النيابة العامة المصرية تقرر محاكمة مدير قناة تلفزيونية وصحافي بتهمة "اهانة" الرئيس

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اعلنت النيابة العامة المصرية الاثنين انها احالت على القضاء مدير قناة تلفزيونية وصحافي بتهمة "اهانة" الرئيس محمد مرسي.

وتوفيق عكاشة رئيس قناة الفراعين متهم ب"التحريض على قتل رئيس الجمهورية" بينما يواجه اسلام عفيفي رئيس تحرير جريدة الدستور تهمة "اشعال الفتنة الطائفية واهانة رئيس الجمهورية والتحريض على اشاعة الفوضى فى المجتمع".

التعليقات 6
Thumb beiruti 22:25 ,2012 آب 13

The King has died, Long live the King.

Is this any different from any other autocrat, whether Mubarak or Assad or whomever who cannot countenance a free press and freedom of speech?? It is the hallmark of democratic government that the governed have the God given right to criticise its government and its leaders. Afterall, the government belongs to the people. The office of President belongs to the people. The holder of the ofice, Morsi, is a temporary tenant who is there at the pleasure of the people. He is no Pharoah or King, yet he is already starting to act like one.

As I said, the King (Murbarak) is dead, so, Long live the new king (Morsi).

It is no wonder that this area of the world is backwater and will not become mainstream.

Default-user-icon dragon (ضيف) 22:34 ,2012 آب 13

here we go.... let the new oppressive corrupt power-grabbing discriminating dictatorship begin....

Default-user-icon incitement or submission? (ضيف) 22:41 ,2012 آب 13

time for another uprising....

Thumb gebran_sons 01:56 ,2012 آب 14

The Muslim Brotherhood and their president will live their fifteen minutes of fame until the people realize what a bunch of fanatics they are taking Egypt back to the Middle Ages under the shades of a different tyranny. Unfortunately, the Islamists are a necessary swing of the pendulum after the fall of tyrants before democracy has a chance. Past Islamists the silent majority would certainly want the pendulum to rest on Democracy. Only then the next stage of the Arab Spring can begin and Lebanese have a moral and intellectual role to guide the region towards lasting freedom and democracy and develop a foundation of a Middle Eastern Union similar to the European Union so the region as a whole can benefit from its natural and human resources for progress and development instead of buying rockets and hired assassins. It is time to trust not in corrupt leaders and Zuamas, but the eternal principles of freedom, justice, human dignity and democracy.

Missing phillipo 06:55 ,2012 آب 14

So this is the new Egyptian Democracy.
Get rid of any possible opposition (the senior army officers), put journalists on trial for telling the truth about the President and the situation in the country, and you'll very quickly find out that you have a dictatorship.

Missing mohammad_ca 09:02 ,2012 آب 14

Okasha threatened to kill Morsi on TV this is different from "insulting" this is a death threat and should be tried of course.