الجامعة العربية تحضر لاجتماع عاجل حول غزة ونتنياهو يؤكد ان اسرائيل "مستعدة لتوسيع" العملية
Read this story in English
اكد رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو الاربعاء ان اسرائيل "مستعدة لتوسيع" العملية في قطاع غزة في حال اقتضى الامر.
وقال نتانياهو في خطاب متلفز بعد الغارات التي استهدفت قطاع غزة وادت الى مقتل قيادي بارز في حماس "وجهنا اليوم رسالة واضحة الى حماس والمنظمات الارهابية الاخرى وهي انه في حال اقتضى الامر فنحن مستعدون لتوسيع العملية" في غزة.
و اعلن مساعد الامين العام للجامعة العربية احمد بن حلي لفرانس برس ان الجامعة ستعقد السبت اجتماعا طارئا على مستوى وزراء الخارجية لبحث التطورات في قطاع غزة الذي تعرض الاربعاء لسلسلة غارات اسرائيلية اسفرت عن مقتل سبعة فلسطينيين.
وقال بن حلي "تمت الدعوة الى الاجتماع السبت بناء على طلب مصر وفلسطين".
ونفذ الجيش الاسرائيلي الاربعاء عمليات عسكرية في قطاع غزة تمثلت في عشرات من الغارات الجوية اسفرت وفق مصادر طبية عن سبعة قتلى فلسطينيين بينهم القيادي العسكري البارز في حركة حماس احمد الجعبري.
بدوره دعا اسماعيل هنية رئيس حكومة حماس الى عقد قمة عربية "للتصدي للعدوان" الاسرائيلي على قطاع غزة والذي اسفر حتى اللحظة عن مقتل سبعة فلسطينين بينهم قائد كتائب القسام واصابة عشرات الفلسطينين بجروح.
وقال هنية في بيان "أدعو إلى قمة عربية عاجلة للتصدي لهذا العدوان الوحشي"، مؤكدا ان "الشعب الفلسطيني ومقامه لا خوف عليهما أمام هجمات الاحتلال الشرسة".
وطالب هنية "الاشقاء العرب وتحديدا مصر ان تعبر عن روح الشعب المصري والثورة والرئاسة المصرية الجديدة لكبح هذه الهجمة البربرية ونصرة غزة واهلها".

Nasrallah should see what is happening around him. Those in the Persian axis are being taken down. ASSad will be done soon enough, Hamas is going to be ravaged. From a tactical point of view this eliminates two potential fronts for the Israeli's. It also leaves the Hezz exposed.

Bisaraha, alla ysse3edna, 3al tal3 wel nezel, 3am nekol hawa kilna!

Wa3 wa3 wa3 I am mowaten, iam BS thrower ,... Wa3 wa3 I am scared my beloved turban rat is next

The Arab League is holding ermergency meeting ,no meetings get your weapons Fight fire with fire..

You should know about cowardice. Your beloved leader has hardly left his underground rat hole for the last 4 years.
You forget that the last time Israel bombed Lebanon was only because your terrorist friends kidnapped two Israeli soldiers from Israeli territory and then murdered them.

Shab, if you dont care that at least 3 children so far have been bombed to death in the past hours by the same beasts that stole their land and turned them in to refugees, then there must be something terribly wrong with you. Pregnant women injured, children injured and orphaned, old people injured, more homes destroyed in the biggest prison on earth yet you say "who cares".. Only a psychopath would say such a thing. Honestly.

I am lost killer_instinct.
Are you saying the Muslim ummah (especially iran) are supported by all these atheist ummahs (russia and south america .... they believe in jesus you know that right?).
Also did you know that your comment is posted in English (language of the atheists) and using a computer invented by the atheists. And even the weapon you are threatening others with is also made by the atheists. Take it easy man, try being human for once you might like it.

Hey killer_instinct. I see by your name you are just another Hezz killer thug. You are the garbage that is increasingly hated in Lebanon especially by the Shia. Why are so many Hezz members caught as spies for Israel? Because they are hated from within. Also don't forget the monster that is being created next door in Syria that will hate the Hezz forever.
You are barking the mad barking of a dog.....but you are screwed and you know it. The big question is will Israel hit you and your arms supplies be cut off by land? Or will the FSA defeat ASSad and then seek Shia and Alawite revenge in Syria and Lebanon?
Pay your electricity bill and turn in your weapons before you die like the dog that you are.

I agree with you killer in the sense that there is a consensus among regular commentators here that the resistance and killer are like two cheeks of the same A$$. However, I don't have any issue personally with the resistance in Palestine or Syria.
I feel bad even associating a pretend resistance like the axis of Farci with the Palestinian cause, especially in Gaza.
Killer instinct, your only resistance is against laws banning inbreeding.

This is naetanyaho throwing a life line to Assad. Hizbustan does not give a shit about dead sunis either in Syria or Palestine, it is all rhetoric, their true enemy is the sunis and the revolution in Syria stripped hizbustan naked. Israel/US are okay with hizbustan, otherwise why is hizbustan not a terrorist organization in europe?? how did they let them form a government in lebanon?? how did they trust UNIFEL around them!? because the true common enemy are the suni arabs who are the vast majority. The US sends drones to chase fundamentalist sunis all the way to somalia!!! there are thousands of hizbustanis in michigan US, you dont see anyone bothering them.