الجيش الاسرائيلي يؤكد اسعاف مصابين سوريين في الجولان

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اعلن الجيش الاسرائيلي انه اسعف السبت سبعة سوريين اصيبوا في مواجهات في هضبة الجولان وتولى نقلهم الى مستشفى في اسرائيل حيث يعالجون من جروحهم.

وصرحت متحدثة باسم مستشفى زيف في صفد لوكالة فرانس برس ان الجيش احضر الى المستشفى بعد ظهر السبت سبعة جرحى تم اجراء عمليات لهم جميعا.

واضافت ان "احدهم اصيب بجروح خطيرة بل وحرجة، والستة الاخرون في حالة متوسطة" مضيفة انهم لا يزالون جميعا في المستشفى.

وقالت متحدثة عسكرية لفرانس برس في وقت سابق ان "جنودا اسرائيليين قدموا اسعافات طبية الى خمسة سوريين اصيبوا قرب السياج الامني" مع الجولان، مضيفة انه "تم نقل الجرحى الى مستشفى (في اسرائيل) لتلقي مزيد من العلاج الطبي".

وصحح الجيش لاحقا عدد الجرحى وقال انهم سبعة.

ولم يكشف الجيش او المستشفى طبيعة الجروح التي اصيب بها السبعة او انتماءهم السياسي.

ونقلت الاذاعة العامة عن مسؤول عسكري لم تكشف هويته ان اسرائيل تقدم مساعدة انسانية الى اللاجئين عبر مناطق خاصة اقيمت قرب السياج الامني باشراف الامم المتحدة، مع ابقاء الحدود مغلقة.

وصرح نائب رئيس الوزراء موشيه يعالون للقناة الثانية في التلفزيون ان ما حدث السبت من نقل للجرحى "هو حادث معزول تم لاسباب انسانية لجرحى وصلوا الى الحدود".

واكد ان ذلك لا يعكس اي تغيير في الموقف الاسرائيلي بعدم الرغبة في التدخل في النزاع السوري، ولا يعني ترحيبا باي تدفق محتمل للاجئين من سوريا المضطربة.

واورد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ان مقاتلين معارضين سوريين هاجموا السبت حاجزا للشرطة العسكرية في قرية خان ارنبة قرب خط فض الاشتباك الذي يفصل بين سوريا واسرائيل في الجولان.

واضاف المرصد ان الجيش النظامي السوري رد بقصف خان ارنبة وقرية اخرى مجاورة.

وتوتر الوضع في هضبة الجولان منذ بدء النزاع في سوريا، لكن الحوادث في هذه المنطقة والتي تجلت في سقوط قذائف من الجانب السوري واطلاق الجيش الاسرائيلي للنار من باب التحذير ظلت محدودة.

وتحتل اسرائيل منذ العام 1967 حوالى 1200 كلم مربع من هضبة الجولان السورية وضمتها العام 1981 في قرار لم يعترف به المجتمع الدولي.

وتقوم اسرائيل حاليا بتحديث سياجها الامني القديم على طول الخط الفاصل مع سوريا، ويتوقع ان ينتهي العمل بنهاية العام.

التعليقات 16
Missing nawal84 21:10 ,2013 شباط 16

Because israel never killed arabs and sunnis, not in palestine, not in lebanon, not in syria, not in egypt, not in jordan, not in sudan etc. No never. As long as they treat 7 syrians to be able to wage their propaganda war and show themselves as the good guys, its all good and lets forget the tens of thousands martyred and the over 1 million ones injured. The concept of the enemy of my enemy is my friend comes from the devil, unfortunatly its very popular among arabs and thats why God keeps humiliating arabs all over the world whether by iranians, zionists, americans or anyone else. No principles, no honor, no dignity. Just as you hate iranians and shia now, 2morrow you would say "the foot of an iranian soldier is better than" whoever it is you will view as your enemy bcuz thats how it is when you have such a mentality. May the foot of that israeli soldier kick you straight to hell for uterring such a sentance.

Missing beirutbastard00 21:53 ,2013 شباط 16

@nawal... Beautiful reply.

Missing nawal84 18:14 ,2013 شباط 17

Actually, YES they have al kafi. By denying it your only showing your true colours. Like i said, as much as u hate shia today, 2morrow u will take them as ur allies when a new enemy comes along bcuz u clearly have no principles nor honor. Just another stupid hateful arab.

Missing nawal84 18:45 ,2013 شباط 17

Greatpierre, arabs, muslims, christians, turks, kurds, greeks, iranians, burmese, americans, nigerians, kenyans, south africans, mexicans, colombians, british, french, dutch and almost EVERY other people/nation/religion on earth have comitted many thousand crimes against others as well against their own people. Whats your point?

I am not whitewashing anyone or saying the foot of a soldier which is part of a an army that specializes in murder and opression is better than anyone, be he arab, muslim or not!

So your point is completly irrelevent.

Whatever arabs (or anyone else) do against their own (of which i have lots of criticism) it doesnt excuse zionism. Its like planting a jehovas witnesses country inside mexico and then say well these south americans keep murdering themselves for drugs.

Stupid logic.

Default-user-icon Flo (ضيف) 22:03 ,2013 شباط 16

I don't think anyone really knows what the word Peace means in the Middle East. Children are brought up hating the Iseralies, one AGANIST another. I am Canadian and i stand with Iseral

Missing beirutbastard00 22:10 ,2013 شباط 16

Wow thx guys! Ur treating ALL 7 of them?!... Who cares you're the root of the M.E. problems!

Default-user-icon fellow human (ضيف) 00:53 ,2013 شباط 17

in what way is israel the root of all m.e. problems? do you really believe everything the extremists want you to believe? israel is a democratic countries with muslims in every university. israel does not attack unless attacked or threatened, and wants nothing but to survive.
open your eyes. become part of the solution instead of the problem.

Missing greatpierro 07:28 ,2013 شباط 17

Stargate, your words are choking and racist. In any respectable country you would be prosecuted for writing such words

Missing safra1 08:36 ,2013 شباط 17

It's true the seems like a tiny act to make the Israelis feel better about themselves, feel like the better people, show themselves and the world that they're the good guys, however, naharnet is the only site I've seen reporting on this story. Wouldn't it have just been Corbett to neglect reporting on this?

Missing safra1 08:37 ,2013 شباط 17

Corbett was meant to be cleverer. Excuse ask the autocorrect typos

Missing ssnp4ever 09:15 ,2013 شباط 17

Screw the Jews & their help .The jews are a true cancer to the Middle East ..

Missing nawal84 18:26 ,2013 شباط 17

If they never wronged you that means you dont consider the over 1 million arabs among them hundreds of thousands of lebanese, that have been harmed by zionist jews DIRECTLY in several diffirent ways to be worthy. In which case your the type of trash that will have anyone rape your country and fellow people just as long as they dont touch you personly.

By the way, there is a diffirence between what a militia does as in the case of hezballah, mourabitoun, phalange, plo, ishtirakiyyi, LF, ssnp, Amal etc etc of whom all have comitted crimes in lebanon and what israel does. Those militias do not represent all lebanese, palestinians or syrians, whereas israel represents ALL zionist jews. Zionism is based on the fact on systematicly opressing other people.

It takes an educated brain to understand the diffirence.

Missing tarek_elsaadi 19:29 ,2013 شباط 17

eltigar, That's a messed up logic don't you think? I was never wronged by the persians but i was harmed in plenty by fellow lebanese for political and/or religious reasons and one time by a blond european (who i think was nordic) for racial reasons as he didn't like the fact that lebanese lived in europe. So should i now forget all the crimes by the persians against as an example sunnis in iran because i was never harmed by persians in particular? Should i not condemn the attacks by han chinese on uigurs, because they never attacked me? I guess when the american army raped teenage iraqi girls and murdererd them or burned down iraq, i shouldn't say a word and instead say "my fellow lebanese wronged me, the americans never wronged me". When nigerian extremist "muslims" massacre nigerian christians, should i say "they never harmed me so who cares about those christians"? That's a nasty way of viewing the world.

Missing nawal84 18:30 ,2013 شباط 17

Do you think your smart when you write such things? Seriously? The issue here is the reason behind it. Its for propaganda, NOTHING ELSE. They will kill arabs for sport and then pick 7 arabs to treat IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA and you expect us to be impressed or what? Those who are humane do not do comitt the crimes that the israeli army has comitted nor are those crimes forgotten just because 7 injured arabs were treated by these savages who have bombed and maimed/injured hundreds of thousands.

Missing nawal84 18:40 ,2013 شباط 17

Only a stupid human who consider it humanitarian aid. An educated human would understand the diffirence between humanitarian aid and pure propaganda by a bunch of terrorists who have repeatedly murdered children and adults alike in the most brutal ways for fun as admitted by themselves.

Im sure you already know this but you chose to post such trash only for the sake of arguing. You use the same tactics as other sellouts use thinking your smart. Smallah.

The hypocrites will be in the lowest parts of hell for a reason after all. There is no diffirence between those hypocrites at the time of the prophet (saw) who worked with those among the jews and pagans who tried to harm islam and those hypocrites of today who do the same thing using the same tactics and fake logic while thinking they are smart as if one cant see right through you. You will loose big time just like those before you lost big time.

Missing tarek_elsaadi 19:25 ,2013 شباط 17

Shame on you al-kafi.