فابيوس: تشديد التدابير الامنية حول السفارات الفرنسية اثر نشر رسوما كاريكاتورية للنبي محمد

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اعلن وزير الخارجية الفرنسي لوران فابيوس في تصريح لاذاعة "فرانس انفو" الاربعاء ان فرنسا اتخذت "احتياطات امنية خاصة" لحماية سفاراتها في العالم بعد نشر رسوم كاريكاتورية مسيئة للنبي محمد في مجلة فرنسية ساخرة.

وقال فابيوس "ارسلت تعليمات لاتخاذ احتياطات امنية خاصة في كل البلدان التي يمكن ان تحصل فيها مشاكل".

واعتبر فابيوس ان نشر مجلة "شارلي ايبدو" الاسبوعية الساخرة رسوما كاريكاتورية مسيئة للنبي محمد في "الوضع الراهن" يصب "الزيت على النار".

واضاف "في فرنسا، المبدأ هو حرية التعبير ويجب عدم المس به. ونظرا الى الوضع الآن وهذا الفيلم السخيف، وشريط الفيديو العبثي الذي تم بثه، ثمة غضب في كثير من البلدان الاسلامية. هل من الملائم صب الزيت على النار؟ الجواب هو كلا".

وقال فابيوس "من الضروري ايجاد توازن".

بدوره اعلن رئيس الوزراء الفرنسي جان مارك آيرولت الاربعاء انه سيتم حظر تظاهرة دعي اليها السبت المقبل في باريس احتجاجا على الفيلم المسيء للاسلام، مذكرا من صدمهم نشر رسوم كاريكاتورية للنبي محمد في مجلة فرنسية هزلية ان بامكانهم اللجوء للقضاء.

وقال آيرولت متحدثا لاذاعة "ار تي ال" انه "تم تقديم تصريح عن تظاهرة، وهذا التصريح سيصدر بشأنه حظر"، موضحا انه "لا داعي لاستقدام نزاعات لا تعني فرنسا الى اراضينا".

وتناقلت مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي دعوة للتظاهر السبت ضد فيلم "براءة المسلمين" المسيء للاسلام، وهو فيلم متدني الميزانية انتج في الولايات المتحدة واثار بث مقتطفات منه مدبلجة بالعربية على الانترنت تظاهرات عنيفة ضد المصالح الاميركية في العالم الاسلامي خصوصا.

واضاف رئيس الوزراء "نحن في جمهورية لا تقبل بتاتا اي ترهيب من اي كان في ما يتعلق بقيمها".

وتابع "لن نتسامح مع اي تجاوزات"، مشيدا ب"روح المسؤولية والاعتدال الكبيرين التي يتحلى بها" مسؤولو الديانة الفرنسية في فرنسا.

وردا على سؤال عن الرسوم الكاريكاتورية التي نشرتها مجلة شارلي ايبدو الاربعاء وسخرت فيها من النبي محمد قال آيرولت "نحن في بلد حيث حرية التعبير محفوظة وحرية رسم الكاريكاتور ايضا".

واضاف "على كل فرد ان يمارس هذه الحرية ويحترمها"، ولكن "اذا شعر اناس حقا بانه اسيء اليهم في قناعاتهم ويعتقدون فعلا حصول تجاوز للقانون، نحن في دولة قانون ودولة القانون هذه يجب ان تحترم، فبامكانهم اللجوء الى المحاكم. لقد سبق وان حصل هذا الامر مع هذه المجلة".

واكد آيرولت انه "يعود الى القيمين على هذه الصحيفة ان يقرروا ما الذي ينبغي القيام به او عدم القيام به". واضاف انه "يفهم" ان البعض قد تكون "مشاعرهم جرحت. ولكن نحن في دولة علمانية، دولة جمهورية".

ونشرت اسبوعية شارلي ايبدو الساخرة الاربعاء رسوما كاريكاتورية مسيئة للنبي محمد تظهره فيها عاريا، وذلك بعد اسبوع من اندلاع موجة الاحتجاجات الاسلامية ضد الفيلم المسيء للاسلام.

التعليقات 69
Default-user-icon Ben (ضيف) 12:11 ,2012 أيلول 19

French court stopped the pictures of Kate Middelton by legal messieurs, but do not act to stop pictures of Prophet Mohammad. Double standards.

Default-user-icon canon (ضيف) 16:30 ,2012 أيلول 19

I'll bet if anyone tries to publish topless pictures of Prophet Mohammad they will be stopped by legal messieurs, besides Kate Middelton double standards are more appealing than his.

Default-user-icon muslimoon muslimoon la la lalalala (ضيف) 16:34 ,2012 أيلول 19

mowaten did you see hassan the other day talk about someone using double standards and cheap tricks to get free publicity and capitalize on a non issue.

Thumb Bandoul 17:44 ,2012 أيلول 19

"bottomline: in europe, respect the european way of life/culture. enjoy a freedom you cannot find in ur home country and live your beliefs (whatever they are) personally, without shoving them down other people's throats." <--- I agree, its absolutely the right and moral attitude to adopt.

Thumb CuriousMole 21:32 ,2012 أيلول 19

@mowaten.... France did not pull the images of Kate... The court did, after the royal family went to court seeking injunction.

Learn about the difference between the government and the judicial system in developed countries.

If you are interested, you may file a case with a French court to seek injunction against Charlie Hebdo.

However, your post denotes a complete misunderstanding of basic civic laws in developed countries. Tells a lot about who you are, and how you think and operate. Listening to your post, vision of 14th Century Inquisition-laden Spain comes to mind...

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 12:50 ,2012 أيلول 19

he is not as glamorous as Kate ..

Default-user-icon Mohamad (ضيف) 13:04 ,2012 أيلول 19

this magazine and its editors should be held to account according to their own anarchist dogma.

Missing phalangistes 13:05 ,2012 أيلول 19

Well little Ben, the picture of kate went out all over the world, in closer and chi magazine. Kate Middleton then sued the magazine but it was to late. the damage was done. Now Kate is living person. you can ask mohammad or any one representing him in France to sue charlie hebdo because till now no one single muslim have done it. Too lazy, they are more intersted in going to the street like savages. My personal opinion is that all those species that went into the street breaking shops, burning cars and building are young ignorant men with an excess of testosteron and a lack of sex

Missing allouchi 14:53 ,2012 أيلول 19

mowaten, you are 100% correct...

Missing allouchi 14:57 ,2012 أيلول 19

phalangistes, You have a right to your personal opinion of course but you do sound like an ignorant racist and a bigot...

Thumb Bandoul 19:23 ,2012 أيلول 19

Faith is a private matter which should be practiced at home and the places of worship. Leave the street for commerce and mutually beneficial economic growth that permit people to live free and pursue happiness. Those who have hijacked Islam intend to use illiteracy and poverty of the faithful as tools of terror in order to dominate the west and rule by the sword.

Missing phalangistes 15:22 ,2012 أيلول 19

Come on!!!!! those "french" muslim cheat on their prophet 180 days per years by drinking, getting stoned, stealing, burning cars and when it come to show a picture of mohamad they get all excited!!! give me a break mowaten. those in france protesting are just a bunch of thugs who have nothing to do. they better go back from where they came and try to do the same drinking activities and see where they will end up.

Missing phalangistes 15:34 ,2012 أيلول 19

and tell me!! what do you found sooooo offending on the page of charlie hebdo! did you see any budhist burning mosque or building when the taliban destroyed the biggest budhist status in Afghanistan? How many sarcastic picture of the Christ we saw, picture making fun of the pope and the church! did you see any incident? did you see embassies burning? did you see ambassador killed? NO. so i repeat myself, those species protesting are a bunch of uneducated men, with and excess of testosterone and a BIG BIG lack of sex. they are sooooo frustrated that they go burn anything on any occasion.

Thumb Chupachups 16:04 ,2012 أيلول 19

I totally agree with phalangists... And to the others, I think u r living in this fairytale and one day it will bite you in the buttox

Thumb Chupachups 16:05 ,2012 أيلول 19

Phalangists is right

Thumb lebanon_first 16:19 ,2012 أيلول 19

i have to agree with phalangistes. I agree that the film and the cartoons are useless junk. But I also agree that those protesting are a testosterone filled manipulated youth who is looking for a reason for their frustrations. 99.9% of moslem's would never have seen the movies and their attitudes is between "i dont care" and "it is not so important". Those manifesting are being manipulated.

Thumb Bandoul 17:49 ,2012 أيلول 19

Take your kind of Islam and practice it on Arab soil and stop shoving it down our throats.

Missing phalangistes 13:09 ,2012 أيلول 19

Charlie hebdo exists since 1960. still doing profit, never went bankrupt and certainly do not need publicity! and i really dont see what is wrong with the picture.

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 13:19 ,2012 أيلول 19

For the sake of world peace, all countries should decree that any attacks on any prophit, especially Muhammad, should be forbidden once and for all. Like this we save all nations the backlashes that cost a lot and threat destabilization of the world peace.

Thumb Chupachups 16:07 ,2012 أيلول 19

Disagree that is stupid .. Next thing u know we can't make fun of rocks cos some dude worships that !!

Thumb Bandoul 19:47 ,2012 أيلول 19

2in akramt al kareem, fa malaktaho, w'2in akramt al la2eem fa tamarrada...Your idea of world peace is to bow down to terrorism. My answer is NEVER! Practice your religion at home where it belongs and worship in your places of worship PERIOD THE END!

Missing lqu7 14:19 ,2012 أيلول 19

I would much rather have seen Kate Middleton than this silly cartoon. But for France to have to close its embassies for this shows how regressive human beings are.

Missing allouchi 14:39 ,2012 أيلول 19

Let's see if you can publish anything anti Jewish in the West? Or let say pro Nazi articles in Germany? Double standards exist big time…

Thumb Bandoul 19:58 ,2012 أيلول 19

Please, if you don't know, then don't speak. There are such groups and they are protected by law. In the USA they are protected by the First Amendment to the constitution of the United States. Much to my disgust we have organizations like the Ku Klux Klan and the Aryan Brotherhood who hate Jews and Blacks and Asians! But the USA is founded on this basic freedom. If these group don't destroy property and engage in violence against others, they are free to engage in their outrageous but LEGAL activity of teaching and spreading their hate.

Missing allouchi 21:25 ,2012 أيلول 19

bandoul, calm down a little dude....I didn't say the USA, I said the west !!! and please don't assume I don't know anything about the States or the constitution...you're starting to sound like Homer Simpson...

Missing allouchi 22:20 ,2012 أيلول 19

Actually I love Homer Simpson :)

Missing lqu7 15:05 ,2012 أيلول 19

You can publish anything anti-Jewish or anti-Christian in the west. But you cannot publish anything anti-Jews, or anti-blacks, or anti-Asians. You can attack and criticize ideology all you want, but attacking a person or group of people is illegal. There's a huge difference between a religion and a group of people. This is the fundamental nuance that many people are missing.

Default-user-icon Darwish (ضيف) 15:20 ,2012 أيلول 19

Yes true and this is exactly what our arab world does not seem to get because we do not have this nuance in the systems. Expressing "anti-group of humans feelings" is completely different from laughing at ancient stories or religious characters. The same some people's comments express racist and sectarian feelings against muslims as individuals and it shows clearly. The West has a clear difference between religion and humans as seculor societies. Hence Kate's case... But I know that in the religious and sectarian East, this difference cannot be understood or accepted. All in all, in Europe for instance, you can make a cartoon laughing at Moses for example but a cartoon laughing at a jew being in a gaz chamber is certainly not acceptable and not the same thing.

Default-user-icon RIP (ضيف) 15:12 ,2012 أيلول 19

Mowaten, Sarkozy or a president would never do such thing and if he really did please send us the link on internet of a credible source... The court rejected the lawsuit because there is nothing in french law restricting the freedom of speech

Missing lqu7 15:14 ,2012 أيلول 19

Criticizing an ideology is the fundamental cornerstone of free speech, which many Muslims are not accepting. This is different than hate speech, which is illegal and is aimed at a person or group of people. In the West hate speech is illegal while in is tolerated in the East. Look how racist we are towards Sri Lankans, Indians, Philipinos, Syrians, etc. But if someone criticizes a religion, the world is turned up-side-down.

Missing phalangistes 15:40 ,2012 أيلول 19

and freedom of expression is sacred in France and it is certainly not a muslim who is gonna change that! any unhappy muslim can pack his bag and go back from where he originally came, because remember France isnt a muslim country. you adapt or you go!

Thumb Bandoul 20:16 ,2012 أيلول 19

Lies and Fabrications.

Thumb Bandoul 21:48 ,2012 أيلول 19

Lies, disinformation and fabrications.

Thumb Chupachups 16:13 ,2012 أيلول 19

Agreeeeeeed 100%

Missing rudy 16:26 ,2012 أيلول 19

for example: Beirut danish embassy being burnt down over the cartoons a few years ago

Default-user-icon free arabia (ضيف) 16:38 ,2012 أيلول 19

in every free country there should be a funny publication and a Cartoon that depict MOHAMMAD in solidarity of free speech and let all those hardliner Muslim blow up and hell break loose

Missing phalangistes 16:43 ,2012 أيلول 19

Tolerance is what most of the Muslims should learn! Isn't so difficult to take it easy and relax?? The West offer them freedom and they abuse it!

Default-user-icon Pro Freedom of Speach (ضيف) 18:35 ,2012 أيلول 19

I can assure you, I feel sad about the movie and cartoons regarding relgion (Innocense of Muslims, Passion of the Christ or South Park episodes) However USA, France and others were built based on FREEDOM OF SPEECH and once we stop a human from certain speach, then we step on the Constitution and values these countries were built on. I don't believe these governement would ban a movie or cartoon because it's making fun of a certain religion or person specially when violence is in act.

Missing allouchi 17:30 ,2012 أيلول 19

anonymetexasusa, I agree there is a problem but I disagree with people generalizing about a whole religion or group by saying Muslims are this and that...that's the problem...you keep labeling more than 1 billion people like 1 entity and that's wrong.

Thumb Bandoul 20:13 ,2012 أيلول 19

If this is the behavior and attitude that the practitioners of Islam have to offer to the world then the world united under one voice should reject this behavior and attitude while demanding that the real Muslims object to the hijacking and subjugation of Islam on a 24/7 basis, loud and clear, until they can distance themselves from the scenes we are witnessing from at least 20 countries around the world.

Thumb Bandoul 20:15 ,2012 أيلول 19

When 1.5 billion Muslim stand up and denounce this behavior, we will listen.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:41 ,2012 أيلول 19

the west is giving muslims freedom, like the freedom of irak???????/
the west is taking ressources, he cant live without.....it is not arab spring, its muslim awakening, and the USA is the first(astonishingly)who understood the new equation, ask mursi.
we must keep opium(religion)away from lebanon as far as we can,to save our lebanon,or.......

Missing vaclav_havel 18:15 ,2012 أيلول 19

ya jame3a I agree with your "freedom of thought and speech". bass you are generalizing!
ma darouri deghri netehem kel el moslemin! kelna 3enna asdika2 men tawe2if mokhtalifi ma bikharbo walla bikasro w open mind 2ad ma badak!

fa ka lebneniyi wa7idin bel 3alam 3ena shebeh ta3eyosh moslim-masi7i, bisharafkoun khalouna nentebih la kel kelmi 3am n2oula: heda mawdou3 7essess w bye2zi l 2aghlabiyi menna. khalina netfaham din gherna ta n7asen l ta3eyoch ma3 ba3ed 2ala wa 2ila ma7a ne2dir n3ish ma3 ba3ed!

yali bi kharib w bi kassir lezim yet7ekam. khalina n7adid shou l ghalat w bala generalisation! Please

Thumb Bandoul 20:26 ,2012 أيلول 19

Where are the 1.5 billion Muslims who have denounced Jihad? Where are the 1.5 billion Muslims who have denounced beheading innocent civilians in the name of Allah? Where are the 1.5 billion Muslims who have denounced extremism? Where are the 1.5 billion Muslims who have denounced imposing Sharia Law on western society? Where are the 1.5 billion Muslims who have denounced the killing of the US ambassador to Libya?

Kalsouna akl hawa ba2a, SILENCE is just as bad as committing the act of violence. Where are the good Muslims? I want to hear them and see them, I want them to tell me they exist and they refuse to have their religion desecrated by thugs and filth like this!

Missing allouchi 21:27 ,2012 أيلول 19

@bandoul, Where did I hear that before???

Missing vaclav_havel 21:38 ,2012 أيلول 19

ya bandoul beddak trou2 shway w te7ki bi wa3i moch bi 2enfi3al.
Ne7na Lebneniyi christians and muslims, majbourin n3ish ma3 ba3ed, heda te7sil 7assil. shou baddak nenzal n2atil ba3edna ye3ni? ma3melneha abel? shou ra2yak men jarreba ba3ed marra?
3end kel l tawa2if fi ta3assob (akid inta ma3i), w yemkin 3end l din l 2eslemi fi aktar ta3assob (moch 7a sher3ak fiya haydi), 3layna ka lebneniyi nzil heda l ta3assob. machekil l 3alam ma bethemna, bihemna "our unity"!!!
Bedna MOUWATANI, bel faranci Citoyenneté ye3ni 2ensihar watani.
marra 2al l 2imam Moussa el Sadr "bi kel masi7i lebneni fi 2eslem", w inta bta3rif ya bandoul 2enno l 2eslem bi Lebnen aktariyetoun moch met3asbin w 2ana b2akedlak 2enno l ba7bou7a ( to be wealthy) betkhafif l ta3assob.
heda l ma2soud ya bandoul: it's easy to criticize bass we (you and I) should be constuctive and meangful in order to improve our society!!!

Thumb Bandoul 22:02 ,2012 أيلول 19

@vaclav_havel, koun akid ana ma3ak 100%. I am the son of a mixed marriage so nobody knows el itihad wil ta3asob from both sides as much as me and my brothers. I suffered from Christians and Muslims the same amount equally and as the product of my Muslim and Christian parents I am the least one you can accuse of ta3asob or wanting to try the war again. Many bad things happened to my family from both Christians and Muslims in 1975/76. My issue is not about the lack of el 3eich el moushtarak in Lebanon but rather the attempt of extremists to justify their hatred for America which is now my country and where I pledge allegiance. America has many things wrong with it and it has made big mistakes in the Arab world but it has done a ton more good to make up for it and those who preach otherwise are tainted liars who don't want peace, they want to oppress the USA like they oppress in the Muslim dominated countries.

Default-user-icon freedom of speech (ضيف) 18:35 ,2012 أيلول 19

The muslim world could protest peacefully and submit a petition or open a law suit to fine the makers of the movie. No JEW bombed Mel Gibson because he produced PASSION OF THE CHRIST, No Christian acted with force again South Park for Showing virgin mary bleeding. A priest from Florida burned the Qur'an but did not protest against humans... This priest will be judged because he burned a book which has the name Jesus peacefully over 154 times...
God is Love and Forgivness, let God be the judge, not angry humans.

Missing vaclav_havel 19:03 ,2012 أيلول 19

ya anonymetexasusa!

HEda l 7aki yali 3am te7ki hayyin ktir! haydi l karahiyi yali bi kel wa7ad fina khalina nedfena!
fik bikel sohouli te7ki l 3akess masalan :
" Amerka l balad l 2a2wa bel 3alam, w kel l 3ale2at l kharijiyi btemra2 bi washignton, amerka bi siyeseta bted3am Isra2il da3em shemel wala 2aya balad 3alami bye7sal 3a hek mose3adi, l feslstini sha7atou men ardou, l 3ira2i kharaboulou balado w fawato bi 7areb ma 2ila ekhir bi 7ejit l chemical weapons yali ma fi 3enda shi menel 7a2i2a........" 3atol l moslim da7iyeh, shou ra2yak?

Heda kalem hayin w sahel, ne7na ka lebneniyi ma bi2admna wala bi 2akherna heda l kalem, ne7ana lezim ne3ti masal l ta3eyosh lal 3alam, masi7iyet heda l balad gher masi7iyet l western counties, w 2eslem heda l balad gher 2eslem l motatarif! Haydi l fekra yali lezim neshteghil 3laya!!!!!!!!!

Missing vaclav_havel 19:32 ,2012 أيلول 19

ya bigjohn ya habibi 3afek inta masi7i 3am defi3 3an l eslem. ana ma3ak bi hel ne2ta! bass 3mol ma3rouf bala 2etihemet Zionist ma Zionist. Khlesna men hal mouda. Kelna Lebneniyi.
w ba3dena the regime that works the most and systematically to create frictions between the Lebanese is the Syrian Regime , the tyrant regime of Damascus. ye3ni sma7li fiya and stop distorting the reality!

Thumb Bandoul 19:43 ,2012 أيلول 19

Right on! But beware that this is the excuse they are using to hate, destroy, pillage and justify. The real reason behind it is driven by those using the ignorant, illiterate and poor Muslims as a vehicle to rule the world by the sword and keep the spoils for themselves! Power and Greed is what this is about.

Missing allouchi 20:08 ,2012 أيلول 19

anonymetexasusa, Even though I agree with some points of yours but I disagree with some major assumptions on your part, for instance you are forgetting human nature, someone might ignore/accept when others criticizes his/her religion, family, country etc. if they are from the same religion, family and country..it has much less negative effect then someone from a different religion, family and country did so...especially if not only criticizing but insulting their most sacred believes...Your biggest misconception is that your analysis justifies your generalization of 1 billion Muslim is grossly inaccurate and weak. You are dehumanizing Muslims to suit your believes. One more point, Muslim organizations and scholars all over the world publicly condemned the violence, do a web search please…..finally, I strongly agree and believe that nothing justifies this violence.

Thumb Bandoul 20:33 ,2012 أيلول 19

Where are the 1.5 billion Muslims who have denounced Jihad? Where are the 1.5 billion Muslims who have denounced beheading innocent civilians in the name of Allah? Where are the 1.5 billion Muslims who have denounced extremism? Where are the 1.5 billion Muslims who have denounced imposing Sharia Law on western society? Where are the 1.5 billion Muslims who have denounced the killing of the US ambassador to Libya?

Kalsouna akl hawa ba2a, SILENCE is just as bad as committing the act of violence. Where are the good Muslims? I want to hear them and see them, I want them to tell me they exist and they refuse to have their religion desecrated by thugs and filth like this!

Missing allouchi 21:14 ,2012 أيلول 19

bandoul, amazing...make a little effort and Google it...it would have taken you less time then typing all this non sense!!!

Thumb Bandoul 21:37 ,2012 أيلول 19

Insults is the only way you know how to respond because you have no defense for those so-called Muslim savages who destroy property, burn buildings and kill people because their feelings are hurt. You want to celebrate a Muslim holiday? Go do it on Muslim land. America is not Muslim nor will it ever in your wildest dream become one. The Jews and the Christian built the USA and they are entitled to celebrate their holidays. You and your kind are the bigots, liars and twisted fabricators.

Missing youssefhaddad 20:16 ,2012 أيلول 19

" Those Muslims who are still easily offended should learn to accept that what is sacred to them means nothing to others" once they do they could easily integrate with the rest of the world.

Thumb Bandoul 20:18 ,2012 أيلول 19

Lies, disinformation and fabrications used to make real a fantasy that legitimizes violence to achieve means.

Thumb Bandoul 21:53 ,2012 أيلول 19

I have a solution for you FT, immigrate to the USA, become a citizen, participate and our democratic process, collect signatures, file a petition, get a majority then get whatever politically correct law you want implemented or stricken. This is your right as a free American who abides by the US Constitution. Your statements about blacks and whites and loosing jobs is BS. Concern yourself with what is happening where you live and leave USA business to those who live there.

Thumb Bandoul 20:28 ,2012 أيلول 19


Thumb Bandoul 20:31 ,2012 أيلول 19

@vaclav_havel, bigjohn lives in a fictional world. He is a Aounist speaking what the General has told him to recite. When the General pivots again to suit his political aspirations, bigjohn will change his tune right along with him.

Missing allouchi 21:55 ,2012 أيلول 19

1994-2001: Hate crimes victimizing
Muslims and vandalizing mosques

1994: An arsonist started a fire that burned to the ground a nearly completed mosque in Yuba City. CA.

1995: The Islamic center in Springfield IL was destroyed by arson.

1995-SEP-17: Vandals painted obscenities and graffiti on the windows, walls and trees of the Islamic Center of Passaic County, in Patterson, NJ. Flammable liquid was found on the floor of an outbuilding; this might have been an attempted arson.

1995-SEP: Vandals attacked the mosque at Clarkston, GA by breaking windows, damaging lights, discharging fire extinguishers, and burning satanic symbols (inverted pentagrams) into the carpet.

1995-OCT-21:The Islamic Center and Masjid of Greenville, SC, was destroyed in an arson attack. A suspect was later charged.

Missing allouchi 21:56 ,2012 أيلول 19

1995-OCT-21: Vandals painted an obscene message on the wall of the Flint Islamic Center/Genesee Academy in Flint, MI.

1996-MAR-19: Employees of a radio station in Denver, CO entered the local mosque after morning prayers. They allegedly played the national anthem on a trumpet, harassed the worshipers, and broadcast the incident live on radio. An agreement was later concluded between the local Muslim community and the radio station. It included a public apology by the station, sensitivity training for station employees and PSAs that offered a positive image of Islam.

1998-JAN-28: A 23 year old man was arrested for allegedly smashing a concrete block through the glass front door of the mosque in Fort Collins, CO.

1998-JAN-29: Vandals scattered metal spikes in the parking lot of the Flint Islamic Center in Flint, MI. A number of cars had flat tires.

1998-FEB-22: A vandal threw a beer bottle through the second floor window of the mosque in Bloomingdale, IN.

Missing allouchi 21:57 ,2012 أيلول 19

1998-MAR-8: Someone torched three school busses owned by the local Islamic school in Ottawa, ON Canada.

1999-MAY: A man was arrested after fleeing in his car from the area of a mosque in Denver CO. Loaded weapons, machetes, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and bomb making materials were found in his car. Jack Merylin Modig was later arrested. He allegedly said "I am an enemy against the Islamic nation [sic] and I was going to take care of business."

1999-JUN-23: CFRB, a Toronto, ON Canada radio station broadcasted a live call-in program. The initial topic dealt with a Greek Orthodox priest who refused admittence of a seeing-eye dog into his church. A caller criticized religious extremism. He said "Nero burned the wrong people - he should have burned the Muslims." The announcer tried to change to another topic. The operations manager of CFRB later apologized. They have since drawn up new guidelines for operations during call-in shows.

Missing allouchi 21:57 ,2012 أيلول 19

1999-MAR-5: A mosque was seriously damaged by an arsonist in Minneapolis, MN

1999: Three youths were charged with vandalism of a Villa Park IL mosque, near Chicago. They allegedly threw several large chunks of concrete and a glass milk bottle through four windows of the Islamic Foundation.

2000-JUN-20: A gunman seriously injured a worshiper at an Islamic Center in Memphis, TN. The door to the mosque was damaged by a shotgun blast.

2000-NOV: A suspicious fire gutted the lobby of a mosque in Surrey, British Columbia, and severely damaged the rest of the building. There were no injuries reported. Witnesses reported seeing a van speeding away from the mosque just before an explosion was heard.

Missing allouchi 22:03 ,2012 أيلول 19

My point is that thugs and criminals exist everywhere but that shouldn't give us the right to label all Muslims or all Christians or all American or all westerners as this and that...no one is 100% innocent...

Missing allouchi 22:08 ,2012 أيلول 19

anonymetexasusa, I know there is a problem and we need to fix...and like I always say "God Bless the USA" :)

Missing allouchi 22:12 ,2012 أيلول 19

anonymetexasusa, I cannot imagine the Middle east without its Christians...God Bless the USA...

Missing allouchi 22:15 ,2012 أيلول 19

anonymetexasusa, I wish and hope that one day we can put up lists that shows the good deeds of both and to both....Inshallah :)

Missing allouchi 22:50 ,2012 أيلول 19

anonymetexasusa, I really didn't know that...Thanks.