درعا "شبه معزولة" بعد سيطرة المعارضة على بلدة داعل و113 قتيلا الجمعة

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باتت مدينة درعا جنوب سوريا "شبه معزولة" عن دمشق بعد سيطرة مقاتلي المعارضة على بلدة واقعة على طريق يربط بينهما.

في غضون ذلك تستمر اعمال العنف على وتيرتها التصعيدية لا سيما في محافظة حلب (شمال) حيث سقط صاروخ ارض ارض، بينما تشهد المدينة اشتباكات عنيفة بين مقاتلين معارضين ومسلحين من اللجان الشعبية الكردية.

وقال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ان مقاتلي المعارضة سيطروا "على بلدة داعل بعد تدمير حواجز القوات النظامية الثلاثة عند مداخل البلدة وفي محيطها"، موضحا ان البلدة الواقعة على طريق دمشق درعا القديم باتت "خارجة عن سيطرة النظام في شكل كامل".

وقال مدير المرصد رامي عبد الرحمن في اتصال مع وكالة فرانس برس ان "مدينة درعا باتت شبه معزولة عن دمشق" نظرا الى قطع طرق عدة بينهما.

واوضح ان ما جرى "مرحلة من مراحل الاطباق على درعا" وعزلها عن محيطها وعن دمشق.

وتأتي السيطرة على البلدة غداة قول عضو مجلس الشعب السوري عن درعا وليد الزعبي ان مقاتلي المعارضة باتوا يسيطرون على اجزاء واسعة من المحافظة.

وحقق مقاتلو المعارضة مؤخرا تقدما واسعا في مناطق جنوب البلاد، شمل السيطرة على شريط حدودي بطول 25 كيلومترا يمتد من الحدود الاردنية حتى الجزء السوري من الجولان.

وفي شمال البلاد الذي يسيطر المقاتلون المعارضون على اجزاء واسعة منه، افاد المرصد عن "استشهاد تسعة مواطنين على الاقل بينهم أربع نساء وطفلان اثنان إثر قصف بصاروخ ارض-ارض على بلدة حريتان" شمال غرب مدينة حلب.

من جهتها، افادت "الهيئة العامة للثورة السورية" ان الضحايا قضوا "جراء سقوط صاروخ سكود"، وان "عملية البحث عن ناجين او شهداء تحت الانقاض مستمرة".

ويتهم الناشطون المعارضون نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد باستخدام هذا النوع من الصواريخ الثقيلة في استهداف مناطق خاضعة لسيطرة مقاتلي المعارضة، وهو ما تنفيه دمشق.

وفي حلب، تدور "اشتباكات عنيفة" بين مقاتلي المعارضة ومسلحين من لجان الحماية الشعبية الكردية الموالية للنظام، على اطراف حي الشيخ مقصود (شمال) ذي الغالبية الكردية، بحسب المرصد.

وقال عبد الرحمن لفرانس برس ان الاشتباكات اندلعت "بعد هجوم شنته كتائب مقاتلة على حواجز للجان"، مشيرا الى مقتل 14 مسلحا كرديا في الاشتباكات، اضافة الى ثمانية مدنيين واربعة مقاتلين معارضين.

وفي محافظة الرقة (شمال)، تدور اشتباكات في محيط مقر الفرقة 17 في ضواحي مدينة الرقة، وهو "احد اهم معاقل القوات النظامية المتبقية في المحافظة"، بحسب المرصد.

ويسيطر مقاتلو المعارضة على اجزاء واسعة من محافظة الرقة، لا سيما مدينة الرقة التي باتت منذ السادس من آذار الجاري اول مركز محافظة خارج سيطرة النظام.

في دمشق، تدور اشتباكات في محيط حي القابون (شمال شرق)، في حين يتعرض حي الحجر الاسود (جنوب) للقصف، بحسب المرصد.

وادت اعمال العنف الجمعة الى مقتل 113 شخصا هم 43 مدنيا و26 مقاتلا معارضا و44 جنديا نظاميا، وفق حصيلة جديدة للمرصد الذي يتخذ من بريطانيا مقرا ويعتمد على شبكة من الناشطين والمصادر الطبية في سوريا.

التعليقات 24
Thumb jumblatdedon 11:48 ,2013 آذار 29

The Freedom fighters seem to be getting tactically smarter by the day, reminiscent of when hezb used to be a legitimate resistance, just picking off the enemy like shooting pigeons. Assads forces must be so demoralized, soo it would just be mercenaries from Lebanon & Iran fighting on behalf of Assad

Thumb jumblatdedon 12:29 ,2013 آذار 29

They withdrew because they had too, you force the enemy into a withdraw, just like playing a sport, you put pressure.

Thumb jumblatdedon 13:02 ,2013 آذار 29

Regardless, a unit will not withdraw & give up ground for no reason Mowatan, esp as it resulted in the many deaths & attacking 3 checkpoints which they might of thought was secure.

Thumb jumblatdedon 13:17 ,2013 آذار 29

lets just agree to disagree, it seems the Syrian army has made inches in one part of homs while it has lost 100s of km in the south and the north of the country, the syrian army is the most unprofessional fighting force i have ever seen, i reckon the Lebanese army outgunned could give them a a good run their money. just like the Freedom fighters are doing, and its only getting worse for the Syrian army with the influx of tactical weaponry that is starting to flow in. The R"B"G is heaven sent for urban warfare.

Thumb jumblatdedon 13:29 ,2013 آذار 29

Woopy doo, there are thousands of Syrian toy soldier stuff up videos, and thousands more barbaric torture videos on youtube that shows the barbaric true face of the assad farsi killing machine, and remember everyday i see news of the syrian army copping a good beating & losing ground, to bad for you its not the other way around. Assad has lost this war, its beyond the point of control Syria will never again be the alawi farm. just accept it. its change for ever

Thumb jumblatdedon 13:43 ,2013 آذار 29

You are one funny man, everything you said is the exact truth for the FSA & the opposite of the Syrian army, the shabiha are the ones killing, torturing , raping , beheading, beard shaving. I swear , i know know what people mean when they call you pure deceptive liars. Mowatan, you are a liar my friend, it is really true, you people are taught to lie.

Missing alhajjaj 13:46 ,2013 آذار 29

The mujahideen are using guerilla warfare tactics. Hit and run operations. Also utilizing IEDS, and remote controlled snipers. Digging trenches . Very strategic operations. Inshallah one day a free Syria without bashar and his gang

Missing greatpierro 18:01 ,2013 آذار 29

Mowaten, if you are sure then lets see what the coming days will tell. But please tell how come you support the Syrian regime. Don't say it's because this regime is a safe guarantee against islamist extremist that represent a danger to Christians. Tyrannical regime are the ones that foster extremism and moderate regime is the only viable way for multi ethnic and confessional society. Unfortunately there are extremist fighting along the FSA, well armed and trained while the main core of the FSA has been left unsupported until not long ago. We should all support a moderate democratic regime in Syria and hate any things that comes from the tyrannic iran/assad axis.

Missing greatpierro 21:29 ,2013 آذار 29

Mowaten you should be hired by Assad for your strategic combating expertise.

Missing maroun 11:57 ,2013 آذار 29

go the rebels.

Thumb sarkis 12:39 ,2013 آذار 29

It stresses you guys out so much, it is so obvious, your party "hezb" made its bed, not you can all sleep in it, Assad will never ever be the real leader of Syria again, even is syria is cut into 2, the dream of a shia crescent has been weakened by the natural sunni,druze, christian & kurd inhabitants of syria, No one ever gave the alawi the right to rule the country. This is life FT, accept it. i was always going to happen, just like the shia took iraq

Thumb james 12:49 ,2013 آذار 29

The Syrian people are facing the exact same situation as the Lebanese people did for a bloody 15 years. The only problem is the innocent lives lost in between. Assad is a murder and him and his father burnt Lebanon time and time again, and they still are - but the rebels aren't portraying the most attractive future for Syria either, particularly with the terrorist groups and extremist Islamists. May God bring peace, stability, sovereignty and an end to pointless deaths.

Thumb sarkis 14:04 ,2013 آذار 29

I think the entire “terrorist” groups charade is being blown out of proportions, I you ask me, you had the FSA VS the Syrian Army, then you had Hezbollah, Iranian revolutionary guards & the notorious shabhia who are the most bloody & cold bloodied barbaric killers of all * it has been proven by 100s of account witnesses , most notably the massacres of children & using rape as a tool of war, Nusra front may be brutal, but they are not a spec of the shabhia and they are a natural response to the alawie forces, Nusra may be into car bombs that kill innocent people as collateral damage, but tell me how this differs from airstrikes on buildings, from what I see they are effective fighters and a current necessary evil to confront Assad’s most brutal forces, I think they will melt back into the FSA once the FSSA has the upper hand.

Thumb james 14:09 ,2013 آذار 29

I do not doubt that the Syrian Army is receiving significant support from Hezbollah, Iranian guards and the shabiha, who yes, are extremely brutal and barbaric. The problem with Syria is that it is not Bashar al Assad vs FSA. It is Bashar al Assad vs FSA vs a number of Syrians who are Islamists, extremists and terrorists. The only way the FSA can guarantee the Syrian people a bright, peaceful, progressive and prosperous future is to curtail the power of the extremist minority - if the FSA can defeat Assad and then clean up Syria from any extremists then things will be good, but it will be an extremely tough and unlikely task.

Thumb jumblatdedon 14:47 ,2013 آذار 29

Well james, the Iranian mouthpieces arrived with their bullshit, ofcourse the usual crap, King assad the innocent.

Hey you liars, Answer me this, Why did you HATE SADDAM But LOVE Assad. Is it because ll your interests are aligned with Iranian SHIA interests, PATHETIC PRIMITIVE people, Your game is up, you are just following your religious calling to defend all shia interests at the expense of any christian or muslim. We know what is going on, we are not stupid. Hypocrites

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16:08 ,2013 آذار 29

I agree with both of you Sarkis and James. I do believe James has a very objective and unbiased opinion on what is happening in Syria. Let’s not kid ourselves. This is a barbaric war being waged by an army on its own citizens; you would have to be a complete tool to think that the people aren’t going to respond with barbaric tactics that are clearly defined as war crimes. We saw it first hand in Lebanon. Name one group that did not commit war crimes during our civil war!

Thumb sarkis 14:06 ,2013 آذار 29

This is why Nusra front exists, If i were a syrian, i too would also seek protection from what ever force there was against this I quote: "The first thing he saw was a woman in the corner of the basement. "They were raping her. It was clear that they were raping her. There was blood coming out of her body and she just stayed in the corner."

Thumb sarkis 14:08 ,2013 آذار 29

The witness was working as an activist with a church-based human rights group when he was arrested last November. Yes , a white christian not even an arab was the witness, so let let us see the Pro Assadis try and say oh its an arab liar

Thumb justice 14:33 ,2013 آذار 29

Dear Sarkis: Why do you engage with people or sub-humans who are well known for being paid mouthpieces for Hizb of terror and Iran. There are thugs in here whose sole job is to post and get paid for their propaganda. They have eyes, but don't see; they have ears but they don't hear. They are driven by hatred, prejudice, and ego. They claim to be knowledgeable on every topic and speak like experts. Their egos know no limits..... That is my advice dear Sarkis, and have a good day!

Thumb sarkis 14:50 ,2013 آذار 29

You are spot on Justice, God bless

Default-user-icon LebCanada (ضيف) 15:54 ,2013 آذار 29

Tactical strategy of the syrian army, naharnet always posts such articles and never posts anything about the syrian army achievements and their victories, if it was that easy to advance in the field that the rebels would have achieved victory long time ago. the army retreats and then hit back these check points by air!! and by bigger ground troops.
naharnet next time u can show some pics of dead mercenaries fighting in syria..

Missing greatpierro 16:57 ,2013 آذار 29

you will be impressed more and more in the coming days. Lucky you.

Missing greatpierro 20:39 ,2013 آذار 29

Ft I definitely agree that it will not be party time after assad's fall. But it does not mean that Assad should rule for ever. The mess that will probably result if and after Assad falls will also be the responsibility of the previous tyrannical regime that led the country to such a situation. Now on top of the fact that I am against this and all tyrannical regimes, I personally have a big hatred to this regimes due to what they I'd and still are doing in Lebanon.

Missing realist 00:57 ,2013 آذار 30

It is really fascinating how Nazi people like muwaten refuse to live in reality and yes the regime is balf kheir and will defeat the ' conspiracy' and whatever TIBN manor and 3alam feeds them lol, muwaten ya racist thug, your likes will lick the boots off the rebels one day and ask for forgiveness. Live in your fantasy, the rebels are defeating the real 'conspiracy' which is the one against the Syrian people. Did your resume take back Aleppo or raqa or thousand other places? The Quran that you supposedly follow says 'die in your hate'. Walla khasak LA Hussein walla Ali