مقتل 39 مدنيا وسط تخوف من "إبادة جماعية" في بابا عمرو والمعارضة تدعو المجتمعين الدولي والعربي للتدخل

Read this story in English W460

بعد سيطرة الجيش النظامي السوري على حي بابا عمرو في حمص معقل الحركة الإحتجاجية ضد الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد، تخوف السكان هناك من حصول "إبادة جماعية" فيما دعا المجلس الوطني السوري الذي يمثل أغلبية أطياف المعارضة المجتمع العربي والدولي للتدخل لوقف "مجزرة محتملة"، كما سقط 39 قتيلا في أنحاء سوريا.

وقال المجلس في بيان "نطالب المجتمع الدولي والدول الاسلامية والعربية بالتدخل الفوري لوقف مجزرة محتملة خلال الساعات القادمة بحق عشرات الآلاف من الأطفال والنساء والشيوخ".

وابدى الناشط في حي بابا عمرو أبو يزن تخوف اهالي الحي من "ابادة جماعية" قد تنفذها القوات النظامية، مشيرا الى تجدد القصف العنيف على الحي رغم انسحاب عناصر الجيش السوري الحر منه.

وقال ابو يزن في اتصال عبر سكايب من داخل حي بابا عمرو مع وكالة فرانس برس "السكان هنا يتخوفون من ابادة جماعية".

واضاف ابو يزن الموجود حاليا في منطقة "انسحب منها الجيش الحر ولم تدخلها قوات الاسد بعد" ان عناصر الجيش النظامي "يعتقلون اي شخص يصادفونه، وأي شخص يشكون فيه يقتلونه فورا بالسكاكين".

واكد ابو يزن "تجدد القصف العنيف (قرابة الساعة 16,30 بالتوقيت المحلي 14,30 ت.غ.) رغم ان الحي بات يخلو تماما من عناصر الجيش الحر" مضيفا "لا اجد سببا لهذا الامر سوى الانتقام من المدنيين".

وقال ابو يزن ان "المساجد دمرت ولم يبق هناك اي منزل في الحي لم يصب والدول الاسلامية ما زالت تتفرج علينا".

وناشد ابو يزن باسم من تبقى من سكان بابا عمرو "دول العالم وخصوصا الدول الاسلامية التحرك فورا لانقاذ الشعب السوري فورا من الابادة"، مضيفا "انا لا اتخوف فقط على بابا عمرو، بل ايضا على كل المناطق المنتفضة في سوريا".

وكان أكد مصدر امني رسمي في دمشق بعد ظهر الخميس ان الجيش السوري سيطر بالكامل على حي بابا عمرو في حمص فيما اعلن قائد الجيش السوري الحر العقيد رياض الاسعد ان قواته نفذت انسحابا "تكتيكيا" من هذا الحي.

وقال المصدر الامني في اتصال مع وكالة فرانس برس "سيطر الجيش على كامل مناطق بابا عمرو بعدما سقطت آخر جيوب المقاومة فيه".

واضاف المصدر ان عناصر الجيش النظامي "يقومون بتوزيع الطعام على السكان ويجلون الجرحى" ويقومون بالبحث عن الصحافية الفرنسية اديت بوفييه التي اصيبت قبل اسبوع.

وتابع المصدر "المسلحون ما زالوا في احياء الحميدية والخالدية والعمليات متواصلة لاخراجهم" منها.

من جهته اكد قائد الجيش السوري الحر في اتصال مع وكالة فرانس برس في بيروت ان قواته نفذت انسحابا "تكتيكيا" من حي بابا عمرو "حفاظا على ما تبقى من الاهالي والمدنيين".

من جهة أخرى، قتل 39 شخصا الخميس في مناطق عدة في سوريا معظمهم في حمص، حسب ما افاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

ففي حمص (وسط)، قتل 17 مدنيا في بساتين حي بابا عمرو الذي اقتحمته القوات النظامية الخميس، وبدأت حملة مداهمات واعتقالات فيه، بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

وقال ناشطون في حمص لوكالة فرانس برس ان 12 من هؤلاء الاشخاص "قتلوا بالسكاكين".

وفي حي باب السباع، قتل ثلاثة مواطنين برصاص قناصة بينهم رجل وزوجته، فيما قتل آخر في حي السباع باطلاق الرصاص عليه، وفقا للمرصد.

وفي حماة (وسط)، قتل مواطن من بلدة كرناز في ريف حماة "برصاص قناص من القوات الامنية السورية التي تعتلي اسطح الابنية المرتفعة".

وفي ريف حماة، قتل مدني اثر اصابته خلال القصف الذي تعرضت له بلدة التريمسة.

وفي ريف دمشق، قتل مواطن في مدينة الضمير اثر اطلاق الرصاص عليه خلال حملة مداهمات، بحسب المرصد.

وفي محافظة القنيطرة (جنوب غرب) قتل ثمانية عناصر نظاميين وسبعة منشقين في اشتباكات تدور منذ الصباح.

وقال المرصد في بيان "تدور منذ صباح اليوم الخميس اشتباكات بين الجيش والامن النظامي السوري ومجموعة منشقة في قرية جباتا الخشب القريبة من الجولان السوري المحتل، واسفرت الاشتباكات حتى اللحظة عن سقوط سبعة عناصر من المنشقين وثمانية عناصر من الجيش والامن النظامي".

التعليقات 59
Thumb thepatriot 16:39 ,2012 آذار 01

Your comments are silly! Take your salafi pathetic excuse elsewhere!

Missing ReaLeb 23:26 ,2012 آذار 01

The Salafi excuse is a scare tactic that is not going to work. Mowaten is Iranian and they are good at scare tactics.

Thumb thepatriot 12:25 ,2012 آذار 02

Comming from someone who calls everyone an "idiot" this comment is precious ya FT...
Thx for the amazing lecture on democracy, apply it to yourself now that you've learned something!

Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 17:01 ,2012 آذار 01

wish i was a barber in homs would ve made a fortune the last 2 days

Missing allouchi 17:01 ,2012 آذار 01

The pathetic Assad and his Lebanese dogs may have won a battle but they will lose the war.

Thumb jcamerican 17:03 ,2012 آذار 01

You had been reported and hopefully you will be banned.

Missing allouchi 21:02 ,2012 آذار 01

jcamerican, banned over

Default-user-icon michel (ضيف) 17:20 ,2012 آذار 01

hahaha..aoun knows something about running in pajamas

anyways, with the disparity in weapons and numbers, no one expected the fsa to last long..seeing they lasted for three weeks, i tell you they will eventually win..just wait and see

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 17:21 ,2012 آذار 01

The war has just started. One small win with all the weapens that the army has over an extended period of time reveals the tight and critical situstion of the army. Sooner or later the army cadres will fall in a state of fatigue and will realise, if not already has done so, that they are killing their own people which would lead to mass desertion and the ultimate disintegration of the army. Then and only then there would be no where for Bashar to go; even his close allies, Iran and Huzbullah, would abandon him and side with the Syrian people a step that will save them the hassles of expounding why they sided with Bashar. These alibis will certainly not be accepted. As a result, the Sunnis in Syria will back the Sunnis in Lebanon and disarm Huzbullah once and for all. Lebanon will be saved and prosperity and peace will be established and norished. I have always predicted this to happen one day and I can't wait to see this materializing soon.

Missing realist 10:24 ,2012 آذار 03

i doubt its gona be as rosy.. due to the idiocy of people like mowaten (and they are many) we most likely will see the rise of suni fundamentalism in syria/lebanon to counter hizbustan.. when that day comes people like mowaten would yetra7amu on 7ariri days and would understand that suni/she3i moderation is a top lebanese interest.

Default-user-icon 14mars (ضيف) 17:22 ,2012 آذار 01

soon on syrian tv
a lot of people talking

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 17:24 ,2012 آذار 01

It is a sad commentary on the world, that it dithers and looks the other way when a murderer has his way. We all run the risk of joining Assad in his crimes as enablers, nations that could stop him but who cannot find it in their own interest to do so.
Its like a person who comes upon another person who is being raped and decide to do nothing because, they have no interest. It is not them being raped, so why get involved.

The whole world needs to wake up from this "me first" mentality and realize that when you let others suffer the loss of life or liberty, free people everywhere are diminished and a terrible force of injustice is let loose on us all.

Missing vaclav_havel 20:46 ,2012 آذار 01

well said!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:27 ,2012 آذار 01

honourable victory for the baathist,i want to know the feelings of these valiant soldiers( ex haramieh of lebanon) ,they won against the enemy

Thumb cedar 17:30 ,2012 آذار 01

Great day for Syrian army, even though i hate Assad, again it must be stressed, he is better then the muslim brotherhood (aka - also known as: the 'Syrian National Council')

Default-user-icon aloush terzaya (ضيف) 20:16 ,2012 آذار 01

if the only anti baath are Muslim brotherhood members then why is the Syrian regime arresting and jailing mostly leftist seculars? even if you want to believe only the SANA version of the events they also confirm what I said.

Default-user-icon Christian (ضيف) 20:18 ,2012 آذار 01

are the Christian members of the Syrian National Council from Muslim brotherhood

Thumb cedar 17:42 ,2012 آذار 01

bahahaha strategic pullout - what a load of rubbish! this sounds like the Lebanese Forces when they were getting smashed by the Lebanese Army at one point, getting beaten then calling it a strategic pullout hahahahaha.

Default-user-icon sprint (ضيف) 19:22 ,2012 آذار 01

bahahaha cedar yeah and we also recall when the glorious General Michel Aoun made his strategic pullout to the French embassy and he forgot to tell the soldiers he left behind to be murdered by the great Syria army. He probably needed them to keep fighting to delay the heroic Syria army so he can secure his strategic pullout, after all it's hard to do while carrying suitcases full of millions in army salaries cash.

Default-user-icon HK (ضيف) 20:08 ,2012 آذار 01

Yeah that's so funny, but if memory serves the Lebanese army Aoun's turned into his private militia got stuck in the Metns and had to be supplied from the Syrian controlled area by Hbeika and the Qawmis.

Missing realist 03:16 ,2012 آذار 02

what about the AOUN STRATEGIC withdrawl to the french embassy bahahahaha lol

Default-user-icon Pishto (ضيف) 17:45 ,2012 آذار 01

Gabby, allouchi, thepatriot, peace, slash, cheikh Imbecile, Dr. Samir Hayek... is the game over or is it on its way to become over? Thankfully for the Druze, only Jumblat and his immediate entourage proved to be dumber than dumb. zamato

Thumb geha 17:50 ,2012 آذار 01

from all the expected comments above, we can conclude that the pro syro/iranians are having a great day of the murders being committed by this regime, which is extremely sad and a lesson to all of us lebanese not to be sorry for you guys when israel is going to hit you so hard, you will not even be able to run with your tails between your legs (as you said above).
your turn is oming soon, as well as the syrian regime.

Missing realist 10:27 ,2012 آذار 03

Nazi people who dont see beyond their nose..they do not see that the rise of suni fundamentalism would fall out of control and we might very well see a civil war that burns us all. These idiots think that they can prevail over the vast majority of arabs/muslims. The conversion of Syria into another afghanistan (well in the works unless the world intervenes) would potentially throw the minorities including the she3a into the laps of israel for protection.

Thumb jcamerican 17:54 ,2012 آذار 01

Please don't forget the shouf area. Pulled their heavy weapons and left the people under Jumblat's mercy. Let's not forget the Sabra and Shatilla massacres.

Default-user-icon Le Devin (ضيف) 17:54 ,2012 آذار 01

What utter nonsense, the problems in Syria finished over four months ago General Michel Aoun said so. Everyone know, as the magnificent, glorious, Michel Hayek like, General predicted the whole thing ended between November 8 2011 and November 14 2011. Why is Naharnet still trying to mislead people that's and beat this dead horse is beyond me.

Thumb jcamerican 17:57 ,2012 آذار 01

What about your friend Jumblatt. How many churches?

Missing allouchi 21:03 ,2012 آذار 01

What about your Hizbo, How many innocent Lebanese lives?

Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 18:01 ,2012 آذار 01

democracy now in all the arab world and democracy for lebanese political parties

Missing realist 03:18 ,2012 آذار 02

good you can keep assad for urself lol but please leave whatever western democracy you currently live in and move to iran/syria/north korea, your choice.

Missing peace 18:41 ,2012 آذار 01

don t boast too much... your friend bashar is slowly sinking... and your M8 with him

Missing peace 18:46 ,2012 آذار 01

as geha pointed out, those M8 guys rejoicing for the syrian s army entrance into this neighborhood only shows how much they have respect for people standing up against dictatorship and who want freedom...

it shows only the way of thinking of M8 = dictators are the ones they prefer, no wonder they praise bashar and nasrallah who are of course democrats for them!

Default-user-icon Yarmouk brigade (ضيف) 19:59 ,2012 آذار 01

This Syrian army in amazing, took them only a month to take back one neighborhood.. Jerusalem lookout the all conquering Syrian army is headed your way surrender now before it's too late.

Missing wanabka 20:18 ,2012 آذار 01

I want to visit syria to urinate on Bashar Assad's body after they hang him. That is why I am now drinking lots of water.

Default-user-icon Mohammad_ca (ضيف) 20:41 ,2012 آذار 01

yes...do you pay your electrical bills?

Default-user-icon Shiite (ضيف) 20:45 ,2012 آذار 01

Tactical withdrawal is what the Lebanese army did in the She7ar el Gharbi in the mid eighties.

Missing realist 02:25 ,2012 آذار 03

the resistance in lebanon did many tactical withdrawls in 06 and we saw the israeli tanks enter lebanon, what's the big deal? this is typical guerrila warfare.

Missing realist 21:02 ,2012 آذار 01

mowaten lol.. you idiot.. israel calls the southern lebanese terrorists and you call the free syrians salafists.(just to show you how zionist you are). How many times did we read about the syrian army siezing rastan? dar3a? douma? zabadani? etc.. are these areas really under government control?? assad can attack, just like israel can attack lebanon, but like israel he can not occupy. Idiots like you also thought the revolution was over the first time he sent his tanks to dar3a. The revolution is far from over and again occupation will fail and your regime will fall.

Missing allouchi 21:03 ,2012 آذار 01

LOL SlowBlow, looks who's talking.

Missing realist 21:06 ,2012 آذار 01

a month of constant bombing and killing of a thousand people and more injured trying to take over a sector of a city with few hundred fighters lol. Let us see how this army will fair once these guys start getting some good weapons to fight back. Mowaten here is pro-occupation though, and he calls syrians salafis just like israel calls southern lebanese terrorists lol

Missing realist 21:08 ,2012 آذار 01

flame, remember when the tanks were sent to dar3a las year and your idiot aoun was preaching us of the "next tuesday", have you read how many times they attacked rastan, douma, zabadani etc.. the prob for the regime is that it can attack but cant occupy, there is no military solution for the regime dude, you should have known this by now really..its been a year lol.

Missing realist 21:09 ,2012 آذار 01

eh ..how humane of them kater khairun..amazing people the syrian regime thugs..hek "ashraf nas" and angels lol

Thumb libnani 21:54 ,2012 آذار 01

It is okay FSA, you lasted a good amount of time with much, much inferior weaponry, this shows your courage. Inshallah you will win this war against the Israeli agent Bashar al Assad.

Default-user-icon Tfeh (ضيف) 22:01 ,2012 آذار 01

mowaten, you better change your icon and show your real face instead of hijacking the lebanese flag. holding up 24 days agains 7000 men and none stop shelling is by itself a victory in a place that was and still is governed by terror. go learn straggly and stay off the web you filthy najess.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 22:08 ,2012 آذار 01

it is the official beginning of civil war in syria ,it's lebanon 1975,very sad for the syrian people to be in the intersection of different power struggle: iranian..saudi.. american.. russian.. israelis.
and it is very dangerous for lebanon because the regime in damascus will not accept anymore from lebanon to be in the middle, but to clearly take sides which is impossible in lebanon without a strife: for ex just reread frangieh and geagea..it's very clear

Default-user-icon Mazloum (ضيف) 03:37 ,2012 آذار 03

Let them taste what we tasted for 30+ years

Default-user-icon Leo (ضيف) 23:13 ,2012 آذار 01

I wonder if the Syrian Army had too fight a real Army how long would they last? hahahahaha

Default-user-icon Dosty Blaza (ضيف) 23:28 ,2012 آذار 01

I guess they "tactically" withdrew to Lebanon, and from here they will tactically go back to where they came from: Libya, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, France, UK.... wherever.

Missing realist 03:19 ,2012 آذار 02

The regime has one loyal alawi regiment and it is needed in all the country combined, bab amr will fall back in rebel hands in due course as the troops would eventualy leave to go on their killing spree elsewhere. remember how many times, dar3a, douma, rastan, zabadani were attacked and "liberated" lol.

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 09:23 ,2012 آذار 02

I feel like I'm watching the new episodes of "Bab el 7ara" ... a few good men fought to death to protect their neighborhood against the occupier. This shows the true grit of the Syrian ppl who we respect and support ... they have been under the Assaad occupation just like the Lebs were during the past 30 odd years ... I just hope they are more successful in getting rid of them than we were as they still occupy us through their dummy polititians and Hezb ... Allah ma3kon ya shabeb ... shiddo el himmeh

Default-user-icon Braveheart le Phénicien (ضيف) 10:56 ,2012 آذار 02

Rigolez bien, mais ils arrivent (les salafistes) au Liban. J'aimerai bien voir la tête de certains quand un abruti Salafiste déclarera un émirat à Akkar ou ailleurs. Il y a eu un précédent à Nahr Al Bered. Certains veulent nous replonger dans une autre guerre.

Thumb thepatriot 12:33 ,2012 آذار 02

Again a great comment! The army is shelling without regard to civilian, children, women, or babies. The only reason why they do not enter the villages is because once in the streets, the soldiers desert and cannot be controled anymore. Since when has the assad regime had any regard or pitty for human life. Lala land ya FT... lala land...

Thumb thepatriot 12:42 ,2012 آذار 02

Muslim brotherhood behind the syrian revolution,
Feltman behind the Cedar Revolution,
Hariri arming the syrian rebels,
Al quaeda in North Lebanon,
Salafis in Baba Amr,

What else ya FT?

Missing allouchi 14:35 ,2012 آذار 02

go live there...

Thumb beiruti 15:46 ,2012 آذار 02

Let us face the reality of this situation.
By the US failing to make a decision to give assistence to the SNC, the US has made its decision. It is a tactical decision to allow the Assad Regime to survive and remain in power. Strategically, the US sees a weakened chastised Assad Regime in power in Syria as superior than the SNC which may include salafists, Qaida and other fundamentalists.
As the thinking goes, Assad will become more pliable to US demands regarding Iran, Iraq and Hezbollah if Assad's survival was dependent upon the US not lifting its hand against him in his hour of greatest peril.

Thumb beiruti 15:47 ,2012 آذار 02

It is a fool's mission however. Assad, if he survives, will have nothing but contempt for the US and will be much more beholding to Iran and Russia, who have helped him, than to the US or the West. The US is whistling past the graveyard, and engaging in rationalizations for its failure to act when its interests were assaulted in Bab Amer.

Strategy should always determine tactics. In this case, strategy is being sacrificed to a ver poor tactic.

Missing realist 02:30 ,2012 آذار 03

bubbaman, do you support the syrian people against the tyranny of bashar? that is the 1 million dollar question. If you do not, it means that all your islamic resistance bragging is a sheer hypocrisy and isalmism and shee3ism (the resistance of hussein against opression) is also hypocrisy.

Missing realist 10:21 ,2012 آذار 03

ha ha ha bla bla bla bo bo bo.. as if israel is against the syrian regime..yeah right, nkashaftu man, you are in the same bed with israel when it comes to fighting sunis, l3ab ghayra and go see how your boss fayez karam got only two years in jail, a pat on the wrist, for treason with israel. and ilak 3ein lecture us in wataneye..oom fr`ena

Default-user-icon Snatch (ضيف) 13:23 ,2012 آذار 03

I support what is going on there,hopefully it will take another 29 years.
The lebanese should be trying to smuggle as much weapons as possible just to keep it going and not for a side to win.
Chill out all of you and stop arguing.
Just sit back and watch.