أكثر من 60 قتيلا في غارة جوية سورية على مخبز حلفايا قرب حماة
Read this story in Englishقتل اكثر من ستين مدنيا الاحد في غارة شنتها مقاتلات سورية قرب مخبز في بلدة حلفايا في ريف حماة (وسط).
وقال المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان:"الحصيلة مرشحة للارتفاع لان خمسين من الجرحى في حالة خطيرة. ويعتمد المرصد على شبكة من النشطاء والمصادر الطبية".
وفي وقت سابقة افادت شبكة لجان التنسيق المحلية عن "مجزرة ارتكبتها قوات النظام اسفرت عن مقتل العشرات من بينهم نساء واطفال وعشرات الجرحى بعد سقوط قذائف على مخبز المدينة".
واوضحت لجان التنسيق ان حلفايا تشهد ازمة انسانية حيث ينقص الخبز بسبب حصار القوات الحكومية ما ادى الى تدفق عشرات السكان الى المخبز بعد حرمانهم منه طوال ايام.
واظهر تسجيل فيديو نشره ناشطون على الانترنت عشرات الجثث وسط الانقاض قرب مبنى مدمر. وبدت حفرة كبيرة في الطريق المجاورة، ورجل يحمل امراة جريحة على ظهره. وقال المصور "قصف بطائرات ميغ. انظروا يا عالم، مجزرة في حلفايا".
وقال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ان الجيش قصف كذلك بلدات الكرنز وكفر زيتا وكفر نبودة موقعا العديد من الجرحى.
وافاد ناشط محلي قدم نفسه باسم ابو غازي ان الهدف من القصف هو ارهاب المدنيين وخصوصا بعد الهجمات التي شنها مقاتلون معارضون في محافظة حماة التي تحاصرها القوات الامنية النظامية منذ التظاهرات الحاشدة ضد النظام في صيف 2011.
وفي 30 آب اتهمت منظمة هيومن رايتس ووتش قوات النظام بارتكاب جرائم حرب عبر قصف عشر مخابز على الاقل في ثلاثة اسابيع في محافظة حلب شمال البلاد.
وافادت المنظمة التي زار مندوبوها ستة من تلك المخابز وتحدثوا مع شهود ان الهجمات على صفوف الانتظار على مداخل المخابز ادت الى مقتل عشرات المدنيين من بينهم 60 شخصا في حي قاضي عسكر في حلب في 16 اب.
وافادت حصيلة مؤقتة نشرها المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ان 49 شخصا آخر قتلوا في سوريا الاحد. في حين قتل السبت 117 شخصا في انحاء مختلفة من البلاد.
وتشهد سوريا منذ اذار 2011 انتفاضة شعبية تحولت الى نزاع مسلح. وخلال 21 شهرا، اسفرت اعمال العنف عن اكثر من 44 الف قتيل بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.
Sad sad these pictures... Cant they divide Syria and get done with the killing already?
This is the 'mumana3a' and muqawama, the airforce that we have not seen in decades was all thhe time designed to kill the people and not to attack the tacit ally israel. Please look at the map of the military airports in syria and see how they are scrambled around the cities, which means they were all the time designed for such a day: to quel a rebelion by the people. M8ers can bark all they want, they are murderers and the free syrian people will not forgive them
The photo shows all bearded men and not one child or woman. Guess what? the headquarter of the salafist is called BAKERY. Good for you guys
This is for all the crimes they made in lebanon civil war...
Let them taste the suffering they did to lebanon!! Not feeling guilty
For my comments as half of my family was killed by those criminals.
im sure nasrallah is more than satisfy anyway hasan ur turn is next trust me,im sure the israelis mossad is preparing something delicious for u
History is a clear evidence on the current events in the Middle East. I can still remember Syrian people chanting the brain washing slogans and defending their barbaric regime to an extent,reporting innocent civilians who dare to utter a defying word. USA is supporting holy fighters and paving their way into the Syrian territory through Turkish, and Lebanese borders.The current conflict in Syria is not coming to an end soon.
OMG OMG OMG this is one of the worst acts of barbarism... Oh my god. I'm speechless.
Yesterday the FSA threatened to cleanse nearby Christian villages of Hama. It' also the home of the Syrian Muslim Broterhood and various Salafist groups, including Sheikh Adnan Arour.
RIP to the innocents who died.
they clearly stated they will clear the shabiha and assad forces out of the villages no one mentioned ethnic cleansinh. besides it assad who is using them as human shields
Yeah, and you take their word for it too, of course.
Lying is banned in the Quran, except Taqiyah of course.
I'm Syrian I don't support none of the above, but from the beginning of these so called revolutionaries I told them ( Watch what you wish for ).
When you export your revolution by hiring mercanaries and sell your soul to the devil that's what you get
didn't you learn any lessons from the Lebanese civil war
Abraham. The alternative is the continued murder, assasinations, bombings and theft of our country is much better! In other words assad's regime's treatment is the best we can hope for and can never be a free country. you can shove your words where the sun don't shine. We will be free of Syria's influence (ghas min 3an ra'ebtak). Syria's civil war will be long and they will be too busy killing each other to be able to controll Lebanon.
Calm down guys, Associated Press reported this was likely a rebel gathering -- therefore, it wasn't a massacre of bread buyers. Rebels need to find better places to hangout, if these guys were the ones who threatened the Christian villages the other day, good riddance and RIP to any innocent non-rebels who died.
calm down? 60 dead at a bakery and you say calm down? maybe you should have been there as well, I might have been calm then...
this makes you wonder how people messed up people are, that they see videos like this and still have the audacity to go on live television and support this sort of action...
But all your arab "brothers" and the rest of the fascist world care about is that jews build homes in jerusalem...
isnt that comforting?
The whole state of Israel is with you, rebel brothers, against this nazi bashar assad!
Be strong! win the war!!!
Hey neon....did the FSA fly the MiG that dropped the bomb on people desperate for bread??
wait.. since this is a conspiracy.. the people lining up for bread were foreign mercs... syrians dont eat bread...lol and still they will defend this sadistic government.
That's because they are paid to be on here. They are on holiday vacation right now and will not comment while not clocked in.