واشنطن تدعو موسكو الى التحقيق حول الانتهاكات التي شابت انتخابات الرئاسة
Read this story in Englishدعت واشنطن موسكو الاثنين الى اجراء تحقيق "مستقل" حول المزاعم بحصول انتهاكات شابت الانتخابات الرئاسية، بعدما اعلنت بعثة مراقبي الانتخابات انها كانت "منحازة" و"غير نزيهة".
وقالت وزارة الخارجية الاميركية في بيان ان واشنطن "مستعدة للعمل" مع فلاديمير بوتين ما ان يتم تاكيد نتائج الانتخابات، مؤكدة ان الجمعية البرلمانية لمجلس اوروبا اعتبرت ان الانتخابات ادت الى "فائز واضح".
وتداركت الدبلوماسية الاميركية ان واشنطن "تاخذ علما رغم ذلك بقلق منظمة الامن والتعاون في اوروبا في شان ظروف اجراء الحملة".
وكانت بعثة المنظمة المذكورة انتقدت الاثنين كيفية اجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية الروسية مؤكدة انه "تم تسخير الحملة لمصلحة مرشح واحد".
واضافت الخارجية الاميركية "نحض الحكومة الروسية على اجراء تحقيق مستقل وصادق حول كل المخالفات التي تمت الاشارة اليها".
وتابعت "كما اشار تقرير منظمة الامن والتعاون، ناخذ ايضا علما بالاجراءات الجديدة التي اتخذتها اللجنة الانتخابية المركزية (الروسية) لتحسين شفافية العملية الانتخابية منذ انتخابات كانون الاول الفائت".
Gore had more votes by over 300000 or so. But Bush won by electoral votes. Plus they have a lot of irregularities too in USA. Like you said, who the hell are the americans lecturing everybody. Finally this man will stand up against their bullshit. The west and US wanted a puppet regime in Russia.
The US still want to control events, yet Russia proved their calculations wrong. Putin won big time. This man will stand in the face of the US and west, and stop them from manipulating every one. US is bullying everyone into submission. Anyway, I am very happy that he won.
@Flamethrower: There was a recount in the presidential election and it went all the way to the Supreme Court, meaning there was a credible probe of the election so the US asking one in Russia isn't contradictory. Read up on history.
@jcamerican: Putin is already weakened because for the first time since his reign people are openly challenging him in protests and questioning his election results. Putin's on the way down.
OK grandma. Now go back to bed grandma. Good night grandma. Sweet dreams grandma. Did you remove your dentures grandma? Good grandma.
Flamer you opend your mouth one too many times and someone just shut it for you.
Putin is just another tyrant, there is a good reason for having term limits to power.
Flame, Enough had been screwed enough by Putin. His future had been shattered by the elections in Russia. His future in Lebanon is based on the fall of the Syrian regime, Hizballah disarming. If these things were to happen, the he will check what is left to accomplish his dream.
You must have a lot of free time on your hands with nothing useful for you to do. Go get a job and a life.
that's is your answer to him, cause you have nothing logical or facts to say. you following someone blindly if you think that reading about politics is him not having a life
You are right, I am not allowed to express my opinion about my government, but your syrian opposition can and should, and even fight. You are the intellect.
you guys are all giving flamethrower the wrong answer! please remember that it was the republicans who allegedly cheated on the democrats, foreign policy in the states is dictated by democrats until obama's term is over. so i don't see how a democrat goverment ( who got cheated on by the republicans) sound hypocrytical by asking for a " credible " probe?
« Voilà un homme qui est moins sage que moi. Il est possible en effet que nous ne sachions, ni l'un ni l'autre, rien de beau ni de bon. Mais lui, il croit qu'il en sait, alors qu'il n'en sait pas, tandis que moi, tout de même que, en fait, je ne sais pas, pas davantage je ne crois que je sais ! J'ai l'air, en tout cas, d'être plus sage que celui-là, au moins sur un petit point, celui-ci précisément : que ce que je ne savais pas, je ne croyais pas non plus le savoir ! »
Ça pue l'ignorance ici! chacun prétend connaître quelque chose sur la Russie alors qu'il ne sait rien du tout... Qu'on arrête de parler des sujets qu'on ignore complètement...
pour s'informer http://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2012/03/05/la-vraie-question-est-de-savoir-si-les-electeurs-russes-ont-ete-prives-d-un-second-tour_1652018_3210.html