لافروف التقى للمرة الاولى رئيس الائتلاف السوري المعارض في ميونيخ
Read this story in Englishالتقى وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف السبت للمرة الاولى رئيس الائتلاف الوطني السوري المعارض احمد معاذ الخطيب اثناء زيارة لميونيخ، بحسب مصدر في الوفد الروسي على ما نقلت وكالات الانباء.
ولم تصدر اي معلومة بشان ما جرى تداوله اثناء هذا اللقاء الذي جرى على هامش المؤتمر حول الامن في ميونيخ. وهو اللقاء الاول بين الرجلين منذ انتخاب الخطيب في نهاية 2012 رئيسا للائتلاف السوري المعارض.
والتقى لافروف ايضا نائب الرئيس الاميركي جو بايدن والموفد الدولي الاخضر الابراهيمي.
ويحاول الاميركيون والروس على هامش مؤتمر الامن في ميونيخ تضييق الخلافات بينهما حول النزاع في سوريا.
واعرب بايدن السبت في ميونيخ عن امله في ان يعزز المجتمع الدولي دعمه للمعارضة السورية لنظام الرئيس بشار الاسد الذي "لم يعد قادرا على قيادة الامة".
واشار نائب الرئيس الاميركي الى "ان خلافات كبرى" لا تزال قائمة بين الولايات المتحدة وروسيا حول سوريا من بين ملفات دولية كبرى.
من ناحيته عبر لافروف في كلمة القاها بعد المسؤول الاميركي عن تمنيه في ان تجتمع مجموعة العمل حول سوريا بقيادة الممثل الخاص للامم المتحدة الاخضر الابراهيمي مجددا للسعي الى التوصل الى حل انتقالي معتبرا انه يمكن "تحقيق تقدم".
وكان الابراهيمي عبر مساء الجمعة عن اسفه للانقسامات العديدة بين السوريين انفسهم وايضا داخل المجتمع الدولي ما لا يسمح بالتقدم في اتجاه حل في سوريا.
وندد الخطيب من جهته ب"صمت المجتمع الدولي" ازاء النظام السوري الذي "يدمر" البلاد.
There are many stories here. Russians talking with Katib is a huge story. Russians are now discounting the survivability of Assad Regime and so are feeling out the Opposition on issues of concern to Russia. Quid pro quo comes to mind that Russia would trade off support for Assad in exchange for favored treatment by a post-Assad Rebel led government.
Israel bombing SAM rockets inside of Syria, with a free hand and impunity means that they do not fear any international repercussions from going after the Assad Regime.
The thing is coming to a head very soon.
A turning point. They're going to silently support the opposition in return of something else....
The main reason why Israel exercised its power recently is because there is no trust in up-coming system in Syria, while Assad’s state of political principles is known and valued for its consistence. There is no fear of Assad diplomacy! But, following what has happened in Benghazi in Libya on Egypt recently there is fear of “Opposition element groups” with the sophisticated military equipment and knowledge and religious belief that Europe is afraid of! You got it know!
Keep in mind that Syrian state has been established as a French mandate, following the famous Sykes-Picot Agreement. This days, France play different role in the region. It has to play the pro-active role by accepting the leadership role in Libya or currently in Mali. Why? Because if you remember the history events, back in 1966,France declared itself as superpower(independent nuclear power Republic)and withdrew itself from NATO structure. And recently they rejoined the alliance. They have to do their best to clarify their European Western Roots. Where Russia following its own principles has been doing what France is not capable to do to save its own existence in Syria because of the factors mentioned above.
there is no political solution, problem will be settled by arms unless the Russian start slowly making a uturn which I frankly do not see. this is another maneuvor by the Russians to buy time for the regime. last summer the regime dislodged the Rebels from Damascus. this clear now the situation in Damascus is starting to look like Aleppo and the regime has failed to repel the rebels. This confirms that time is the enemy of the regime. Khatib can't control one klashinkof and the future leaders of syria are actually on the battlefield.
Sunnis problem is like this: if you are not with us, we will turn our poor sunnis against you so they will blow themselves and you up.
Keep in mind that Syrian state has been established as a French mandate, following the famous Sykes-Picot Agreement. This days, France play different role in the region. It has to play the pro-active role by accepting the leadership role in Libya or currently in Mali. Why? Because if you remember the history events, back in 1966, France declared itself as superpower (independent nuclear power Republic) and withdrew itself from NATO structure. And recently they re-joined the alliance.They have to do their best to clarify their European Western Roots. read bellow ....
Where Russia following its own principles has been doing what France is not capable to do, to save its own existence in Syria because of the factors mentioned above.The main reason why Israel exercised its power recently in Syria because there is no trust in up-coming system in Syria, while Assad’s state of political principles is known and valued for its consistence. There is no fear of Assad's diplomacy! But, following what has happened in Benghazi in lybia or Egypt recently there is a fear of “Opposition element groups” with the sophisticated military equipment and the knowledge and religious belief that Europe is afraid off!. You got it know!
Please do your best and dispal 2 comments that was made if you believe in opinions of others. Do not have your own prejudice. Conversation is a good thing. What is the purpose of having this dialog box if it has only one colour, one thoughts. My way , or simply no way!
You r talking to yourself. People like you never believed anything would happen in Damascus And Aleppo a year ago. Just imagine bow things are gona be year and two from now. The revolution is slowly winning. It took the afghanis ten years to dislodge the USSR, revolutions take time. The minority rules of Syria is coming to an end. The dispute is how it would end.