لافروف:المعارضة السورية لن تهزم الجيش النظامي حتى لو سلحت الى اقصى حد

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صرح وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف اليوم الاربعاء ان المعارضة السورية "لن تستطيع الحاق الهزيمة" بقوات الرئيس بشار الاسد حتى لو تم تسليحها الى اقصى حد ممكن، كما نقلت عنه وكالة انترفاكس.

وقال لافروف خلال زيارة الى العاصمة الاذربيجانية باكو "من الواضح وضوح الشمس انه حتى لو تم تسليح المعارضة الى اقصى حد ممكن فانها لن تتمكن من الحاق الهزيمة بالجيش السوري ولن نشهد عندها سوى مذبحة تستمر لسنوات طويلة ودمارا متبادلا".

وجدد وزير الخارجية الروسي انتقاداته لمؤتمر "اصدقاء سوريا" معتبرا ان الحلفاء الغربيين والعرب للمعارضة السورية يسعون الى الحيلولة دون اجراء اي مفاوضات مع نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد.

وقال ان "اصدقاء سوريا" يريدون ان "ترفض المعارضة المفاوضات، وقراراتهم تهدف الى تمويل وتسليح المعارضين وفرض عقوبات جديدة" على دمشق.

وكانت روسيا والصين استخدمتا حق الفيتو ضد مشروعي قرار في الامم المتحدة يدينان قمع حركة الاحتجاج السورية الذي اوقع نحو عشرة الاف قتيل منذ عام وفقا للمرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

الا ان موسكو وبكين تدعمان خطة الوسيط الاممي والعربي كوفي انان التي تنص على وقف كل شكل من اشكال العنف من قبل جميع الاطراف تحت اشراف الامم المتحدة وتقديم مساعدة انسانية واطلاق سراح المعتقلين تعسفيا.

التعليقات 18
Thumb thepatriot 11:34 ,2012 نيسان 04

... maybe...but the army will never defeat the opposition either...so what now?

Missing realist 22:09 ,2012 نيسان 04

and is time really on the regime's side? where would the economy/institutions/defections be a year from now? what would be the popular support for the regime be even amongst its staunch supporters? lavrov is actually doing the revolution a favor: if the regime is to triumph versus time does lavrov really need to plea for a deal (he is obv asking for one)? or does lavrov know that the recent gains are merely an illusion and that success in attacking people is one thing, occupation is another.

Thumb geha 11:35 ,2012 نيسان 04

the title should have been: Lavrov Says Syria Opposition Will Never Defeat Assad's Army, And the assad army will never defeat the opposition :)

Thumb jcamerican 11:41 ,2012 نيسان 04

It means till death do us part. Going to be a long and hard divorce.

Thumb thepatriot 11:52 ,2012 نيسان 04

of well... Maher el Assad told them..."When we took power there were 8 million Syrian people, If we leave power, we shall return Syria as it used to be..." I guess that says it all...

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 13:25 ,2012 نيسان 04

i remember the same words said by gorbatchov in 1988 about the great soviet army in afghanistan...then.....lavrov is from the same school.

Missing allouchi 15:03 ,2012 نيسان 04

No wonder Russia is no longer a super power, Lavrov you idiot the Syrian Army will rebel sooner or later and Join the Syrian freedom fighters.

Default-user-icon Lavrov (ضيف) 15:24 ,2012 نيسان 04

What, Me Worry?

Thumb thepatriot 15:44 ,2012 نيسان 04

... and you sound like a murderer Loverboy...

Thumb beiruti 16:51 ,2012 نيسان 04

So Russia is the country that the Syrian Opposition wants to see and that the Syrian government goes to see as well. See what the US - Israeli alliance has cost the US. No credibility with anyone, no one comming to Washington to get solutions and no leverage to resolve these issues. All of this is with Russia, by American default. This is the price that is paid to be Israel's friend. And then after paying that price, Israel thumbs its nose at the US and even involves itself in domestic American presidential politics trying to play one side against the other to affect the outcome best fitted to Israeli interests rather than the interests of the United States.

Thumb geha 17:15 ,2012 نيسان 04

following the agreement between russia and the US, this is the agreed course to take out the syrian regime.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:40 ,2012 نيسان 04

@love4bashar:dont be sorry becose very soon we will not be sorry ,the revenge will include both bashar and hassoun.

Thumb cedar 18:03 ,2012 نيسان 04

The bible said somewhere that syria will be in a state of civil war untill the end of the time on earth

Thumb beiruti 18:33 ,2012 نيسان 04

The bible also said that the sun rotates around the earth.

Thumb shab 20:25 ,2012 نيسان 04

With weapons and Sattelite intel for US they will. Syrian arny and not used to get fired back at.

Default-user-icon Habib Tabrizian (ضيف) 21:43 ,2012 نيسان 04

I think that the title is wrong but those have been suggested are wrong too. The best title must be: Putin and Lavrov elaborate two opposition groups.

Missing realist 22:05 ,2012 نيسان 04

I see this as a plea from lavrov to reach a middle ground and save the regime before it is too late, what he did not say (and acutally inferred in his statement) is that the regime can not defeat the revolution, is time really on the regime's side in this case?..some mathematical objective facts: let's assume this drags on for another year and let us assume that the opposition forces could not "defeat" the regime like lavrov says; nevertheless, we can imagine a protracted resilient guerilla war that gets better armed/trained/efficient versus time and a regime forces' morale and control eroding. Where would the Syrian economy and government institutions be when the majority of syrian territory becomes unsafe? is the regime gaining or losing popular support versus time? Add more defections from the army to the mix..the result in the best case russian scenario is a regime technicaly alive but realisticaly dead

Missing allouchi 14:53 ,2012 نيسان 05
