اختطاف 48 من الزوار الايرانيين في دمشق

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تم اختطاف 48 من الزوار الايرانيين كانوا في حافلة في العاصمة السورية السبت على ما صرح قنصل السفارة الايرانية في دمشق للتلفزيون الايراني.

وقال عبد المجيد كانجو للتلفزيون الرسمي الذي نقل المعلومات عبر موقعه على الانترنت "خطفت جماعات مسلحة 48 من الزوار الايرانيين كانوا متجهين الى المطار". وتابع "ليست هناك معلومات عن مصير الزوار. وتحاول السفارة والمسؤولون السوريون تتبع الفاعلين".

التعليقات 11
Thumb fadi_albeiruti 15:54 ,2012 آب 04

What in the world are these Iranians doing in a country engulfed in an uprising with the overwhelming majority of Syrians hostile to Iranians, this makes you think , are these hostages truly pilgrims as they claim or are they there to help the regime in its fight against the rebels?

Thumb geha 15:58 ,2012 آب 04

I seriously doubt these are pilgrims :)
they deserve what they get.

Default-user-icon Leg patriot (ضيف) 16:19 ,2012 آب 04

Shame on you racists who like the salafists fail to differentiate between civilians and militants..

Default-user-icon hajjeh (ضيف) 16:33 ,2012 آب 04

pilgrims eh, I think they probably mean the Arabic form of the word, Hajj, you know like
Hajj Imad Moughneih, Hajj Mouhammad Raad, Hajj Ali Ammar ...
or the way members of the Iranian terrorist group refer to each others

Thumb thepatriot 17:44 ,2012 آب 04

Either they are not pilgrims, or they are retards!

Default-user-icon ibrahim (ضيف) 17:52 ,2012 آب 04

just like you

Missing roger@10452 18:01 ,2012 آب 04

about time...they are now getting a taste of their own lousy medicine...

Missing samiam 20:20 ,2012 آب 04

Yeah--similar questions. Why would there be pilgrims in an area where there is a civil war? If they are truly innocent pilgrims then I feel bad for them and their family, but if they are not whom they are claimed, then they probably deserved it.

Even if they are 'innocent' pilgrims, they lack a lot of common sense.

Default-user-icon Rokon Roll (ضيف) 20:55 ,2012 آب 04

Get your story straight Ghadanfar were the 48 Iranian revolutionary guards going to the shrine of Zaynab or going to the airport, your TV network said they were going to the shrine but this dude Majid Kamjou said they were going to the airport.

Thumb lebanon_first 21:57 ,2012 آب 04

Everybody understand this. Chiites dont do tourism. Chiites do not travel for work. Chiites do not travel to fight. The only reason chiites travel is for pilgrimage. Chiites are sooo religious that they are either in their country or on pilgrimage. SO. if ever a chiite is kidnapped outside his country, this is called pilgrim kidnapping.

Thumb falanges 07:34 ,2012 آب 05

these "pilgrams" are fighters because assad cannot trust his ground troops. he is using iranian and hezbollah solders to fight his ground war and his syrian guard for tank and helicopter attacks. also the hezbollah "pilgrams" are hired assad fighters. wake up world