45 قتيلا في حماة جراء القصف على المدنية منهم 9 نشطاء "أعدموا ميدانيا"
Read this story in Englishقامت القوات السورية النظامية الاثنين بعملية "اعدام ميداني" لتسعة نشطاء كانوا قد التقوا وفد المراقبين الدوليين اثناء زيارتهم لمدينة حماة الاحد بعد ان قصفت احياء في المدينة ما اسفر عن مقتل 45 شخصا.
وذكرت الرابطة السورية لحقوق الانسان في بيان ان مدينة حماة "تعرضت الأثنين لحملة عسكرية وأمنية كبيرة في اليوم التالي لزيارة أعضاء لجنة المراقبين الدوليين الذين زاروا أحياء المدنية والتقوا أهاليها الذين أطلعوهم على معاناتهم ونتائج العمليات العسكرية والأمنية التي تعرضت لها المدينة".
واضاف البيان "استهدفت القوات العسكرية أحياء المدينة بقصف شديد وتركز القصف بشكل أساسي في حي الأربعين ومشاع الأربعين وحي البياض وأسفر عن سقوط أكثر من 45 قتيلا و150 جريحا".
وتابعت المنظمة في بيانها "ثم قامت القوات العسكرية والأمنية بمرافقة ميليشات مدنية مسلحة موالية للنظام بإقتحام حي الأربعين ومشاع الأربعين واعتقلت العديد من الناشطين وقامت بعمليات اعدام ميدانية بحق تسعة من الناشطين الذين قاموا بلقاء أعضاء وفد المراقبين الدوليين".
وكان المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان افاد ان "31 مواطنا قتلوا في اطلاق نار من رشاشات خفيفة وثقيلة من القوات النظامية السورية في حي الأربعين ومشاع الأربعين" في مدينة حماة.
ووزع ناشطون اشرطة فيديو تحدثوا فيها عن "مجزرة" في حي الاربعين، وأظهر احدها شارعا شبه مقفر فيه بقع كبيرة من الدماء. وبدت فتاتان تبكيان وهما تحملان صورة رجل قالت احداهما انه عمها والاخرى انه والدها، بينما كانت امرأة اخرى تجلس ارضا تنتحب حاملة قميصا لاحد افراد عائلتها.
ودانت الرابطة "بأقوى العبارات هذه الجريمة المروعة"، معتبرة انها "جريمة جديدة ضد الإنسانية تضاف إلى سجل الجرائم المتكررة التي يرتكبها النظام السوري بحق المدنيين".
كما تساءلت المنظمة عن "دور المراقبين الدوليين في حمايه الشهود الذين من المفترض توفير الامان لهم وضمان عدم تعرضهم للانتقام والترهيب من قبل أجهزة الأمن السورية".
يأتي ذلك في الاسبوع الثاني على بدء مهمة المراقبين الدوليين المكلفين بالتثبت من وقف اطلاق النار الذي دخل حيز التنفيذ في 12 نيسان/ابريل الجاري وشهد خروقات يومية، اسفرت امس الاثنين عن سقوط 59 قتيلا، بحسب ما افاد المرصد السوري.
ويفترض ان يصل عديد الفريق الحالي الى ثلاثين بموجب قرار مجلس الامن على ان يبدأ الاسبوع المقبل نشر بعثة المراقبين الموسعة التي اقرها المجلس السبت والتي سيصل عددها الى 300.
Those UN observers what are they observing?
The amount of killings that happened within the few days that they have been in Syria does not seem to convince them that Assad is a criminal!
The photographs that lead this article are an indictment not just of the Assad Regime, but of all of its supporters in Iran, Hezbollah and the FPM. It is also an indictment of the United States and the International Community that continues to dither thus enabling the mass murderer Assad to continue with his crimes. These are crimes for which there shall be long term consequences not just in Syria but in a growing circle of destruction that could take down the entire international order if Assad is allowed to get away with this out of expediency, regional strategies or real politik reasons. There is no justification, no reason that can explain, justify or condone this kind of official state action against its own people.
Where is the urgency to make it stop? Annan and his toothless agenda? In the face of clear evidence of atrocity, only a world that has looked the other way cannot see it.
And then to have this story followed by one with led by a photograph of Aoun and his pointing finger is beyond the endurance level for people of conscience. I don't think that the problem is that the people have walked away from God, but that God has walked away from these people.
Beiruti there is a consipiracy against our people in Syria and the ones leading it are the US and her allies. We all know that if the US wanted to get rid of the giraffe they would have done so within 24 hours. A couple of F16 sorties and cruise missles and he'll be packing his stuff and heading for Tehran in no time. So....who is this mysterious x-factor that is protecting the regime in Syria and convincing the Americans and Europeans not to advance? Hmm...could it be our cousins who enjoy the most amount of security and wine tourism in that area called the Golan Heights?
Trust me though, God has not walked away from us...he is testing our endurance and I promise you that we will prevail.
@Dimaski - God be with you guys. Hang in. You have many friends outside of Syria. More than you have enemies.
@beiruti: unfortunately, the US couldn't have gone in with F16s and cruise missiles because that would've raised hell in the US. Trust me that the West (led by the US) wants to put an end to Assad at this point, but with the unpopular war in Iraq and Afghanistan, then sending NATO to Libya the US is under tremendous pressure from its citizens. The US was hoping that the Arab League and some European countries had bigger balls and could handle Syria, but unfortunately it looks like they're running out of choices. In my opinion, Annan's six point plan was designed to show the world that there are no other options but to bring down Assad by military force. The only question remaining is if that will happen before or after the tourism season...
This is a disgrace on the head of the UN.... The world never changes when it comes to letting atrocities happen.
But to be fair let's put most of the blame where it belongs, on Russia and China who are well versed in oppressing their own people.
Sorry Darling but the guy in the photo whi you are crying is your father is a Terrorist and deserves to rot in the Abyss of Hell along with his rebel comrads. It's people like your father that want to instill Muslim Sharia Law and opress the minority in the country. History has proven this and thank God the Assad Regime will not allow them to proceed with their goals.
deplorable what is happenning in syria
but this nothing compared to what happenned to us in lebanon
hope not only syria but any country who meggeled in our affairs from 69 till taef accord by arms or money or moral support to have the same war we had for 20 years
@Dimaski - Althought what's happening in Syria is a tragedy, this is what you used to do with us lebanese, coz the free syrian army was in the regular army who were killing us and who flee upon the israely invasion in 82.
how strange are the M8 supporters here not to comment the crimes going on in syria but so fast at insulting M14...
but what can we expect from the people who thanked the assad regime for its goodness to lebanon....