اعتقال شخص قرب الكونغرس في اطار تحقيق "ارهابي"

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اعتقل شخص الجمعة قرب مبنى الكونغرس الأميركي في واشنطن في إطار "تحيق إرهابي". بحسب ما أفاد مكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي الاميركي (اف بي آي)

وقالت متحدثة باسم الشرطة الفدرالية أن "هذا الاعتقال هو ثمرة عملية مموهة قامت خلالها قوات الامن بمراقبة المشتبه به من كثب".

وأشارت الى أن "قوات الامن قامت بتعطيل المتفجرات التي كان مشتبها بانه يريد استخدامها (...) ولم تعد تشكل خطرا على السكان".

التعليقات 10
Thumb jabalamel 23:59 ,2012 شباط 17

why is that news on naharnet?

Thumb jabalamel 02:10 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists are unhappy because they can't be exlusive on naharnet comments section

Default-user-icon shou khass (ضيف) 00:04 ,2012 شباط 18

jabalamel, why are you on naharnet?

Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 00:26 ,2012 شباط 18

you are right Jabalmel this is normal life for you , killing innocents and terrorizing is what you think your people should do , so yes why is that news to you ?

Thumb jabalamel 02:10 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist hallucinate about terrorists act that didn't happen

Thumb jabalamel 02:11 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about syrians and iranians killing me if i would write something against them


Thumb jabalamel 02:14 ,2012 شباط 18

yeah sure sure, take some xanax and breathe, you will feel better.

Missing anerares 06:44 ,2012 شباط 18

Dear Guys, It occurs to me that there is something ethically improper in this sting operation. Here we have an angry young man whose anger was drawn out by FBI agents in the direction of performing a terrorist act. Who was the instigator?

Thumb jcamerican 12:22 ,2012 شباط 18

I totally agree with you. Plus it keeps the Americans living in fear. There is no real freedom in USA anymore. Good old days.

Default-user-icon jalla (ضيف) 11:39 ,2012 شباط 18

aneares: that's so true. this is just another "terror-operation" where fbi instigated, found recruits, planned, provided material, then arrests the man they "converted" and enabled. all to keep up the constant fear of terrorism..