رجل يخلع ملابسه أمام المارة في عين المريسة!
Read this story in Englishشوهد ظهر اليوم الأربعاء مواطن مجهول الهوية في منطقة عين المريسة في بيروت، وعمد إلى خلع ثيابه في وسط الشارع.
وعلم موقع "نهارنت" أن الشاب تسبب بأزمة سير في المنطقة، حيث عمد المواطنون إلى التوقف لرؤيته.
كما شوهد يقوم بحركات إباحية للمارة حيث راح يخلع ويرتدي ملابسه.
يشار إلى أن الرجل الأسمر كان حافي القدمين أيضا.
ولم تعرف هوية الشاب ولا الأسباب التي دفعته إلى خلع ملابسه في وسط الشارع وفي وضح النهار.
Cool, for once some different! A breath of fresh air, away from the stooges fighting over the millions!
I'm sure it was someone like you...as people like you love putting down their shorts and bending down ;)!!
Do you guys also enjoy putting Christian symbols in garbage as well as Jewish ones how about Buddhist, Hindu, Zoroastrian... we've already established that Hassan hates looking at crosses.
i wanted to reply to the guy below (criss cross) but couldnt so thought i would do it thru u and hopefully he'll get a notification :)
To CRISS CROSS: Is it possible u shut up before i (or someone else) throws u in the garbage? and NOT for being christian, muslim, buddhist, etc...for just being plain stupid :) we dont need such people in this world...
M14 & 8 should all follow this example n take a nice fresh swim maybe they could embrace each other n agree on something or else eaten by a shark! :)
"The striptease caused bumper-to-bumper traffic in the area"... obviously caused by people having to slow down to stick a dollar bill down the G-string.
this guy is brave one.
in ain el mraisseh?
thankfully he didnt get stonned in public
Naharnet, the stripper is your most read story!!. This gives you a hint on what kind of stories interest people... We are tired of the M8/M14 stories of avid politicians. Stop giving importance to those politicians by reporting their every tosri7 and give us news we enjoy or that is useful. Let them talk and nobody reports their talk, maybe they will start talking less and thinking more to serve the citizens...
You're absolutely right ... in their defense though, the Naharnet homepage is so rich in news that is unrelated to politics and there are so many other sections ... just have a look ... but even in those stories, our lebanese "brothers" will bring politics into the mix ! Britney Spears has an accident, it's Hezbollah's fault, Greek Debt crisis, it's Hariri's fault !