مجلس الامن يعتمد بيانا بالإجماع يطالب سوريا بتطبيق خطة انان ويحذر ضمنا باتخاذ إجراءات دولية
Read this story in Englishاعتمد مجلس الامن الدولي الاربعاء بيانا رئاسيا يطالب بان تطبق سوريا "فورا" خطة السلام التي عرضها المبعوث الخاص للامم المتحدة والجامعة العربية كوفي انان ويتضمن تحذيرا مبطنا باتخاذ اجراءات دولية.
وبعد مفاوضات مكثفة بين القوى الكبرى، وافقت روسيا والصين على النص الذي قدمته فرنسا ويدعو الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد الى العمل في اتجاه وقف العنف وانتقال ديموقراطي.
والبيان الذي ليس له قوة قرار رسمي يقدم دعما قويا لانان والخطة الواقعة في ست نقاط التي عرضها خلال محادثاته مع الرئيس السوري في دمشق في وقت سابق هذا الشهر.
وينص على ان مجلس الامن "سينظر في خطوات اضافية" اذا لم يلتزم الاسد بتطبيق خطة انان.
وتدعو خطة انان الى وقف القتال وسحب القوات الحكومية والاسلحة الثقيلة من المدن التي تشهد احتجاجات وهدنة انسانية لمدة ساعتين يوميا لافساح المجال لوصول العاملين الانسانيين الى المناطق المتضررة من اعمال العنف.
وكان امام الدول الاعضاء مهلة حتى الساعة 9,00 الاربعاء (13,00 ت.غ) لكي تقدم اعتراضاتها على النص الذي تقدمت به فرنسا، لكن لم تقم اي دولة بذلك.
والنص هو "بيان رئاسي" اي انه اقل وزنا من قرار، ويتم تبنيه بالاجماع، من دون امكانية استخدام حق النقض.
وكانت موسكو وبكين استخدمتا حق النقض لمنع تبني مشروعي قرار في مجلس الامن حول سوريا طرحا في تشرين الاول 2011 وشباط الفائت.
وقد اعلن وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف انه يامل في ان يتم اعتماد بيان رئاسي في مجلس الامن الدولي حول سوريا اليوم الاربعاء بعد "التوافق" على مقترحات لانهاء الازمة في ذلك البلد.
وقال لافروف عقب لقاء مع نظيريه الالماني والبولندي في برلين "لقد توصلنا الى توافق لدعم المقترحات التي قدمها المبعوث الخاص للامم المتحدة والجامعة العربية كوفي انان" مضيفا "شركاؤنا من دول غربية طلبوا مهلة صغيرة للتفكير بها، وامل في ان تنتهي هذه المهلة اليوم وان يتم اعتماد الوثيقة".
well the assad regime is over :)
if they spply these conditions they are doomed, and if they do not apply them they are doomed :)
The regime can not stop the killings. Any reduction in violence means hundreds of thousands taking the streets in protests. The regime will try to manipulate the annan initiative in the old fashion only this time it has to answer to the UN not the Arab league, Annan will certainly fail. Unless some real deal is struck between the west/russia I suspect russia will blame two sides for the violence and hence the failure of annan and things will go back to square one. This is just another chapter, the story is long and bloody. Time is not on the regime side, the regime & economy are getting incrementaly weaker by the day and the revolution/dissent is growing.
Well put man. Annan will fail. At the same time I don't think it's all gloom and doom for Assad. Russia does not want a united states backed proxy government in Syria. Russia will support Assad untill it turns into a civil war or it becomes un controllable.
The US cares less about Syria really -there is no oil- the only concern, which is shared by russia for sure, is stability in the golan heights which the assad clan has maintained for 40 years. The americans as well as the russians know that the assad regime has expired and all the delay today is in the formation of the alternative.
Gabby, would you say that the "ASSad" regime.. collapsed 7 months ago? perhaps will collapse this year as Dr. Fe2e3a Jadbeh last predicted? or perhaps collapsed in 2005 and then again in 2006 and then again in 2007... as you have been predicting day in and day out? You get the idea.
This is another watered down resolution that means nothing, resolves nothing, has no teeth and saves face for France for the time being. However, the hopeless hopefuls above (and eventually below) are hopeful about what it does not raise any hopes about. They are just happy to hear about a resolution without understanding a word of it. After all, they are not expected to think or analyze because, as their leaders told them, the leaders will think and analyze (successfully as has been apparent so far) for them. Too complicated? Never mind. Just pass it on to one of your leaders let them analyze it in their own failed way as their history has shown. Always the wrong calculations. Always the wrong ideas. Always the wrong alliances. But then, always the wrong leaders. Simply put, always wrong.
The only card russia has in these negotiations is the syrian regime. It will let go of it at some point in the future when it ensures its interest in the future syria is preserved. The US is okay with that, there is no oil and the US does not care much. Russia will do whatever it takes to keep the stability on the borders of israel. I do not see much russian conflict with the US really.
Assad is toast. Any outcome that leaves the Opposition standing with UN backing means that the Assad Regume is finished. Time now to recalculate. M14, if you guys are anything, now is the time to fill into the power void!