وكالة انترفاكس الروسية: موسكو سترسل سفينيتين حربيتين الى سواحل سوريا

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تستعد روسيا لارسال سفينتين حربيتين برمائتين الى مرفأ طرطوس في سوريا حيث القاعدة الروسية الوحيدة في المتوسط، حسبما نقلت وكالة انترفاكس عن مصدر في قيادة اركان البحرية الروسية.

ونقلت انترفاكس عن مسؤول طلب عدم الكشف عن هويته في هيئة اركان البحرية ان "سفينتي انزال كبيرتين هما نيكولاي فلتشنكوف وتسيزار كونيكوف تستعدان للتحرك الى طرطوس خارج اطار برنامجهما".

وتابعت انترفاكس ان السفينتين ستنقلان عددا "كبيرا" من البحارة.

ولم يصدر اي تاكيد رسمي من البحرية او من وزارة الدفاع الروسية.

واضافت ان سفينة تسيزار كونيكوف يمكن ان تنقل 150 عنصرا من قوات الانزال ومعدات اخرى من بينها دبابات، بينما تستطيع نيكولاي فلتشنكوف ان تنقل حتى 1500 طن من الحمولة والمعدات".

وتابعت انترفاكس ان السفينتين يمكن ان تستخدمان لاجلاء مواطنين روس.

ونقلت انترفاكس عن احد المصادر ان "بوسع طاقمي السفينتين مع فريق "اس بي 15" من خلال التعاون مع جنود البحرية ضمان امن المواطنين الروس واجلاء قسم من معدات قاعدة الدعم اللوجستي اذا دعت الحاجة الى ذلك".

التعليقات 17
Default-user-icon NoName (ضيف) 12:03 ,2012 حزيران 18

This is a good sign, it means the Russians know their base needs protecting, and Assad can't do it anymore. Even if it takes years, his days are numbered. All the people his father killed in Lebanon will be avenged.

Default-user-icon Ronaldo (ضيف) 13:06 ,2012 حزيران 18

Big deal Russia is weak as piss, bring on the fifth fleet to show Russia what a real Navy looks like.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 13:10 ,2012 حزيران 18

evacuation of bashar's family...just observe the stress of hizb through raad.

Default-user-icon Esteban (ضيف) 14:21 ,2012 حزيران 18

Informed sources: These ships are not carrying weapons or anything military. They are carrying bug and pest repellents to spray those filthy infested Sunni crazies, especially the ones with beards longer than the curly sideburns of their crazier fundamentalist Jew brothers.

Missing allouchi 15:01 ,2012 حزيران 18

Russia is a 3rd rate power...the west is just letting them think that they amount to anything...FSA will be in power soon and then no more Russian scum and drunks in Syria.

Default-user-icon Pollo Dyadji (ضيف) 15:15 ,2012 حزيران 18

Until when do you think the West will continue letting Russia think what they think? Will it be until before or until after the imminent fall of the Syrian regime that has already fallen 6395 times? I like it when the geniuses analyze and conclude!

Thumb geha 15:26 ,2012 حزيران 18

Mowaten and FT:
have you started to feel desperate with the proximity of the fall of your master?
soon you will fall in lebanon too :)

Thumb bigsami 16:26 ,2012 حزيران 18

Geha.....Motormouth and his alias FT....same snake with two heads. Don't waste your time. Can't do much with conditioned lab monkeys.

Thumb bigsami 18:20 ,2012 حزيران 18

Than that should put the limits of your mental capabilities limits beyond the galaxies....

Missing sergio 15:37 ,2012 حزيران 18

well said Geha:)

Default-user-icon free citizen (ضيف) 16:02 ,2012 حزيران 18

They might sink

Missing peace 16:15 ,2012 حزيران 18

M8 is no more talking about the fact that bashar has every thing under control, M8 is preparing itself to the fall of their beloved regime to the point that oragina warned of a civil war they ll trigger to defend their last privileges given by their master bashar...
now russians are deploying to evacuate...

i remember when M8 were so arrogant in defending bashar, wahhab going to syria in support of bashar, orangina telling that it ll all be over the week after!
now... we are the ones about to laugh at their vanity....

Missing peace 16:21 ,2012 حزيران 18

rebel scum = shabbiha i presume?

Missing peace 16:58 ,2012 حزيران 18

"licking the boots of rustom ghazali and giving him the keys of beirut,"

and i remember your orangina saying that honorable politicians in lebanon had to obey the syrians or die...
the difference is that M14 has stopped licking the boots of the syrian regime and you are still licking their ass... which makes you lackeys before and still now...

so refrain from giving lessons while your politicians are still doing what you are reproaching others to have done! LOL!

and i am supporting those who are to avenge all the lebanese of all the murders and massacres commited by your friends in damascus...you should rather be happy to see justice!
seems you forgot all those from your party left by aoun in the syrian jails who were killed by your new friends...
so here the valet mentality is rather on your side... stupid

Thumb jabal10452 17:04 ,2012 حزيران 18

Ya jamé3a why don't we stay out of this Syrian mess. This is bigger than us.

I wish Hezbollah would stop the verbal and (allegedly) military support for Assad
I wish the Sunnis would stop sending hardware to the rebels.
And I wish aboul mish bi séddo shoai and stops defending Bashar.

Because no matter who wins and who loses, Lebanon loses in the end. Somebody's going to end up paying for supporting the party who lost, and it only means greif to Lebanon.

Enno what the heck is wrong with being in3izélié for once and stay on the sidelines?

Thumb jabal10452 17:50 ,2012 حزيران 18


Thumb geha 18:01 ,2012 حزيران 18

what you said is reason.
unfortunately wether we want it or not we will be faced with a major issue: the iranian weapons in lebanon:
- they serve iran in the first place.
- in the second place, they want to keep a foothold on the mediterranean, and expand their so-called revolution.
the problem is they know they lost their bid for Bahrain, and their intent is to do whatever it takes (wether through weapons or through hegemony) to take over lebanon, which is their last resort after the fall of the syrian regime, their only bargaining chip left.
this is why we have to defend our way of life unless you wish to end up in a country living the iranian way.