قتيلان وعشرون جريحا في تفجير انتحاري بسيارة في درعا
Read this story in Englishقتل مدنيان وجرح عشرون شخصا السبت عندما قام "ارهابي" بتفجير سيارة يقودها في مدينة درعا.
وذكرت وكالة الانباء الرسمية (سانا) "فجر ارهابي انتحاري صباح اليوم (السبت) سيارة يقودها في منطقة درعا البلد (...) ما ادى الى استشهاد اثنين من المواطنين واصابة عشرين من المدنيين وقوات حفظ النظام".
واضافت الوكالة ان الانفجار اسفر ايضا عن "اضرار مادية لحقت بالمباني المحيطة بدوار المصري (حيث وقع الانفجار) والمحال التجارية".
كما اشار المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان في بيان من جهته، الى الانفجار لافتا الى انه "وقع عند دوار الكازية في مدينة درعا" مهد الحركة الاحتجاجية. ولم يوضح المرصد ظروف الانفجار.
وشهدت سوريا سلسلة من التفجيرات الانتحارية كان اخرها في حلب (شمال) يوم 11 شباط حيث قتل 28 شخصا على الاقل واصيب 235 آخرون بجروح في انفجارين قويين بسيارتين مفخختين.
كما وقع تفجير في حي الميدان في دمشق في السادس من كانون الثاني 2012 واوقع 26 قتيلا. وسبقه في 23 كانون الاول انفجاران استهدفا مقرين امنيين في العاصمة واسفرا عن وقوع 44 قتيلا.
How can a country protest for democracy when the whole civilisation is not able to follow democracy.
Democracy is not only freedom as they think, but also respect laws and rules. How done they want democracy and they have arms and bomb themselves. And what is more unbelievable is that Europe and USA support the people who bomb themselves. Anyways for me if a country need to adopt democracy, let their citzen start learning how to drive between the lines and respecting the driving laws. Otherwhise, be sure that killing their president or leader will only lead the country to Chaos and crimes. The exemples is here: IRak, Lybia and so on...
democracy is the ruling of the majority with respect to minority, turnaround every a limited time so the people can judge every 4 ..6 years depending on the performance
They were not armed for decades. Their regime had 50 years to make them the kind of people you mention (all civilized and cultured). Instead the regime squandered the 50 years by consolidating power, plundering the country and messing up Lebanon. So it is a catch 22, civilized people produce civilized Governments and civilized Governments perpetuate a civilized society and unfortunately both are in short supply in the Middle East. Lebanon was in best shape to be the role model, but Syria's interference and desire to control Lebanon messed us up as well. Like the late Hafez joke telling his people "I can not make Syria like Lebanon, but I sure can make Lebanon like Syria".... and that he did very successfully.
@Flamethrower: Democracies are built, they don't come out of thin air. Democracy in France came through revolution, violence and fighting; Democracy in America also through revolution. How often do kings or dictators lead countries to democracy peacefully? Extremely rarely as if you didn't know. The excuses to preserve Assad get more desperate by the day...