لافروف: الحل في سوريا داخلي ولمؤتمر دولي يدعى إليه الجوار كلبنان وقطر وتركيا وإيران

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دعا وزير الخارجية الروسية سيرغي لافروف إلى عقد مؤتمر دولي عن سوريا "تشارك فيه دول الجوار" مجددا رفض موسكو للتدخل العسكري لأن الحل "داخلي يتفق عليه السوريون".

وقال لافروف في مؤتمر صحفي بثه التلفزيون الروسي بعد ظهر السبت " روسيا لن توافق على استخدام القوة ضد سوريا في الامم المتحدة (..)علينا البدء سريعا بالإعداد لمؤتمر دولي خاص بالتسوية في سوريا تكون ضمنها العراق ولبنان والأردن وتركيا والسعودية وقطر والدول الاعضاء في مجلس الأمن".

كما قال أن إيران هي من "الأطراف المؤثرة في سوريا" والقول أنها "جزء من المشكلة وليس الحل هو ساذج" مؤكدا أن واشنطن لم ترفض فكرة مشاركة طهران.

وتابع لافروف "لن نسمح بالتدخل بالعسكري ليس دفاعا عن الأسد بل لأن تركيبة سوريا الطائفية ستنسف"، مشيرا في رد على حل يمني في سوريا أن الرئيس علي عبدالله صالح رحل بالتوافق قائلا "إذا اتفق السوريون على ذلك فسنحن سنرحب بهذا الحل".

وجزم أن بلاده لا تصدر "أية اسلحة يمكن ان تستخدم ضد المتظاهرين السلميين ونصدر فقط الدفاعات الجوية".

وتمسك لافروف بخطة المبعوث الدولي والعربي المشترك كوفي أنان رغم أنها "متعثرة" كما أضاف " نريد أن نبحث الأسباب الحقيقية لتعثر خطة أنان لنفهم إذا ما كان هناك خطة لنسفها".

إلى ذلك، تحدث لافروف عن "اخطاء كبيرة ارتكبتها الحكومة السورية خلال الأزمة والجرائم والتفجيرات عززها الدعم الخارجي".

كما لم يوفر المعارضة فأشار إلى أن "معلومات حول عمليات تنكيل وقتل واغتيال بحق أنصار النظام السوري".

وإذ استنكر قرار منع بث القنوات السورية الذي "لا يتفق مع حرية التعبير" رفض أن "تكون الدعاية نازية جديدة للتعبير عن الرأي".

وأضاف "وصل عدد النازحين إلى أكثر من 80000 لاجئ ولكن نزح إلى سوريا مليون عراقي وآلاف الفلسطينيين".

التعليقات 16
Missing mustapha_ghalayini@yahoo.com 17:59 ,2012 حزيران 09

russia will soon be out of the mediterrenean soon and for a looooooong time

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 18:53 ,2012 حزيران 09

The Russians are like most dictatorships: full of meaningless thinking. They try to create scenarios which are illogical by all standards. They killed Muslims in tsitsnia and are willing to destroy everything for nothing. Putin was elected with fraud votes and the Rissian country is so much backward in everthing. I visited Russia recently and was amazed at how much it's still the same as with the Soviet era. While walking on the street in Moscow, you could see the KGB everywhere. This country would never change. With all their flaws, the Americans are way far better than them. As for Syria, only the people of Syria will ultimately topple the regime. If the people wanted to live, it will be given to them, as per our great poet Alshabi.

Default-user-icon Nina (ضيف) 20:23 ,2012 حزيران 09

lol @ bigger "malls". True!

Thumb beiruti 19:08 ,2012 حزيران 09

As a matter of principle, Lavrov is correct. It is not the world's business if Assad choses to govern by murdering Syrians. It only becomes the world's business and the imperitive to act only arises when the actions of the Assad Regime constitute a threat to other nation-states, either in the neighborhood, the region or internationally. To the extent that Assad seeks to ignite a regional sectarian war as a means of survival, then a preemptive war against the Assad Regime to stop this clear and present danger can be justified.
In Lebanon, this has happened, but Lebanon is captive of Assad's ally Hezbollah and therefore will not defend itself nor call upon the international community for defense.
If Assad crosses the line in Turkey, a NATO ally, this is another matter.

Default-user-icon Truedemocracy (ضيف) 19:31 ,2012 حزيران 09

Two sides are arguing and fighting. Both sides have backing from major political powers. Also, both sides are at a stalemate where no one is winning, and only the Syrian civilians are losing.

Now, to make this stop, both sides must sit together along with the people backing them to arrive at a peaceful resolution. What's the point of having a discussion where only one side exists and the other side is banned from the negotiating table? Is peace really possible this way?

Diplomacy is an art of talking to your enemy, not an art of talking to your friends.

Thumb beiruti 19:49 ,2012 حزيران 09

@Truedemocracy. It is a well taken point. However, none of the outside parties are interested in saving the Syrian people, which should be the purpose of the exercise. Iran, which supports Assad does so in order to secure the viability of its deterrent force in Lebanon which Assad supports. Russia supports Iran because it wants to be a regional player against the US who has a monopoly among the Sunni states and Israel.
The US is playing Assad to diminish Iran as a potential competitor in the region and the Saudis are arming the Syrian opposition since they are opposing an Iranian ally and Iran is the main proponent of ascendant Shiism which is trying to contest Sunni power in the region.
Assad is trying to survive and the Syrian people are having their throats slit.
The solution lies not in common ground on ending the carnage inflicted on the Syrian people as their suffering does not motivate any of the players in the game.

Missing peace 20:56 ,2012 حزيران 09

just look who M8 praise and are allied to(syria, china, russia, iran... all dictatorships) and you understand their way of thinking....

Missing peace 22:27 ,2012 حزيران 09

just educate yourself then come and talk with the adults ok baby boy?

Thumb normzz 15:26 ,2012 حزيران 10

"Peace" theres only one difference ,syria, china, russia, iran... all dictatorships) the west are dictator's eb sharaf..
No man … can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true.

Default-user-icon Libano (ضيف) 21:23 ,2012 حزيران 09

nonsense, what is he saying? he needs a translator, as his words make zero sense. the check is in the mail.

Missing peace 14:18 ,2012 حزيران 10

ROFL! FT is going to tell us soon that syria russia china north korea iran are democracies where people have the right to oppose their gvt!
stop FT: it s a friendly advice, you don t seem to notice how ridiculous you are by trying to justify urself!
i bet the iranian regime in lebanon is the best one towards democracy hahahha!!!
you made my day with such claouny comments!
a real 5 year old trying to talk like an adult...

Missing peace 14:50 ,2012 حزيران 10

"you desperately seek to categorize me and this is driving you crazy."
i only see one desperate guy trying to justify himself... but your posts speak against you!

you have categorized yourself many times :FPM new style trying to justify why your puppet denies everything he used to defend before! that is what makes you illogic and ridiculous! how to defend someone who always said white then says black! hard it seems! lol
defending a party that pledged allegiance to a foreign power you call it patriotism, defending a regime your master always labeled as terrorist, you call it patriotism, defending the weapons of a political party and denying the FSI and army to be the only ones armed, you call it patriotism!
i call it stupidity and against the interesst of an independent and sovereign state!
but be my guest keep on making us laugh..

Thumb normzz 15:09 ,2012 حزيران 10

bankrupt??? haroum enti habibi.. the russians are drilling oil in the antarctic where there is more then all the middle east put together.russia and china have the big money,america is in debt to china,for your information ...

Thumb normzz 15:43 ,2012 حزيران 10

Go the flame..100% There is something wrong with every m14 i meet, all they do is insult and dream up these fantasy's where the good are on 1 side and the bad on another...this is not a action movie people,this is reality,and in reality everything is not black or white..there is plenty of grey that neither of us have big enough boots to know. as for lebanon i can not see a salution in the near future. i hope im wrong but because of how the country is split and the current and future situation in syria. mate we are going to crash and burn.god help us

Missing peace 16:23 ,2012 حزيران 10

Normzz = it is not a pb of good or bad but the problem of a party armed to the teeth and blackmailing every gvt in place to do what they want other they resort to arms...
it s the matter of a so-called lebanese party that is obeying a foreign country and fulfilling its agenda rather than proposing solutions to improve the lebanese economy and life of people!
they are here just to bring chaos to the country and weakening the state so that they can pull the strings!and you have sheep followers who prefer follow the power of arms so that their leaders can benefit from it financially ...
they don t understand that this party is playing the game of israel which gets all the advantages of a weak and divided country!
but let them be, one day they ll realize when it ll be too late!

Missing sergio 16:24 ,2012 حزيران 10

Fadson sorry buddy you got it all wrong FT AKA Mama's boy is proudly graduate of Dahiye University. the economy they teach there is how to cheat on the state institutions to get free electricity, water etc...