خامنئي: اسرائيل "ورم سرطاني" وأكبر مشكلة تواجه العالم الاسلامي
Read this story in Englishوصف المرشد الاعلى للجمهورية الاسلامية الاحد اسرائيل بأنها "ورم سرطاني" واكبر مشكلة تواجه الدول الاسلامية في الوقت الحالي، مكررا بذلك تصريحات أدلى بها قبل ايام ولقيت انتقادا حادا من الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون ومسؤولين في الاتحاد الاوروبي.
وفي كلمة بمناسبة عيد الفطر قال خامنئي، ان "القوى العظمى هيمنت على مصائر الدول الاسلامية على مدى سنوات .. وزرعت الورم السرطاني الصهيوني في قلب العالم الاسلامي".
واضاف بحسب ما نقلت عنه وكالة الانباء الرسمية (ارنا) ان "الكثير من مشاكل العالم الاسلامي سببها وجود النظام الصهيوني المصطنع".
وعادة ما يصف خامنئي اسرائيل بانها "ورم سرطاني" ويصفها بانها دولة غير شرعية في الشرق الاوسط ستختفي في النهاية.
وكان الرئيس الايراني محمود احمدي نجاد اعتبر الجمعة ان اسرائيل "ورم سرطاني" سيزول قريبا فيما اكد خامنئي الاربعاء ان اسرائيل "ورم صهيوني مصطنع" آيل الى الزوال لا محالة.
واثارت هذه التصريحات انتقادات غربية حيث دانتها بشدة وزيرة خارجية الاتحاد الاوروبي كاترين آشتون التي قال متحدث باسمها ان "الممثلة العليا تدين بشدة التصريحات المشينة والحاقدة المهددة لوجود اسرائيل والتي صدرت عن المرشد الاعلى لجمهورية ايران الاسلامية ورئيسها".
وفي الكلمة التي وجهها خامنئي الاحد الى كبار المسؤولين والسفراء المسلمين في طهران، قال ان مسالة اسرائيل واحتلالها ارض الشعب الفلسطيني هي المشكلة الرئيسية التي تواجه الدول الاسلامية.
واضاف: "على جميع الحكومات والشعوب الاسلامية ان تنتبه الى المؤامرة الخطيرة جدا (التي يحيكها الغرب) بهدف طمس هذه المسالة من خلال خلق انشقاقات في العالم الاسلامي".
واتهم المرشد الاعلى "القوى العظمى" في العالم بتطبيق "اسلوب فرق تسد القديم على الدول الاسلامية"، الا انه قال ان "الثورات" الشعبية التي تهز العالم العربي تغير ذلك الوضع.
Jewdaism is 2600 years before islam,Christianity is 600 years and more older than islam and both of these two religion's holy land and epic centre is Jerusalem,yet somehow you managed to rename this holu city "Quds" and it belongs to islam and islam only is beyond me.
phonecian is 100% right and these monsters are coming to claim jerusalem as if its their holy city ? and beside that not even 1 time jerusalem is mentioned in the Quran so wata heck they are talking aboutbut dont worry Mr khaminaii the tumor is gonna get you very soon you and your president the short guy and your puppet nasralla
Sharif, your not very bright are you? Why are you spreading lies? Jerusalem is indeed mentioned in the noble qoran, its in the surah called al israa2. Look it up before you think you can fool anyone. By the way, this lie is from the zionist propaganda and sharif is a muslim name so let me guess, your a jew with a fake alias? Nice try. Whatever, not important. Alquds is neither for jews nor the shia. Its a muslim city. Shias have hijacked its cause only to spread confusion. To them, karbala in iraq is a million times holier than alquds. All falsehood will perish and islam and its followers will prevail. It has been written and fortold by God himself.
hey truthseeker first of all im not a jew second go and search if ur calling ur name a truthseeker and u ll find that the first and second temple were build in jerusalem for the jews nation and later on jesus christ himself teached the laws inside the second temple so dont sell me that jerusalem belong to the islam because they came much adter that and thx for ur information keep it up...
Typical ignorance from a wannabee phoenician. All prophets feom Adam to Muhammad (peace be upon them all) were muslims. Christians have nothing to with christ who was a muslim while you guys worship him and cclaim he is God and/or son of God, as well as his mother and saints and what not. Secondly, al quds is the arabic name for jerusalem used by arabs regardless of religion. Islam is the only religion which protects both chrisyian jews rights (real jews that is, not the liberal atheist zionazis). Christian churches were protected by muslims yet turned in to barns by the zionist jews. While jews in europe were put in gas chambers. Muslims believe in all prophets and the final book (qoran) while you guys reject that and have turned the original religion of moses and christ in to something other than Islam which is the religion the prophets followed. The only diffirence was that they had a diffirent set of laws.
When the final prophet muhammad was sent, all of you were obliged by God to believe in him, yet most jews and christians rejected him and thus prooved that they are not actual followers of their prophets nor true to God and thus you have no right to rule alquds as this right is for muslims and will return to muslims. Palestinian christians and jews will be allowed to keep their rights of course as long as they agree not to fight thw muslims (likewise they will not be fought).
Mr truthseeker here wat i found and ur a lil mistaken ,first its the al isra number 1 where it talks about the aqsa and second in the israa number 1 doesent say much about jerusalem belonging to the islam,cuz jerusalem is in my opinion belong first to the jewish nation NOT because im the lawyer of the jews but history talks and they have prooves from the first and second temple longtime ago.and if the shias are not really interested in jerusalem how come iran and Mr nasralla keep barking ? anyway may god make peace for all nations and countries
here wat i found for ur general infos
al isra1: Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al- Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing
al isra 2 :And We gave Moses the Scripture and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel that you not take other than Me as Disposer of affairs
take care Mr truth seeker
Before Judaism, Christianity or Islam Jerasale was the center of a Jebusite Kingdom... Let's give it back to the Jabusites and live together in peace (Ur Al Shalim, the city of peace)
I have no problems with the jews. The problem is with the state of Israel. It is a tumor indeed.
They exaggerated the number of deaths in the concentration camps and lied about the gassing to justify the creation of the zionist state so they they could exert control over the area due to its natural resources.
As a European I finally understand. And I don't care anymore being called a holocaust denier.
dont worry Mr (nasralla's boss) soon ur getting this tumor inside ur brain and the brain of the medget ahmadinajad including ur puppet hasan. god is great
Sorry Mr. Khamenei but there is no problem with the Muslem world.
It is doing very well...
Indonesia (the most populated muslem country in the world) and Malasia and regional economical powers; Turkey is a regional power (and a potential member of the European Union) in competition with Iran which is becoming soon a nuclear power...
It is the Arab world that is suffering since the western powers undestood the importance of oil and decided to have absolute control over this source of energy.
Israel is a "tumor" for the Arabs countries with Muslem, Christian, Jewish and Atheist citizens...
( خامنئي اسرائيل )
أحسنت بالفعل هو كذلك
الشيطان الأصغر لإسرائيل والخميني كان الشيطان الأكبر