لافروف يعتبر ان موقف الولايات المتحدة حيال سوريا "تبرير للارهاب"
Read this story in Englishدان وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف الاربعاء موقف الولايات المتحدة من المعارضة السورية معتبرا انه "تبرير للارهاب"، واتهم واشنطن بعدم ادانة الاعتداء الذي اودى بحياة اربعة مسؤولين امنيين في دمشق في 18 تموز.
وقال لافروف في مؤتمر صحافي عن هذا التفجير انه "موقف رهيب". واضاف "انني اعجز عن ايجاد الكلمات للتعبير عن موقفنا في هذا الشأن. تبرير مباشر للارهاب".
وانتقد الوزير الروسي سفيرة الولايات المتحدة في الامم المتحدة سوزان رايس، مؤكدا انها صرحت بعد اعتداء دمشق انه على مجلس الامن الدولي التصويت على قرار يفرض عقوبات على سوريا، وهو القرار الذي استخدمت موسكو حق النقض (الفيتو) ضده.
وقال لافروف "هذا يعني انه نحن (الولايات المتحدة) سنواصل دعم مثل هذه الاعمال الارهابية طالما ان مجلس الامن الدولي لا يفعل ما نريد".
Mr. Lavrov don't forget who was supporting Bin Laden against you. He was a freedom fighter at that time. Don't worry soon the opposition will be labeled as terrorists when they cross the line.
Actually, the American also like their own brand of Dictators and some of the worse kind. As far as I know, they still support the GCC countries which are far from being open and democratic. Their policy vis a vis Egypt was wishy washy and lead by events on the ground. They didn't care enough about Tunisia to do anything. They supported Saddam in the 1980s until he no longer prove useful to them. As for Libya, well they joined EU calls for NATO action very late. Let's not even discuss the support of African dictatorships. So, well, I guess the Russians are not alone in meeting a dictator they didn't like. Hmmm...
what does lavrov know?
he knows hizbullah is a usa intel operation.
he knows the israeli concern over chemical weapons falling into
the hands of hizbullah is a false concern since israel is aware of hizbullahs origins. any transfere of chemical weapons is what the usa and israel want. those weapons are then in the hands of usa intel to
be used as an excuse or to get their hands on weapons the west sold syria the weapons return of evidence.
so this is not about dictators or chemical weapons it is about syria going into civil war and who benifits?
some (you would hope) are working very hard to stop this civil war that would end up in lebanon.