تشكيل قوة عسكرية موازية للجيش السوري للمساعدة في خوض حرب الشوارع
Read this story in Englishانشأ النظام السوري قوة عسكرية موازية للجيش السوري مؤلفة من مدنيين مسلحين لمساعدة قوات النظام على خوض حرب تزداد صعوبة على الارض مع المجموعات المقاتلة المعارضة، بحسب ما ذكر المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.
وقال مدير المرصد رامي عبد الرحمن في اتصال هاتفي مع وكالة فرانس برس "ان الجيش السوري غير مدرب على خوض حرب عصابات، لذلك قرر النظام انشاء جيش الدفاع الوطني".
واضاف ان جيش الدفاع الوطني سيضم اللجان الشعبية الموالية للنظام والمؤلفة من مدنيين والتي نشات مع تطور النزاع الى العسكرة بهدف حماية الاحياء من هجمات المقاتلين المعارضين، انما مع توسيعها وفي ظل هيكلية جديدة وتدريب افضل.
واشار عبد الرحمن الى ان معظم المقاتلين في جيش الدفاع الوطني هم من اعضاء حزب البعث او مؤيديه، وهم "رجال ونساء من كل الطوائف".
وكانت قناة "روسيا اليوم" ذكرت على موقعها الالكتروني باللغة العربية الجمعة نقلا عن مصدر سوري مطلع في دمشق "ان السلطات السورية تتجه لانشاء ما يمكن تسميته ب+جيش الدفاع الوطني+ كرديف للقوات النظامية التي تتفرغ للمهام القتالية".
وقال المصدر ان هذا الجيش سيتشكل "من عناصر مدنية أدت الخدمة العسكرية الى جانب أفراد اللجان الشعبية التي تشكلت تلقائيا مع تطور النزاع القائم في سورية".
وأشار المصدر الى ان افراد "جيش الدفاع الوطني سيتقاضون رواتب شهرية، وسيكون لهم زي موحد"، متوقعا ان يبلغ عددهم حوالى العشرة آلاف من مختلف محافظات البلاد.
وقال عبد الرحمن ان الجيش الجديد "سيضم قوات نخبة دربها الايرانيون".
وكان قائد الحرس الثوري الايراني محمد علي جعفري اعلن في ايلول ان بلاده تقدم "نصائح وآراء" الى دمشق و"تفيدها من الخبرة الايرانية".
على الارض، افاد ناشطون ان القوة العسكرية الجديدة بدأت تتحرك على الارض في محافظة حمص (وسط).
وقال عضو الهيئة العامة للثورة السورية هادي العبد الله الموجود في ريف المحافظة لوكالة فرانس برس عبر سكايب ان "عدد المقاتلين الموالين للنظام في المحافظة ازداد كثيرا خلال الايام الاخيرة مع بدء عمل جيش الدفاع الوطني".
Now it's clear what the filthy militia ie "pilgrims" has been doing in Syria. Ok this will prolong the liberation but the outcom is inevitable.
the filthy zionist scum trash worm uses some stupid report from mossad to build their so called "case"
uhuh, remember that this group was the first to actually break the story of hizbocrap fighters defending ASSad in Syria...and that turned out to be correct...
nasrocrap admitted to having his people fighting in Syria...and according to the body bags that are coming back, Allah yzeed w ybarek...
Scum Farsi HABALamel....the only filth on this planet is animals like yourself aka BSThrower/Motormouth that condone/praise blood thirsty terrorists like Iran and their servants!
wish anyone fighting in Syria killing its defenseless people to have the worst kind of death.
what is going on there is inhumane, and this tyrant is still finding more ways to kill his people
the filthy zionist scum, under different nickname now want to make big story out of unconfirmed reports that probably came from mossad
too bad the syrian regime has killed more people than the 'zionist' state has done in 60 years. filth is filth, and the baathist state is more filthy than most.
don't you hate facts
the filthy zionist scum want to deny syrian people to have resistance against wahabi/zionist scum
the filthy zionist scum hallucinate that anyone killed more people on middle east than zionist entity.
well, you are right. americans did
Seems like the Syrian army and Hezz together are not up to the task of winning, so now they are trying something new.
the filthy zionist scum repeat mossad propaganda (65 000 dead yeah sure, and many of them are imported islamists), and think they can prove point with that.
this shows the real will of the real Syrian citizens to defend their country from all the corruption and kick out all those intruders who are fighting a REVOLUTION while most of them are either FOREIGNERS or financed by FOREIGNERS. God will show all traitors in the Arab world that revolution is not made by GUNS otherwise the whole population will turn against them.
Is this a joke? Seriously? The regime is defending "their country from all the corruption"? The Assad regime is a byword for corruption. The regime is a decrepit kleptocracy. The way Arab governments will defeat those who have designs on our homeland is to develop a true partnership of the people with the government. The nature of the relationship must change. The government is a servant of the people and not a "ruler". The government provides defense, medical care, schools, roads, utilities and services. The president is not a ruler for life who wants only to stay in power at all costs.
Please don't be naive- this is not about Assad wanting to serve Arabism. He simply loves his place and wants to stay there- forever.
If this is true. Then the fight will be as long as the lebanese civil war. I guess Assad will have another chance. Look at Lebanon, with all the fighting over the years, still the same leaders in place.
The Shia need to stop being delusional about their self declared holy mission in Sunni Syria and Lebanon as their project (whatever this is?)
ha already failed and their axis of Infallibility has failed and they are only a majority in Iran.
Who is talking about Iran as a country but its direct allies of Hez/ Mahdi/ Shabiha not mention Revolutionary guards all who have joined the orgy of slaughter under the motive of Shia solidarity. No amount of revision history can hide these plain facts.
Manipulation by Global Elitists - They Pay Those who Need Money to do their Dirty Work All Over The World. "Intelligence" Organizes the Networks for Para-Military and Militias. Libya is the "Door" to Africa
Syria is the Door To IRAN. The Middle East is Being Remapped. Africa also. Saudi Arabia will be divided as well. The Rebuilding Contracts are already in the works! Dubai Chamber of Commerce Met Nov. 21, 2012 with Syria's "outside" Business Community. Wars are DESIGNED!
Bashar is producing the new generation of shabihas... may god have mercy on the civilian's souls
To the bashar thugs on here who have no blood in their veins and only hatred and racism against their fellow suni arabs. This is bad news for you, the army and shabi7a are not enough to quel the rebellion and nor will this rag tab paper tiger 'army'. The sunis you hate will take power in damascus sooner or later and thanks to your stupidity the war is coming to the beka3 valley sooner or later.
Whitman is in a similar spot,Under the law, sblm cek clear,?