نتانياهو: شن ضربة محتملة على ايران سيخلف ارتياحا في العالم العربي
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اعتبر رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو انه في حال شن هجوم اسرائيلي على منشآت نووية ايرانية فان ذلك سيترك ارتياحا في العالم العربي لان طهران لا تحظى بشعبية هناك بحسب رأيه.
وقال نتانياهو في مقابلة مع مجلة باري ماتش الفرنسية نشرت الاربعاء انه في حال شن هجوم اسرائيلي "فانه بعد خمس دقائق وخلافا لما يتصوره المشككون اعتقد ان شعورا كبيرا بالارتياح سيعم المنطقة".
واضاف رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي الذي يقوم بزيارة تستغرق يومين الى فرنسا ان "ايران لا تحظى بشعبية في العالم العربي. وبعض الانظمة المجاورة وكذلك مواطنيها فهموا جيدا ان امتلاك ايران للسلاح النووي سيشكل خطرا عليهم وليس فقط على اسرائيل".
ولم يشر في هذا الصدد الى اي دولة بعينها.
واوضح نتانياهو ايضا ان العقوبات الدولية على ايران "قوية وتؤثر بشكل اكيد على الاقتصاد الايراني لكنها للاسف لم تؤخر البرنامج النووي باي شيء. كيف نعرف ذلك؟ لان النظام الايراني ينظم زيارات سياحية الى مراكز اجهزة الطرد المركزي".
وردا على سؤال حول لقائه الاربعاء الرئيس الفرنسي فرنسوا هولاند قال انه يرغب في ان يبحث معه "طرقا ملموسة لتكثيف العقوبات على ايران".
وتشتبه القوى الكبرى في ان طهران تسعى لامتلاك السلاح النووي تحت غطاء برنامجها النووي المدني وهو ما تنفيه طهران على الدوام.

I think all the arabs should support Israel to strike Iran. After that, the Israelis can slap the rest of them silly when it is done with Iran.

Israel has demonstrated that it can establish peaceful relationships with Arab countries: Egypt, Jordan. It tried to sigh a peace deal with Lebanon in 1983 but the Syrian did not allow the Lebanese to ratify this deal.

You can only make peace with your enemies. He who wants peace will find it. The refusal of Lebanon and the Palestinians to sit down and talk to the Israelis only pushes back the day when peace will reign in the Middle East.
Can someone tell me what has been the reason that for the past 29 years no government in Lebanon has offered to talk peace with Israel. The Lebanese have found that in the peace talks with Jordan and Egypt compromises were reach, so why not with Lebanon.
What are they afraid of?

Lol at greatpierro and phillippo. Israel which was established by ethnic cleansing doesnt know what peace is. It treats both egypt and jordan as a garbage dump and does what it wants with those countries. The PA has done everything to make peace with the zionists yet it only got them more settlements, checkpoints and opression. So who are you trying to fool? Stop hijacking the word peace as its the opposite of what israel is and what it has done and is doing. No peace will ever be made with the children of satan. Israel will be defeated by a muslim army despite all your objections and lies.

Let them fight it amongst themselves...Leave Lebanon ALONE, both of Iran and Israel and it's this petty blabbering that's gotten absolutely nowhere, been there done that, nobody cares about Netanyahu and his retarded Wiley Coyote bomb he used at the UN. And Iran can blabber all they want about wiping Israel off the map and all that other hippie crap, just don't get Lebanon involved in both of your childish nonsense. Nobody want's war, only some right wing nuts on either side, so put them in a ring and let them fight amongst themselves....idiots

Do you think that Iran will wage war on Israel? Iran is making all this noise to keep their tyrannic Islamic Revolution alive. They need an enemy to justify all the money spent on weapons. These weapons will either directed on the Iranian people if they try to ask for a democratic regime or to destabilize arab countries.
The tyrannic Syrian regime is a very good example. The Assads have only used their weapons to subdue the Lebanese, the kurds, the palestinians, and last but not least to fight their own people.

The world needs more USA AND other greatst countries to bring peace ..not only isreal..i suport isreal ..