وفاة رئيس مكتب الامن القومي في سوريا هشام اختيار متأثرا بجروحه وتشييع أركان النظام في دمشق
Read this story in Englishأعلن حزب البعث الحاكم في سوريا وفاة رئيس مكتب الامن القومي هشام اختيار الجمعة متأثرا بجروح اصيب بها في تفجير مبنى المكتب خلال اجتماع لمسؤولين امنيين، في حين اقامت السلطات السورية تشييعا رسميا الجمعية للمسؤولين الكبار الثلاثة الذين قضوا في الإنفجار بحضور نائب رئيس الجمهورية فاروق الشرع.
وقالت القيادة القطرية لحزب البعث في بيان بثه التلفزيون، انها "تنعى الى جماهير شعبنا الرفيق هشام اختيار عضو القيادة القطرية رئيس مكتب الامن القومي الذي استشهد قبل ظهر اليوم متأثرا بجراحه".
وكان المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان نقل وفاة رئيس مكتب الامن القومي في سوريا، وقال أن وضع وزير الداخلية محمد ابراهيم الشعار "ليس مستقرا".
وذكرت وكالة "سانا" من جهة لأخرى ان دمشق شيعت "في موكب رسمي مهيب صباح اليوم (الجمعة) من صرح الشهيد في جبل قاسيون (المطل على دمشق) الشهداء الابطال" معاون نائب رئيس الجمهورية العماد حسن توركماني ووزير الدفاع العماد داوود عبد الله راجحة ونائبه العماد اصف محمود شوكت، صهر الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد.
وحضر مراسم التشييع بحسب الوكالة، الشرع ووزير الدفاع الجديد العماد فهد جاسم الفريج الذين القيا نظرة الوداع على الجثامين قبل نقل جثمان كل من المسؤولين الى مدينته لدفنه فيها.
كما شارك بالتشييع الامين القطري المساعد لحزب البعث محمد سعيد بخيتان ورئيس مجلس الشعب محمد جهاد اللحام ورئيس الوزراء رياض حجاب وعدد من الوزراء وكبار الضباط.
وقتل وزير الدفاع داوود راجحة ونائبه آصف شوكت ومسؤول خلية الازمة حسن توركماني في تفجير استهدف مقر الامن القومي في العاصمة السورية وشكل ضربة قاسية للجهاز الامني السوري.
وتبنى الهجوم الجيش السوري الحر الذي يشكل منشقون عن الجيش غالبية افراده.

Another one bites the dust... and another one gone and another one gone... another one bites the dust...

because he happens to be a shia.
can you deny it?
reminding you may be painful to you consciousness and reason of existence, but not to the families of the thousands who dies at his hand.

انا حاسس انه مش رح يضل منهم حد يخبر عن يلي عملوه بلبنان, نظام عم ينظف حاله. الله يستر.

a thug you are and a thug you will remain. most probably you will go away when the shabiha finally disappear from Lebanon.
and it is coming....

c'était prévu, et ce n'est qu'une question de temps!
l terikh bi2oul enno l sawra mostamerra w 7ekem l Assad 2ila zawel.
bass please 3mello ma3rouf ya jame3a, Din w Ta2ifit hodoli l mojrimnin ma2ila 2ahamyi, fa bala 7azeziyet ta2ifiyi.
Hodi mojrmin ma 3endoun la ta2ifi w la din!

Justice for all the Lebanese people who lost loved ones cause of the Syrian regim.Bashar ya dog what goes around comes around ..

I'm telling you folks this idiot aka BSThrower speaks for all that belong/worship HA.....in manner that commends murders/killing/torture & suppression. Simply regressed people that froze in time.

The more the merrier...Let them play poker in hell..Assad and Mahar next..GO FSA...

Hey FT I am almost a 100% supporter of M14 but I really do think you make sense sometimes. I am new to Lebanese politics but I am starting to think the M8 and M14 are not the answers. I think if we can meet at M11 we would all be much happier lol. Thank god that guy is gone but I would have preferred they all suffered in prison for the remainder of there lives. I am Lebanesse Australian and someday I hope we can finally open our eyes and realise that as bad as these guys are we are all fighting for a fair and diplomatic society and we get nothing out of them being blown up.

You still got thumbs down. I am sure these people vote for their leaders the same way. One list for all. Your comments should please anyone who cares about lebanon. This is the reason will never change. People have to change first, but all of them are stamps.

I don't want this in Lebanon or anywhere in the world to be the answer to solve problems but I understand our strong Syrian brothers and sisters have no other choice. I hope Bashar's time is up and I hope it is one of the many changes the region needs. We have the most beautiful culture in the world but unfortunately we have never had the opportunity to prosper from it. Hezbollah could really help the middle east if they would just drop there arm's and become the one thing Iran could never be with the current regime and that is a connection between the Sunni's,Shiites, Christians and the world. Congrats on Ramadan all my Muslim brothers and lets hope our Sunni's, shiite's, Druze, Maronite, Jew and any other religious faction can one day live in peace.

Well said T. Especially the last sentence. As to HA....I'm sorry but they are one the same as Iran. That will not change but what you wrote sure sounded good :-)

Thanks Sami. The last sentence is just a hope that they would be the connection because I honestly don't see much hope anywhere else. I think the infrastructure outside of the weapons could be utilised but the mindset and possibly the hierarchy needs a change.

Got banned from tayyar forum because i said mabrouknfor the killing of the butchers!! Unbeleivable

It's so hard to be diplomatic, if my mother, father, brother or sister died because of the Syrian regime I would want them all dead. I just think our problem starts there, we are the most passionate and loving people in the world but we have to realise violence is never the answer. We need to face them with our hand's bound together so that they know, we don't give a sh**, we are one no matter what religion or country we are from we all want to live in peace without the worry that any day we could be killed. Especially if its a cause that does not involve us 1 little bit.

"When do we get to live and send our kids to school and start families and be human?"
When that question is answered there will be peace for Lebanon and the whole of the Middle East.

I am lucky enough that my parents left Lebanon before I was born but the problem is there will always be an attachment that will never go away. I love Lebanon, Why??? I don't know maybe because it's my blood. I can't explain the attachment in words but I have never felt what the Lebanese on the ground feel. I just hope 1 day that the people with the same thoughts as us are able to control the country and make it what it was always destined to be. How many countries in the world have Muslim and Christian population willing to live together. I was in a taxi in Sydney once and I asked the driver are you Lebanese and he said 'Yes' I asked him are you Muslim or Christian? And I will never forget his answer he said, " you know when I was in Lebanon, nobody asked me that question, nobody cared, we were all brother" I will never forget that.

Where is Nassy to glorify this killer and ignore the Lebanese that he killed?