الشرع يقول ان النظام والمعارضة غير قادرين على الحسم العسكري ويقترح "تسوية تاريخية"
Read this story in Englishقال نائب الرئيس السوري فاروق الشرع ان ايا من نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد او معارضيه غير قادر على حسم الامور عسكريا في النزاع المستمر منذ 21 شهرا، داعيا الى "تسوية تاريخية" لانهائه.
وقال الشرع في حديث الى صحيفة "الاخبار" اجرته معه قبل يومين في دمشق ينشر الإثنين، انه "ليس في امكان كل المعارضات حسم المعركة عسكريا، كما ان ما تقوم به قوات الامن ووحدات الجيش لن يحقق حسما"، وذلك بحسب مقتطفات وزعتها الصحيفة الاحد.
واعتبر الشرع ان "تراجع عدد المتظاهرين السلميين" الذين اطلقوا في منتصف آذار 2011 احتجاجات مطالبة باسقاط النظام، ادى "بشكل او بآخر الى ارتفاع اعداد المسلحين. صحيح ان توفير الامن للمواطنين واجب على الدولة، لكنه يختلف عن انتهاج الحل الامني للازمة. ولا يجوز الخلط بين الامرين".
اضاف "كل يوم يمر يبتعد الحل عسكريا وسياسيا. نحن يجب ان نكون في موقع الدفاع عن وجود سوريا، ولسنا في معركة وجود لفرد او نظام".
ودعا الشرع الذي اقترحته تركيا في تشرين الاول الماضي لتولي مسؤولية المرحلة الانتقالية في سوريا، الى ان يكون الحل سوريا "ولكن من خلال تسوية تاريخية تشمل الدول الإقليمية الأساسية ودول أعضاء مجلس الأمن"، على ان تتضمن "اولا وقف كل اشكال العنف وتشكيل حكومة وحدة وطنية تكون ذات صلاحيات واسعة".
اضاف انه لا يمكن "لقوى المعارضة على اختلافها المدني او المسلح او ذات الارتباطات الخارجية الادعاء انها الممثل الشرعي والوحيد للشعب السوري"، وذلك في اشارة الى الائتلاف السوري المعارض الذي تشكل في الدوحة، وحظي باعتراف دول غربية عدة كالممثل الشرعي واحيانا الوحيد للشعب السوري.
في الوقت نفسه، اكد الشرع ان "الحكم القائم بجيشه العقائدي وأحزابه الجبهوية وفي مقدمتها حزب البعث لا يستطيع لوحده إحداث التغيير من دون شركاء جدد".
واشارت الصحيفة الى ان هذا التصريح هو الاول للشرع منذ تموز 2011، حين تحدث خلال "اللقاء التشاوري للحوار الوطني" الذي عقد في دمشق بمشاركة قوى من المعارضة السورية في الداخل.
ونقلت صحيفة "الوطن" السورية المقربة من النظام في آب الماضي تصريحات منسوبة الى الشرع لكن على لسان مدير مكتبه، وذلك خلال استقباله رئيس لجنة الأمن القومي والسياسة الخارجية في مجلس الشورى الإسلامي الإيراني علاء الدين بوروجردي، في ما كان ظهوره العلني الاول بعد معلومات عن انشقاقه.
ونقل التلفزيون الرسمي عن بيان باسم مكتب الشرع في آب ايضا ان الاخير "لم يفكر في اي لحظة بترك الوطن الى اي جهة كانت"، وانه "يعمل مع مختلف الاطراف على وقف نزيف الدماء بهدف الدخول الى عملية سياسية في اطار حوار شامل لانجاز مصالحة وطنية".
ويعتبر الشرع منذ نحو ثلاثة عقود الضمانة السنية لنظام الرئيس الاسد، ويصفه بعض معارفه بانه "رجل النظام الذكي".
ويبلغ الشرع الثالثة والسبعين من العمر، وتسلم وزارة الخارجية طيلة 22 عاما قبل ان يصبح نائبا للرئيس العام 2006. وهو من مواليد درعا (سوريا) مهد الاحتجاجات ضد الاسد.
So now Assad brings Sharaa out as a last resort to save his neck and crumbling power structure. When he felt he can win, Sharaa or the "logic" he is espousing was nowhere to be seen or heard. If this means anything is that, their protestations to the contrary notwithstanding, the Russians are in serious discussions with the Americans on an exit strategy that has no place for Assad in it and this is worrying Assad.
What Assad I sailing to grasp is that those who committed to armed opposition will not negotiate anything with him at this point. Whilemtherenwas a window 10-12 months ago this could have happened its likelihood now is nil.
For the good of Syria one hopes that Assad does not end up like Ghaddafy did.
if the camera lens could capture a wider angle i guarantee you there is a gun being pointed at his head...lol
Uh oh....the Syrian regime is starting to shake and crumble. Time for desperate statements and desperate actions. Hezzbollah is part of a losing war.
"Sharaa Says Neither Side Can Win Decisively, Urges 'Historic Settlement'".
This means the Republican Guard, Hezz, Persian Quds, with airplanes and tanks cannot win against the rag tag group of rebels, defectors, with no planes, tanks, re-supply or heavy weapons.
The Persian axis is getting chopped to pieces and is weak.
you are so naive to say that rag tag army has no tanks, or heavy weapons
what do you think they are fughting with, stick or a machetti, no my friend so called Muslem Arab countries S. Arabia and Qatar, sending all those weapons off course by the blessing of USA.
@Abraham. Correction....the heavy weapons were taken from the Syrian army bases that fell. I have not seen any western weapons in any videos. If they were being armed from outside this would have been over long ago. The FSA needed anti-tank and anti-aircraft rockets from the beginning. If they had them the barrel bombs being dropped on civilians would not be happening.
Oh and tell your side stop making it sound like Hariri is driving the war. We all know the Hezz have been beating and killing from the beginning for which the punishment is yet to come.
absolutely, they didn't shoot down the Syrian aircrafts with FIM 92 Stinger but with russian made Igla 18/19 AA missiles.
Of course, Qatar and other Arab nations are arming them with modern machine guns, but they're only arming the islamists thanks to Russian and Chinese veto at the UN.
The historic settlement occurs when both parties sit down and you begin assassinating them one after the other. Does Lebanon ring a bell?
I must agree though that the ruling regime is ruthless and must go, so as Al-Quada, salafist, extremists. Syria needs a moderate ruler to compensate for the pain and suffering that existed all these yrs.
For Sharaa to be speaking this way, the end must be closer than we all think. I think the regime is reeling and needs just a good stiff blow to fall over.
But as the Washington Post reports today, there is the matter of Syrian biological and nerve weapons and what will become of them when the regime falls. It is another consequence of the US being late to come to ground in Syria that these weapons may already have been compromised to the risk of the whole world.
If the regime in Syria was doing well and time was on their side, this dude would not have come out to say this. However, i beg to differ that it is a matter of days or weeks, but rather months. Damascus would fall by next Summer but the war will move to the coast. The story is far from over.
mr faruq al-shara is using diplomatic tone, so using the language of diplomacy is not the sign of the defeat,the situation in syria does not need any explanation, syria is under attack by foreigners and their tools, according to the public opinion in the syria and the out side world, to day any real human could understand what is going in syria is not the syrian willingness but is willingness of imperialists and their dogs in the region, many educated people here in somalia believe that syrian will survive because of its historic civilization, and the unity of its parts, allah will not make it happen , but if it happen syria to fall, the children of syria will not cry alone but the whole region, and some other countries will fall soon,and the children of those dogs and their masters will cry for ever
Syria's Baath party proved to be more ruthless then his comrade Hussein Iraq Baath party...baath is a party of thugs and killers....their end is near...