البابا فرنسيس يتسلم شاراته الحبرية: السلطة الحقيقية هي الخدمة، خدمة الآخرين
Read this story in Englishتسلم البابا فرنسيس شاراته الحبرية الثلاثاء في ساحة القديس بطرس امام عشرات الاف الاشخاص اثناء القداس الاحتفالي الاول خلال حبريته.
ووضع الكاردينال الفرنسي جان-لوي توران على كتفيه الدرع الذي يلبس فوق البطرشيل.
وهو الدرع الذي لبسه سلفه بنديكتوس السادس عشر الذي اتخذ القرار التاريخي بالاستقالة بسبب وهن قواه الجسدية.
ثم وضع عميد مجمع الكرادلة الكاردينال الايطالي انجيلو سودانو في يده اليمنى خاتم الصياد.
ويشكل الدرع والخاتم رمزي السلطة الحبرية.
وكان البابا فرنسيس الذي ارتدى بطرشيلا وتاجا ابيضين انحنى امام قبر القديس بطرس، مؤسس الكنيسة، يرافقه بطاركة الكنائس الكاثوليكية الشرقية.
ثم تقدم منه ستة كرادلة يمثلون مجمع الكرادلة واقسموا على الطاعة. وبعد ذلك بدأ البابا قداسه الاول في فناء كاتدرائية القديس بطرس، في حضور ثلاثين رئيس دولة وحكومة والمئات من رجال الدين وعشرات الاف المصلين.
Meet the "new" Pope ... same as the old Pope ...
Forgive the poor for being poor, minister for the rich ...
Coverup banking and sexual crimes ...
mckini... the new Pope is a Jesuit. Jesuits follow the saint Francis of Assisi. Hence the name Pope Francis. He is the first pope to take that name. The Jesuits are the lest political. The jesuits take a vow of poverty. their mission is to help the poor and underprivileged. There are very few jesuit bishops or cardinals because of this. This man use to ride a bicycle or the bus to church... refusing the limo provided to archbishops. his appointment to the post of bishop to rome, the seat of saint peter, whom christ told will be the rock on which he would built his church... is a huge symbolic gesture!
he is a shy man, and if you truly listen to what he says, you will be impressed with his humility and genuine love for all man.
i think he will be one of the greatest to lead the church.
he is the first non european pope in over a thousand years. the last non european pope was a syrian! Watch this Pope and give him a chance and you might be surprised.
LOL ... I have no choice but to give the "new Pope" a chance ... That doesn't change history my friend ...
true, but what history are you looking at? No one except "God" is perfect and all man are sinful or imperfect... but what are you comparing your criticism to? a mufti or ayatollah? a politician or some other leader, movement or religion?
What other seat has the same intense scrutiny and publicised opposition?
what does the current and recent Pope say or preach that is so offensive?
I'm no fan of popes but give this guy a chance, maybe he will give all political and religious leaders a valuable lesson, humility a servant to mankind, starting with our lebanese leaders ... All thieves and corrupt !!! We shall wait and see.