نتنياهو يقول أن إسرائيل ماضية "في الدفاع عن نفسها" وحماس ترفض التهدئة وتجزم: "الحرب ستقصر من عمر الإحتلال"

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اعلنت حركة حماس الخميس رفضها لاي حديث عن تهدئة مع اسرائيل، معتبرة اي حديث عن التهدئة في هذا الوقت "خديعة لمزيد من الغطاء لاستمرار التصعيد".

وقال سامي ابو زهري الناطق باسم حماس في مؤتمر صحافي في غزة "لن نتعرض لمزيد من الخديعة من الاحتلال الاسرائيلي لاننا نعتبر الحديث عن هذه التهدئة في هذا التوقيت محاولة لتوفير مزيد من الغطاء لاستمرار التصعيد على غزة".

بدوره قال المتحدث باسم حماس فوزي برهوم "أننا نخوض حربا حقيقية بكل وقائعها ومعانيها مع إسرائيل".

وشدد برهوم على أن "المعركة ستحدد معالم جديدة وسترسم نهايات هذا العنوان ضمن معركة متدرجة ومتطورة ومتصاعدة".

وتابع قائلا "المقاومة اليوم تدير المعركة ونحن على ثقة أنها سترد كيد الإحتلال وتفشل أهدافه" مبديا ثقته أن "هذا العدوان سيقصر من أمد الإحتلال على أرضنا".

وإذ شدد على أنه "على الصهاينة أن يدركوا تماما بأن قادتهم يجازفون بحياتهم لأسباب سياسية داخلية" تابع برهوم "على الدول العربية أن تضع اليوم استراتيجية لإنهاء معاناة شعبنا وندعو الشعوب إلى النفير الآن نصرة لغزة".

وأشاد بقرارات مصر سحب سفيرها من إسرائيل.

بدوره اكد رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو الخميس ان الدولة العبرية ستقوم "باي عمل ضروري" للدفاع عن نفسها.

وقال نتانياهو في مؤتمر صحافي في تل ابيب ان اسرائيل "ستواصل القيام باي عمل ضروري للدفاع عن مواطنينا".

وتأتي تصريحات نتانياهو بعد قيام اسرائيل بشن غارات على قطاع غزة على مدى الساعات ال24 الماضية ما ادى الى مقتل خمسة عشر فلسطينيا واصابة نحو 150.

واوضح نتانياهو ان الطيران الاسرائيلي "تسبب باضرار كبيرة لصواريخ فجر التي اطلقت على تل ابيب ومنطقة دان وشمالها" في اشارة الى الصواريخ الايرانية التي يصل مداها الى 75 كيلومترا.

وكان وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي ايهود باراك اكد في وقت سابق الخميس خلال زيارته لمقر بطارية القبة الحديدية المضادة للصواريخ قرب بئر السبع ان العملية تسببت بضرر كبير لترسانة صواريخ فجر 5 التي تملكها حماس قائلا انها "شلت في شكل شبه تام".

التعليقات 17
Thumb geha 18:15 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

Israel seems to be running to the rescue of its allies the Syrian regime and iran through this war, which will expand probably to include Syria and hizbushaitan.
the required result is an international conference table whereby the Syrian regime and iran will negotiate the existence if their regimes.
this probability is at its highest now.

Missing phillipo 19:14 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

As even AFP & Naharnet stated categorically that the terrorists in Gaza were the first to fire missiles and Israel only responded, I can't see how you can see that Israel is running to the rescus of its "allies" in Syria and Iran.
If there is to be an international conference, who exactly will be there? Hamas which specifically states that it will never negociate with Israel or ever recognise its right to exist? Abu Mazen who for over two years has followed on Arafats' example of how to avoid sitting down with Israel in order to establish an independent State of Palestine? Assad, whose regime is tottering and is already not recognised by some countries? Iran...no need to expand?
Wow, what a conference that is going to be.

Thumb benzona 19:47 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

It's a double equation ya phillippo.

1/ Putting sticks in Abbas' wheels for his UN bid scheduled in less than 2 weeks

2/ Giving more time to Bachar by bringing the attention on Gaza which is working, today's internation media only talked about Israel and bla-bla-bla eclipsing the 39.000 people that died in 20 months in Syria, Israel's ally.

Thumb geha 20:54 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

nasrallah's speech is self explanatory:
he is setting the ground for hizbushaitan intervention in this war.

Missing people-power 22:53 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

It is not the fault of Abu Mazen. He took a rightful stand to avoid wasteful talks while Israel continues illegal settlement expansion. The vast majority of the countries in the world (over 90%) do not recognize Israel's claims to land in the occupied territories.

Israel is trying to change the facts on the ground with settlement growth. As soon as Israel agrees to stop the settlement expansion, Abbas will agree to negotiate.

Either build your land-stealing wall at the 67 border, or give every Palestinian the right to vote in Israel. You can't have it both ways. (Apartheid occupation without representation). That's why Israel doesn't care for a settled peace. They want to use the illegal settlements as a trading block to offset Palestinian claims on land inside Israel proper.

Default-user-icon ROSENBERG (ضيف) 18:23 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

at a time when the Hamas regime in Gaza continues to launch aerial attacks against the Israeli civilian population,the Jewish Voices for Peace has issued a statement of full support for the Hamas regime in Gaza.

The Israel Advocacy Task Force calls on all supporters of justice and peace in the middle east to demand that the US Justice Department Division of Counter Intelligence to arrest and incarcerate the members of the Jewish Voices for Peace and to prosecute JVP to the full extent of the law.


Missing mohammad_ca 19:52 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

where is the "resistance" of ASSad and Hizbollaat when it is most needed? The masks have fallen...

Default-user-icon Imak (ضيف) 23:46 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

shhh they are too busy killing Syrian citizens

Missing mohammad_ca 19:53 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

neither of those cuntries shares a border with Occupied Palestine where as Lebanon and Syria do...I would expect them to be doing something right now you know with ASSad being the "beacon" of resistance BS and Nasrallaat BS arms of resistance...

Missing phillipo 20:41 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

If Israel was really wanting to destroy the civilian population of Gaza, do you honestly think that the total number of Gazan killed would be just 15. It only goes to show that Israeli attacks are only against military targets.
The rocket which hit an apartment in Kiryat Malachi and killed 3 civilians in their home was specifically directed against the town, not against a military target.

Thumb geha 20:57 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

if you want to play this game, let us count casualties after it ends.
our experience with Israel is that of a murderous regime.
in 1982 I stayed In Beirut and I know what Israel does.

Missing peace 21:56 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

do hamas really believe that with there little weaponry they ll stop israel and create a palestinian state? all they ll do is letting innocent people get killed because of their madness or maybe their goal is such: hoping israel kills hundreds of palestinians so that the world help them stop israel! that is evil at its best and iranman hails them for that!!!
in any case it makes them accomplices with israel of murders.no country will help a palestinian authority that praises war or terrorism to achieve their goal but they would help palestinians if they show that they can live in an independent state responsibly. in history the biggest achievements were done peacefully like gandhi who kicked out the strongest military power from his country. can t palestinians do the same?

Missing people-power 22:56 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

I agree with you, peace.

Missing dolce 22:50 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 15

it makes no sense for hamas action, one should ask who is really benefiting from their action? we know for facts: they are nothing against the superpower of israel, we know for fact,they will never get any real support from the so called Arab league, we know for fact it is not in Israel benefit nor the American to have peace in the region.
so i ask again who is really benefiting from Hamas action other then the zionist in Israel?

Missing peace 00:09 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 16

those benefiting for all thai are those who built their policy on the palestinian problem. all those who use as an excuse to build their power:
hezbis: without israel they are nothing.
iran: their sole purpose is to use israel to justify the existence of their islamic regime,hezbis being their faithful pup.
hamas: same as above!
israel: they can play the victims and receive millions of dollars from the usa.

Default-user-icon dolce (ضيف) 01:47 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 16

rudes, you are very emotional why don't stop for a minute and think before you insult everyone. just think

Default-user-icon ROSENBERG (ضيف) 22:52 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 18

I read a letter from a father to a soldier to my congregants friday night and Saturday since I have different groups and I emailed the letter before Shabbat for them to think about it. We had an amazing discussion at both services.. A number of the NON ORTHODOX RABBIS found it convenient to embarass me publicly. for sharing it with them on a rabbinical site. See THE LETTER IN THE Jewish Press. It cautions the son to be careful not to put his life on the line and die because he is overcautious about harming civilians. This is war and people on both sides dies, unfortunately that includes children. We need a cease fire immediately for the sake of all. Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg, founder and president , israel advocacy task force. iatf