روسيا: فرنسا تقاتل في مالي المتمردين الذين سلحتهم في ليبيا

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قال وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف الاحد ان عددا من المتمردين الذين تقاتلهم فرنسا في شمال مالي هم من المقاتلين الذين ساعدت باريس على تسليحهم في ليبيا.

وقال لافروف في مقابلة تلفزيونية نشرت وكالات الانباء الروسية مقتطفات منها "في مالي، تقاتل فرنسا ضد من سلحتهم في ليبيا ضد نظام معمر القذافي منتهكة الحظر الذي فرضه مجلس الامن على الاسلحة".

وكان لافروف انتقد في السابق توفير فرنسا الاسلحة للمعارضين لنظام القذافي ودان تفسير فرنسا لقرار مجلس الامن الذي يسمح باستخدام القوة لحماية المدنيين.

وقال كذلك ان عددا من المسلحين الليبيين الذين قاتلوا نظام القذافي يقاتلون الان في سوريا ضد نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد.

واضاف "انا مندهش من +عدم قدرة+ شركائنا على رؤية الصورة الاكبر".

وكانت روسيا، الدولة الدائمة العضوية في مجلس الامن، امتنعت عن التصويت اذار 2011 على السماح بشن ضربات دولية ضد قوات القذافي والتي ادت في النهاية الى الاطاحة بنظامه.

واكدت موسكو مرارا على ان تحرك الحلف الاطلسي في ليبيا يتجاوز حدود القرار الدولي.

وتدخلت فرنسا في مالي الشهر الماضي بطلب من السلطات المالية بعد ان بدأ المتمردون الاسلاميون في التقدم نحو العاصمة باماكو.

التعليقات 5
Default-user-icon Momo Sissoko (ضيف) 23:05 ,2013 شباط 10

What a lying little girl, those Mali Islamists are the ones Gaddafi brought in and armed with his RUSSIAN bought weapons to try to save his regime.

Default-user-icon G (ضيف) 23:48 ,2013 شباط 10

Regardless whether you like Russia or not, what you read IS the truth, they are indeed fighting the ones they armed, this also goes for the double standards on Syria, mali "rebels" are terrorists while syria's head chopping throat cutting "rebels" are "freedom fighters" in the end its a lose lose no win scenario, so please spare us of your hatred comments the only one barking here throughout history has been the all out mafia driven - corruption pit of a hell whole the devil is ashamed to call home - Lebanon - from which its citizens and the governments they elected throughout history have accomplished nothing other than blaming left-right up-down and middles while self promoting themselves to sainthood.

Thumb mckinl 00:27 ,2013 شباط 11

Sergei Lavrov has it exactly correct. The ousting of Gadhafy also freed up huge amounts of domestic military arms as well.

These arms are not only showing up in Syria but in the Sinai as well as they are dispersed by Islamists throughout the middle east.

The arms seized in the Sinai by Egypt included sophisticated surface to air missiles as well as accurate ground missiles.

The primary reason for the assassination of Amabssador J. Christopher Stevens was probably anger over delays of shipments of surface to air missiles to Al Nusra in Syria.

It is becoming ever so clear that Saudi Arabia, with the help of Zionists, are trying to destabilize just about every country in MENA.

Thumb kanaandian 03:43 ,2013 شباط 11

Russians just mad they are not buying their weapons, though I agree what they said is totally true.

Thumb ado.australia 18:42 ,2013 شباط 11

FT... I can't agree with this one. The U.S. marines were not invading and uninvited. They were invited in 56 by Presidant Chamoun to help against the Nassar inspired "Arab" revolution. Then they were invited in by presidant Gemayel to help in the aftermath of the Israeli invasion. The US Marines, French and British all deployed to help reinstate Lebanese state authority and pressured the Israeli withdrawal! At the time it was against communists and Israeli fascism. Unfortunately the rare gesture of good will was seen as weakness and another front for the Islamic republic of iranian's war and revenge for what happened in Iran!

Again Lebanon was the chess board!

Still though, it has nothing to do with this and a Sunni fanatic using suicide bombings is a classic.