رئيس الاركان التركي: سنرد "بقوة اشد" في حال استمر القصف عبر الحدود السورية

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هدد قائد الجيش التركي الجنرال نجدت اوزل سوريا الاربعاء "برد اقوى" اذا ما استمرت في اطلاق النار على الاراضي التركية، بحسب ما نقلت الشبكات التلفزيونية.

وقال الجنرال اوزل خلال جولة على قرية اكجاكالي (جنوب شرق) حيث قتل خمسة مدنيين مطلع تشرين الاول بقصف سوري ردت عليه المدفعية التركية "رددنا (على اطلاق النار السوري). اذا ما استمروا فسنرد بشكل اقوى".

واكد الجنرال اوزل الذي كان يتفقد مع قادة آخرين في الجيش قوات منتشرة على الحدود مع سوريا ان الردود التركية سببت "خسائر مهمة" في سوريا بدون ان يضيف اي تفاصيل، كما ذكرت القناة الاخبارية ان تي في.

التعليقات 6
Thumb shab 12:25 ,2012 تشرين الأول 10

Go Turkey !

Default-user-icon hanoun (ضيف) 12:43 ,2012 تشرين الأول 10

hope as i write this comment regional war happens that include all the countries in the middle east turkey iran irak syria the gulf countries and israel

Default-user-icon Hassan (ضيف) 13:32 ,2012 تشرين الأول 10

These comments are kind of harsh ... Assad and his regime were never hand in hand with America or Israel ... We are fighting while they sre laughing at us .. Both sides throw down your arms we are muslims killing eachother .. Where were the arms when Gaza was under attack and the wall Mubarak was going to put .. ? Saudi Arabia kings born into royalty . Are you kidding .. Its just a matter of time ... How far have you advanced in the last 30 years ... Are you an uncle sam ? Send us some of that cash instead of weopans to kill eachother ... Lets build Lebanon and stop living in the past e havd to be more advanced than that ... No to killing yes to education

Missing toucan 14:10 ,2012 تشرين الأول 10

Hassan habibi, which comment do find harsh darling, hahahaha, Assad and his regime are a bunch of criminals and thieves, killing and plundering Syria for the past 50 years, he inherited it from his father because theynthink they own it, his father sold the golan heights for 500 million dollars, and never has a bullet been fired towards Israel ever since, who are you trying to fool, everyone now knows that the resistance is a big phony designed to deceive people.

Default-user-icon Tendo Zoghraby (ضيف) 14:53 ,2012 تشرين الأول 10

Surely. This time Turkey will do the BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH in all caps. No more lower case blah blah blahs anymore. The party is over guys. Don't say the turkeys didn't warn you.

Default-user-icon Avenging Angel (ضيف) 15:53 ,2012 تشرين الأول 10

Eventually the Turks will kick the rear end of the Assad outlaws... And when this happens, I would love to see what the Iranians and their herds of Lebanese terrorists will do...