رئيس الاركان الاسرائيلي: تل ابيب ستتخذ قرارها بشأن ضرب ايران بمفردها
Read this story in Englishأعلن رئيس الاركان الاسرائيلي الجنرال بيني غانتز في مقابلة تم بثها مساء أمس السبت ان اسرائيل ستتخذ بمفردها في نهاية المطاف قرارها بشأن ضرب ايران.
وتأتي تصريحات المسؤول الاسرائيلي بينما وصل الى مستشار اوباما للامن القومي توم دونيلون الى الدولة العبرية لاجراء مشاورات مع كبار المسؤولين الاسرائيليين بشأن ملفات عدة من بينها ايران.
وقال الجنرال غانتز في المقابلة مع القناة الاسرائيلية العامة الاولى ان "اسرائيل هي الضامن الرئيسي لامنها. هذا دورنا كجيش ويجب على دولة اسرائيل الدفاع عن نفسها".
واضاف "علينا متابعة التطورات في ايران ومشروعها النووي لكن على نطاق واسع آخذين في الحسبان ما يفعله العالم وما قررته ايران وما سنفعله او لا نفعله".
وفي الاسابيع الاخيرة، اجرى رئيس اركان الجيش الاسرائيلي خلال اليومين الماضيين سلسلة مقابلات مع كبرى القنوات التلفزيونية الاسرائيلية تناولت خصوصا الازمة مع ايران.
وسبقت هذه المقابلات وصول مستشار اوباما للامن القومي الى اسرائيل لاجراء "مشاورات مع كبار المسؤولين الاسرائيليين بشأن ملفات عدة من بينها ايران وسوريا ومسائل اخرى تتعلق بالامن في المنطقة"، كما قال البيت الابيض.
وسيبدأ دونيلون اليوم الاحد محادثاته مع المسؤولين الاسرائيليين حول عدد من القضايا بما فيها ايران، قبل اسبوعين من زيارة سيقوم بها رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو الى واشنطن للتباحث مع الرئيس الاميركي في البيت الابيض حول المسألة نفسها.
وذكرت صحيفة "واشنطن بوست" مؤخراً أن وزير الدفاع الاميركي ليون بانيتا يرى أن هناك "احتمالاً كبيراً" لان تقوم اسرائيل بضرب المنشآت النووية الايرانية في الربيع.
لكن بانيتا رفض التعليق على المقال، رداً على سؤال لصحافيين خلال زيارة الى بروكسل للمشاركة في اجتماع وزاري لحلف شمال الاطلسي.
وقال غانتز ان ايران لا تمثل فقط "مشكلة اسرائيلية" بل "مشكلة اقليمية ودولية".
من جهته، دعا وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي ايهود باراك السبت المجتمع الدولي الى تعزيز عقوباته على ايران قبل ان تصبح "محصنة" من اي هجمات مادية لوقف برنامجها النووي.
وقال باراك في مؤتمر صحافي في طوكيو "علينا تسريع وتيرة فرض العقوبات" على طهران.
واضاف "على المجتمع الدولي ان يرغم الايرانيين على التساؤل: هل نحن مستعدون لدفع ثمن العزلة (التي نعانيها) ام علينا ان نقرر انهاء جهودنا النووية؟".
وتابع باراك "على العالم ان يقوم بتشديد العقوبات قبل ان يدخل الايرانيون محصنين".
وفرضت الامم المتحدة عقوبات على ايران الى جانب تلك العقوبات الاحادية التي اتخذتها الولايات المتحدة والاتحاد الاوروبي لدفع طهران الى التخلي عن برنامجها النووي.
You are the problem. Everybody is paying the price for your existence. Now you make the decision, and drag everyone with you. Peace will never be, as long you keep racking up hatred and fear. I guess you are planning an all out war. What the hell, a lot of cheap real estate you can add to your small country. Maybe you should nuke the whole area, so you can live by yourselves in peace. What a joke. Go clean you cluster bombs you left in Lebanon. Nothing is prohibited for Israel.
You are the problem. Everybody is paying the price for your existence. Now you make the decision, and drag everyone with you. Peace will never be, as long you keep racking up hatred and fear. I guess you are planning an all out war. What the hell, a lot of cheap real estate you can add to your small country. Maybe you should nuke the whole area, so you can live by yourselves in peace. What a joke. Go clean you cluster bombs you left in Lebanon. Nothing is prohibited for Israel.
To the comments above: Do you guys honestly believe what comes out of your own mouth? or a tape recorder always on replay?
what is the difference between Israel, Iranian regime, Syrian regime and Hizballah? they all aggressors and they know only one language, the language of war. Let's also stop boosting about us winning the war agianst the Israeli army in 2006. I don't think the killing of over 1000 innocent Lebanese is winning!stop taking sides when all the sides are at the wrong, and promote what is right for Lebanon.
Israel can do whatever it likes because it controls the united states.
If israel really wanted to win the 2006 "war" it would have done it.
Lebanese dont be stupid about israeli military superiority, they are the strongest (Because they are the best equipped).
Of corse the Lebanese Army is the best - but they have no weapons.
If israel wants to declare Lebanon a state of Israel then it will win, as it will become a gurrila war for Israel in Lebanon, but if Israel decides to just attack Lebanon then it will loose.
The key question is does Israel want to turn Lebanon into its own mini state ?
With all due respect Israel is defending itself against Iran and it's proxies,and I know also that you guys think Israel controls the US because you can't take it that the US is an ally and thinks for itself....As for the Lebanese army it is not at war with Israel fortunatly and if it will come to war every body will loose ,that's the lesson of 2006 .
go and get the iranian bastards and jabal amel and his familia too, start with hassouni's turban
Israel and Iran both need to sit down on one table and agree on a peace plan, let's face it and be real Iran cannot erase Israel(Backed by the US) and vice versa.
As long as the two are showing off their muscles, we will not see a real peace. In 2006,If Israel decided for the sake of 2 kidnapped soldiers to destroy the south and Lebanon they would have done it, but this large scale of a war exercise was not planned which is why they lost a lot of casualties and etc.. for those 2 kidnapped soldiers. It is to remember that the US supports Israel existence so erasing it from the map is too late at this point. Realistically and to live in peace you need to sit down and agree on the mutual relations, otherwise innocent people will always pay the price.
We as Lebanese are fed up being being the battleground for others to solve their problems. 1974-1990 16 years US-Soviet cold war battleground. Now Iran-Israel battleground. When we Lebanese will grow up. Let them all go to Hell. We are not interested in their conflict. Let them make war in their own countries. All those who who ruined our beautiful country May rot in Hell. All those who threw bombs on our land may rot in Hell. They are all together not worth the toenail of the mason who put a piece of stone to build my country.
@ flamethrower let's make this clear once & for all your beloved Hizzbollah did not win the war in 2006, at war the attackers always pay heavy damage on the ground. how many people died that month? you can deny saying that they were civilians. you can convince that to your brainwashed public. out of all these civilians at least 30% were hezzi's.
but you guys say they are civilians they were not. besides how man billions of $$$$ of losses Lebanon suffered? Israel pulled out because Hezzis were attackinng & bombing from residential areas & you guys were crying that innocent people are dying so again international community intervened & Israel pulled out.
recently hezzbollah members got killed in Syria, you keep it as a secret, out of all those hezzi's that died in 2006 you kept it secret by paying off their family to shut their mouth using Iran's money.