متحدث باسم انان: "مؤشرات طفيفة" على احترام خطة انان ميدانيا في سوريا
Read this story in Englishصرح المتحدث باسم الموفد الدولي والجامعة العربية كوفي انان في جنيف الجمعة ان هناك "مؤشرات طفيفة" على احترام خطة انان ميدانيا في سوريا.
وقال المتحدث للصحافيين "هناك مؤشرات على الارض تفيد عن احراز تقدم، ولو انها بطيئة وطفيفة، وهناك ايضا مؤشرات ميدانية لا ترونها"، مضيفا ان "عملية الوساطة هذه تجري بطبيعتها بعيدا عن الاضواء".
وقال انان ايضا انه سيبلغ مجلس الامن الدولي بعملية تطبيق خطته في الثامن من ايار/مايو بواسطة الدائرة المغلقة من جنيف.
واضاف ان "خطة انان تسير على السكة، ولا يمكن حل ازمة بدات قبل اكثر من عام في يوم او اسبوع". واضاف "في الواقع، الامر سيتطلب مزيدا من الوقت لجمع كل الخيوط، لكن تاكدوا من انه سيتم جمعها".
Fraud! This only gives the "international community" cover to let more time run off the clock while they try to work up the nerve to do what is necessary, while also giving Assad more time to kill as many from the Opposition as he can, while he can.
This is not progress, it is an excuse for continued dithering and inaction by those states who know what they need to do, but lack the will to act.
@beiruti - Unfortunately. wheels of diplomacy run even slower than wheels of justice. Obama will soon run out of third parties to offload the Syrian crisis on (first he offloaded to Turkey, then to the Arab league and now to the Russians). In the end, when Annan's plan does finally fail and the US election comes to pass, then, and only then, you will see real moves to decisively end this once and for all. Unfortunate yes, but that is how real politic works.
@libnanfirst, yes, what you say is true. The moral bankruptcy of the status quo is that Obama must first take care of himself before he can take measures to end the killing in Syria. And worse, it is a bad political move for Obama to do the right thing in the months before the election. He should be credited, but instead will be criticized and drop in the polls, such is the amoral state of the American political process.
anything that will keep Salafis and takfiris away from our borders is welcome! I don't think a bigger danger could exist
@kesrweneh - Many in M14 do not disagree with your fears vis Salfis taking over Arab governments especially in Syria. That said, many in M14 or their sympathizers - myself included - are equally not comfortable and fearful of the Wilayat Al Faqih followers. In general, we the Sunnis as not only the majority they are among all Moslems but the ones that are more apt to accept modifications to the strict rule of religion (shari'a) in civil societies. We see no such renaissance amongst the Shi'a so far.