رئيس الحكومة السورية: دمشق "تتجاوب مع اي مبادرة اقليمية او دولية" لحل الازمة بالحوار
Read this story in Englishاكد رئيس الوزراء السوري وائل الحلقي اليوم الاثنين ان حكومته "تتجاوب مع اي مبادرة اقليمية او دولية" لحل الازمة بالحوار، وذلك غداة اعلان الموفد الدولي الخاص الاخضر الابراهيمي عن وجود مقترح للحل قد يحظى بموافق الجميع.
وقال الحلقي في خطاب القاه في مجلس الشعب السوري ونقل مباشرة عبر التلفزيون الرسمي ان الحكومة تعمل "على دعم مشروع المصالحة الوطنية وتتجاوب مع اي مبادرة اقليمية او دولية من شأنها حل الازمة الراهنة بالحوار والطرق السلمية ومنع التدخل الخارجي في الشؤون الداخلية السورية واعتبار ما يجري في سوريا شأنا سوريا يحله السوريون بانفسهم دون ضغوط او املاءات خارجية".
واكد الحلقي ان بلاده تمضي نحو "اللحظة التاريخية التي تعلن انتصارها على اعدائها لترسم معالم سوريا المنشودة ولتعيد بناء نظام عالمي جديد يعزز مفهوم السيادة الوطنية وتعزز مفهوم القانون الدولي".
وكان الابراهيمي اعلن من القاهرة الاحد ان لديه "مقترحا للحل (...) يمكن ان يتبناه المجتمع الدولي"، موضحا ان هذا المقترح يستند الى اعلان جنيف الصادر في حزيران 2012.
ويتضمن الاقتراح، بحسب قوله، "وقف اطلاق النار وتشكيل حكومة كاملة الصلاحيات وخطوات تؤدي الى انتخابات اما رئاسية او برلمانية"، مرجحا "ان تكون برلمانية لان السوريين سيرفضون النظام الرئاسي".
وكان الابراهيمي يتحدث بعد محادثات اجراها في روسيا ودمشق.
واعتبرت موسكو السبت ان التوصل الى حل سياسي لتسوية النزاع في سوريا لا يزال ممكنا، مشيرة في الوقت نفسه الى تعذر اقناع الرئيس بشار الاسد بالتنحي عن السلطة.
ونص اتفاق جنيف الذي توصلت اليه "مجموعة العمل حول سوريا" (الدول الخمس الكبرى وتركيا والجامعة العربية) برعاية الموفد الدولي السابق الى سوريا كوفي انان على تشكيل حكومة انتقالية وبدء حوار من دون ان يأتي على ذكر تنحي الاسد.
May you never see peace and may more more die in the new year.
Long Live The Syrian Civil War!
resistance do you have anything to back up this article? or is a simple sentence from half way around the world enough proof for you.
because in that case, i have plenty of those
The ASSistance Farsi talking out of his rear as usual. Wahhabi this wahhabi that......hope you come out with something new and original next year you moron.....aka schizo Farsi BSThrower/Motormouth!
while you re at it give the links also of bashar tanks crushing under their caterpillar dead syrian people... you know bashar the good one you support...
The longer this civil war the worse the outcome ... yet Moaz al-Khatib, Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces president wants no part of any talks ... the Brotherhood has spoken as the face of the Zionist-GCC war on secular-nationalist Muslims and Shiites.
Moaz alKhatib is not part of the "Brotherhood". The only evil in Syria is the one who has stolen power for over 40 years and has wreaked havoc in Lebanon and supported Lebanon's militias against each other and fueled the civil war. ASSad needs to go, end of story.
Of course Khatib is Brotherhood ... common knowledge ... He is also a geophysics engineer employed by oil companies ...
@ mohammad_ca
Khatib is a disciple of Qatar-based Egyptian televangelist cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi. He referred to al-Qaradawi as "our great Imam". Al-Qaradawi has long had a prominent role within the intellectual leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood.
@ mohammad_ca
Of course you know that the just blessed (NATO_GCC)Syrian National Coalition is dominated by Muslim Brotherhood members.
sheikh alQaradawi is THE most prominent Imam in the Sunni world so does that mean that all Sunnis now are "brotherhoo"? (this is where you are drawing your own conclusions and making stuff up)
@ mohammad_ca
Maybe you don't understand .......
Cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi belongs to, is a member of ...
The Muslim Brotherhood ...
accordion when did I say that? You are inflicted with mckinl's disease of making stuff up as well? go take your crusade elsewhere.
who do you mean by "secular-nationalists" by the way? Baath? If that is what you mean that is some of the stupidest talk ever. Baath has been the absolute bloodiest regime in the region.
Secular in terms of moderate Muslims and different sects. Nationalist in terms of being loyal to their countries and not believers in the GCC Zionist neoliberal petrodollar banking system.
The Brotherhood is a neoliberal organization sponsored and supported by US-GCC money and power. Neoliberal is short hand for the imperial zionist banking cartel that controls the WTO, IMF, BIS and the World Bank.
@ Sidon93
You are very naive ... The countries you claim to want to live are repressive. Of course Assad was a dictator and repressed his people as well. I have never represented Assad in any other light ...
Your mistake is thinking that this solution to Assad is better for the Syrian people ... there is no good outcome ... both scenarios are bad for the Syrian people ...
Hopefully by exposing the forces behind the civil war there will be accommodation and representation for Syria's many religions and cultures. Hopefully the truth will moderate the outcome for the better.
secular does not mean moderate or different sects, learn before you talk. The fighting in Syria is between the Baath regime and a popular revolution. I support the popular revolution. My question to you is how are you speaking out against fundamentalism when you support hizbocrap a fundamentalist Shiite group?
@ mohammad_ca
Originally, yes, it was a popular uprising but the uprising was soon high jacked by salafist foreigners intending an Islamic state for Syria.
Assad was truly brutal and should be gone however don't believe for one minute that the next government won't be repressive as well. Egypt is a good example of how a popular uprising was stolen ...
Egypt's revolution was not stolen, they had elections and the people chose whom and what they wanted. The same thing will happen in Syria, there will be free elections and people will choose what they want. Stop making stuff up in your fantasy world.
"the uprising was soon high jacked by salafist foreigners intending an Islamic state for Syria"
can you tell us facts that make you say they "intend" to build an islamic state? who said that? who declared that? when? where?
or is it because otv and elmanar tell you so to make you frightened and defend the democratic baath regime?
@ enough
Look at Greece my friend ... Debilitated by debt they are now slashing government spending and selling public works...
Lebanon's national debt as a percentage of GDP than Greece's was when their crisis started.
It is betrayal to the martyrs that fell for Syria's freedom to hold talks with ASSad in power.
"Syria Will Respond to Any Talks on Ending Conflict"
ignoring is a response--of course, they haven't given anyone any reason to trust them either or their main backers, Iran and Russia.
No doubt he must be removed from the region as should the scums of the world HA & Iran. No room for regressed religious terrorists on this planet!
lolololol............case & point >>>. When the ASSistance shows up within minutes the Farsi BSthrower appears. Your such a pathetic low life schizo Farsi. Yallah let's see which of his alias will show up now....Motormouth....Kaa Kaa Karim. Mustool and a loner!
FT, it is always funny to see idiots that support hizbocrap speak out against what they perceive to be "fundamentalist" Islam...
so true mohammed_ca! some are not afraid to appear ridiculous but hezbollah is no fundamentalism for them ! lol! it is a pure secular and democratic party never using islam to spread their propaganda!
ba3d shwy they're going to make it seem like nasrocrap was elected and that there was a referendum on whether or not hizbocrap militia should have weapons..
March 14, my warriors and only hope for a free Syria (and we shall talk about a free Lebanon subsequently), what's wrong with this PM? Isn't there anyone who can tell him that time is running out on the Assad regime? What the heck? The regime has only a few hours left of its life as Dr. Arreet 7akeh had been confirming to his followers at the Symposium of Drs. Arteena Satleh that the regime MIGHT fall in 2012!!! It really seems like time is running out on... well... duh... umm... Drs. Arreet 7akeh and Drs. Arteena Satleh? Happy New Year and theyre is always 2013 and then 2014 and then 2015 and then... You get the idea about the possibily of the Syrian regime falling.
funny how FPMers are now becoming fierce defenders of the baath regime they called terrorist before! time changes and they just go where the wind brings them money and power! lol !
hey mckinl, who are you or anyone else to decide what is good for the syrian people? who are you to label them this or that. if they want the muslim brotherhood then who are you to say no? let the devil bashar leave and let them democraticaly elect whomever..
cheers flamethrower to you and hassoune for the new year... double dare you to go drink to hassounes health in dahieh..and please find me one person in hizballah who is not shiite... secular he says... hahahahahaha joke of the year thrower joke of the year.