط 13

the filthy zionist answering machine have said something.

Thumb jabalamel 01:52 ,2012 شباط 13

the head of zionist information war department could hire programmers to make little application that will automaticaly post answers on my posts.

than they would save one salary by firing this idiot calling himself "peace". not only that, the machine would do better job than he does.

Missing lebanese_bebe 13:03 ,2012 شباط 13

Arming Al Qaeda is a good reason? For years Egypt and Jordan have been recruiting Lebanese and training and arming them and putting them in Trablos. Do not forget that on September 11, a Lebanese terrorist from Trablos committed the largest terrorist attack. Your only destabilizing Lebanon and as much as I hate the Syrian regime, I hate the destabilization of my own country even more. Ur burying ur own people alive. Wait and see.

Missing lebanese_bebe 13:04 ,2012 شباط 13

U said ur sending arms on a daily basis? So u like arming Al Qaeda urself personally?? LOL and u call others terrorists.

Missing lebanese_bebe 13:15 ,2012 شباط 13

And smuggling weapons into Lebanon is better for us vs smuggling weapons into Lebanon and then smuggling them out to Syria. LOL...

Missing lebanese_bebe 13:15 ,2012 شباط 13

You want more not less.Use ur brain khayyi