الجيش الحر في فيديو بثته "العربية": الايرانيون مجتجزون لدينا وهم شبيحة بينهم ضباط بالحرس الثوري
Read this story in Englishعرضت قناة العربية الاحد شريطا مصورا يظهر الايرانيين المختطفين في سوريا في قبضة الجيش السوري الحر الذي أكد ان الرهائن "شبيحة" وبينهم ضباط في الحرس الثوري الايراني.
ويظهر المختطفون في الشريط محاطين بمسلحين من الجيش السوري الحر وخلفهم علم الاستقلال الذي يعتمده معارضو النظام السوري.
وقال احد ضباط الجيش الحر في الشريط، أن "كتيبة" من القوات المنشقة "قامت بالقبض على 48 من شبيحة ايران" كانوا في مهمة "استطلاع ميدانية" في دمشق.
واضاف: "اثناء التحقيق معهم تبين وجود ضباط ايرانيين عاملين في الحرس الثوري الايراني".
وطلب الضابط من احد المحتجزين اظهار وثائق بحوزته تظهر ما قال انها بطاقات تدل الى انتمائه للحرس الثوري.
واكدت طهران امس ان الايرانيين "زوار" خطفوا بينما كانوا في طريقهم الى مطار دمشق.
وافادت القناة العامة للتلفزيون الرسمي الايراني اليوم الاحد ان ايران طلبت من تركيا وقطر اللتين تدعمان المعارضة المسلحة السورية، التدخل للافراج عن الزوار.
وأكدت وكالة الانباء السورية "سانا" اختطاف الزوار، موضحة أن "مجموعة ارهابية مسلحة استولت السبت على باص ينقل زوارا ايرانيين في محافظة دمشق"، واكدت ان السلطات المختصة تتحرك للسيطرة على الوضع.
ويأتي مئات آلاف الايرانيين سوريا سنويا لزيارة ضريح السيدة زينب ابنة الامام علي بن اب طالب الذي يعد من أهم مزارات الشيعة في دمشق.
وايران هي من أهم حلفاء نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد الذي تشهد بلاده منذ اذار 2011 انتفاضة شعبية اتخذت طابعا عسكريا بمرور الوقت. وتصف السلطات السورية التي لا تعترف باتساع الانتفاضة المعارضين بانهم "عصابات ارهابية مسلحة".
في كانون الاول وكانون الثاني خطف عشرات الزوار والمهندسين الايرانيين وافرج عن معظمهم بعد اشهر.
They should nail their brains out and teach Iran and Hizbollah a lesson! They should know the sneaky sleezy methods they invented can turn against them too ! From the Hizb operatives dressed up as women stealing the computers and data form the STL and hitting its investigators in Dahyé, after having organised themselves a planned tour to a private women's clinic, to directing socalled 'spontaneous' demonstrations to stone the UNIFIL investigators coming to check some hidden arms caches after suspicious explosions in the south, all these trick s are too well kown by now! Add to that now hairdressers, butchers,bus drivers, etc.. trained as deadly operatives training the shabiha, and roaming Syria on pilgirmage ! They are ever more creative !
The proof is given here, that the Leb hizb pilgirms were never but ....Pasdarans in disguise! This is a big snake, with a little offspring: the Hizb!
Never believed in the friirst place this pilgrim story. Not the right time to go to Damascus to do their religious duties, I think everybody would agree that it would be suicidal. The rebals have exposed the Iranians increasing involvement in the back up of Assads reign. However, the rebels will have to manage this situation carefully as to not give Iran the excuse it is looking for to join the conflict in full force to save their vital supply lines to Hizballah.
For the skeptics, are you seriously claiming that 48 men are performing a pilgrimage???
To a country that is embroiled in civil war, where they face bombardment, checkpoints, kidnapping???
Let me guess, using the same logic, we can assume the HA thugs who have entered Syria fighting alongside a falling regime are part of some adventure tourism... Give me a break. They should be held until the fall of the regime and can only hope they are treated better than those they unfairly persecute in Iran.
Iran can't stop their crusade to turn the region into a theocracy controlled by Tehran. Theocrats are just dictators using Allah as an excuse to enslave nations.
We should bring Hassan Nasrallah, Assad, and their Iranian masters on a traveling circus show. They can play charades, where they try and pass off executions, assassinations, and pilmigrages as silly circus gimmicks.
The shows over boys because the bad news for you is Syria is about to fall, the Iranian nation is so screwed by sanctions they will end up using their inflated currency for toilet paper, and Hassan N. is about to get a job shoveling $&:# in Dehyeh.
To all people on this forum, i am ashamed to be lebanese, once i get my other passport i will burn my lebanese one, i do not share your thirst for blood, or your intellectual bankrupcy, i just observe how you react to news and deduce that you are so disconnected from reality that all the countries woes are your sole responsability. I hope your parents get kidnapped one day, so i can take them comments back at you. are you familiar with the principles of humanity? The declaration of human rights? the geneva convention? you have your lebanon, 14 and 8, and i have mine.
The 11 Lebanese hostages [ if you wanna call them that ] were In Iran doing their religious deed and then these Iranians were in Syria doing their pilgrimage in the midst of raging battles in Damascus, both groups fall into the hands of the FSA then both groups are declared pilgrims, yeah right.
Guys we should respect prisoners of war ,and hopefully use them for prisoner exchange.we should not use what assad does as our example for treatment.we are better then him.
This is ridiculous. Revolutionary Guards on a reconnaisance mission on a road to the airport? Why weren't they armed? These people are the kind of soft targets that only cowards would abduct. That any of you would be predisposed to believe this Saudi Televised Propaganda shows how simple and stupid you really are. Hate has blinded you. Jundallah are fantics and killers . Would any of you allow any of them in your homes? For the sake of your women I hope not.
If a rebel source dismissed the claim and the group for inciting hatred, doesn't this suggest that these men may not be revolutionary guards?
Wait for the evidence first, then draw up your conclusions. Don't just have a conclusion and then look for any partial evidence to support it.
well iran did state a week ago that it will do anything to make sure the assad regime stays in power of syria so maybe they are revolutionary guards bass in the end they r still human this execute them is murder...wait for the war to end then hold them in trial then put them in jail right now they are POW(prisoners of war) allah yi7mi the resistance(free syrian army) its time for a power change in syria
For my summer vacation (pilgrimage) I thing I will go to a city under constant bombing and gun fire. Ha Ha.
These guys are liars. Republican guard killers. They are in Syria to kill Syrians. Kill them all!!!!!
Listen to yourself man... anyone who oposes syria praises KSA?? You're out of your tiny mind...