حماس: ايران ستؤلب عليها الراي العام العربي بسبب دعمها للنظام السوري
Read this story in Englishاعتبر المسؤول الثاني في حركة حماس الفلسطينية الاثنين ان على ايران ان تعيد النظر في دعمها للنظام السوري اذا كانت لا تريد ان تؤلب عليها الراي العام العربي.
وفي تصريح للصحافيين قال موسى ابو مرزوق نائب رئيس المكتب السياسي لحركة حماس في مكتبه الجديد في القاهرة ان موقف ايران "اصبح موقفا غير طيب".
وكانت حماس، التي تحكم قطاع غزة، قد نقلت مكاتبها الخارجية الى قطر ومصر بعد ان غادرت سوريا بعد خلافها مع نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد بسبب قمعه لحركة المعارضة.
كذلك لم تعد الحركة قريبة من ايران، التي تزود الفصائل الفلسطينية بالسلاح، كما كانت سابقا.
واوضح ابو مرزوق ان "ايران طلبت من حماس اتخاذ موقف اقرب الى سوريا. وحماس رفضت وقد اثر ذلك على العلاقة مع ايران".
وكان رئيس المكتب السياسي لحماس خالد مشعل اشاد الاربعاء بدور ايران في تسليح الفصائل الفلسطينية الذي اتاح لها، على حد قوله، مواجهة الهجوم الاسرائيلي على القطاع الذي استمر ثمانية ايام واسفر عن مقتل 166 فلسطينيا وستة اسرائيليين.
Tehran should have been the start of the "spring". But the mullahs had an opinion that differed from the people. And slaughtered and suppressed their people when they stood up and said "WTF?". And there are "humans" who think these mullahs are a "good" people. In 2013 they won't find it as easy to supress them. I'm sure weapons will be made available if they decide that brutality is the best responce. Just like assad.
this would be called the persian spring. And I dont think it will be much longer before we get some popcorn and watch some of these great persian cities under civil war... The mollahs can even get Hezbollah to resist human rights over there. In iran, they should try the equation:
Mollah- Frustration- Resistance.
Feeling the heat of isolation are we @theresistance?
Putting Hamas down to elevate Iran and HA is the worst act one can do and this from "ashraf el nass".
said the guy who misquoted Churchill.. fool you still showing your face around here? nobody takes you seriously after your last brain lapse.. which you might not remember due to your constant state of.... yup ... you guessed it... brain lapse..
someone penned a large check for Qatar? the country with unimaginable wealth.. and the highest GDP in the world was waiting for a check?? you should debate with a slug from now on... you were kissing their booty not long ago..
love4bachar. Your avatar is a white dove. Wouhahahahahaha
Hahahahahahahaha that is the funniest thing i seen all day....
So Bachar destroying Syria by loading his cluster bombs on doves now?
I can imagine just where you're getting the cannabis you've been smoking :P, don't really need to think hard.
Hamas is the only real resistance....abandon nasrocrap, he's driving you down the drain....
What is the 'cause' that iran and HA are supporting in Syria?? The genocide of the syrian people is what they aresupporting. Why so sectarian ya @ resistance? Is this what you learned from imam hussein? Bashar is equal to yazeed and people who have morals and principles do not pick and choose where to apply them. Again i hope you wake up because we want peace in lebanon. The missles will not bring you peace because other muslims will have the missles too and fehmak kfaye. Wake up bro.