خطف المطرانين ابراهيم واليازجي في حلب وقتل السائق
Read this story in Englishأقدم مسلحون على مقربة من مدينة حلب على خطف متروبوليت حلب والاسكندرون وتوابعهما للروم الارثوذكس المطران بولس اليازجي ومتروبوليت حلب لطائفة السريان الارثوذكسي المطران يوحنا ابراهيم .
وفي التفاصيل بحسب الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" اللبنانية الرسمية، أن المطران ابراهيم اصطحب المطران اليازجي بسيارته التي يقودها شماسه، من قرية على الحدود التركية.
ولدى وصولهم الى مشارف مدينة حلب اعترضتهم مجموعة مسلحة وانزلتهم من السيارة، وقتلت السائق وخطفت المطرانين ابراهيم واليازجي .
من جهتها نقلت وكالة "سانا" مساء اليوم عن مصدر مسؤول قوله ان "مجموعة ارهابية مسلحة قامت اليوم باختطاف المطران يوحنا ابراهيم رئيس طائفة السريان الارثوذكس وتوابعها، والمطران بولس يازجي رئيس طائفة الروم الارثوذكس
وتوابعها، اثناء قيامهما بعمليات انسانية في قرية كفر داعل في ريف حلب".
ونقلت الوكالة عن المصدر قوله ان "الارهابيين اعترضوا سيارة المطرانين في قرية كفر داعل، وقاموا بانزال السائق من السيارة وخطف المطرانين مع السيارة الى جهة مجهولة".
وافاد سكان مسيحيون في حلب وكالة فرانس برس ان المطران ابراهيم "انطلق بسيارته لاحضار المطران يازجي من على معبر باب الهوى الحدودي مع تركيا" الخاضع لسيطرة مقاتلي المعارضة. وفي طريق العودة "اعترض مسلحون السيارة، وخطفوا المطرانين وقتلوا السائق".
واتصلت فرانس برس بمصادر في مطرانية حلب للروم الارثوذكس، لكن الاخيرة آثرت عدم الادلاء باي تفاصيل ريثما تتبين طبيعة العملية وظروفها.
لمطران يازجي هو شقيق بطريرك انطاكيا وسائر المشرق للروم الارثوذكس يوحنا العاشر يازجي، الذي تولى منصبه في شباط الماضي.
Crucify those who kidnapp, murder, rape or otherwise harm innocent people regardless of faith and regardless of who is doing it. This is how islamic law deals with those who cause fitna in the land. Bashar, his shabbi7a, many from the ordinary army, many from the FSA, many from all the groups fighting deserve to be crucified for spreading fitna in the land, that is from the quran. That is why criminals are against islamic sharia and why criminals in saudi arabia and iran created a fake sharia because real islamic sharia would finish them off. All muslims who follow islam pray for the release and safety of these two priests as well as for the millions of other syrians suffering right now because of the evil of bashar, king abdullah, israel, emir of qatar, france, Obama and other evil leaders that have caused destruction in syria.
Mowaten, dont get me confused with a m14er, you couödnt have warned me about something i was already aware about. Qatar and saudi never help muslims, what they do is that they send weapons and gunmen that are enough to crete mayhem in a country but not enough to defeat the other opressor. They only light the fire on the gasoline. But this doesnt mean that bashar becomes the good one or the lesser evil in this scenario, sadly this ia how most m8 reason while the m14 reason that the other side saudi/qatar etc is the lesser evil. This prooves that lebanese havent learned anything. And its a exaggeration to say the least that those who started the revolution have abandonded it. Some did, but for the most part, people did not change their heart about the crimes of the regime and bashar. They realized that the saudi/qatari plot is evil as well but that doesnt mean they all of a sudden became regime loyalists.
Mowaten... U answered half his post, but ignored the other half.
Had bashar called for open n free elections from the start, he probably woulda won, and we wouldn't be debating this right now. But that's not what happened, we all know what happened.
As of right now, he is not the legitimate leader of Syria. He represents half, n the fsa/nusra/bla bla, represent the rest.
The Wahhabi Gulf states are stocking the fires, yes, but it was the Assad's that poured the gasoline for 40yrs. I hope this war lasts long enough for both sides to garner heavy casualties.
To be fair man, had the Ba'ath been fair to the ppl, no way the rebels could have gained so much ground. No matter how many weapons, if the population is against an insurgency, it cannot last.... But having said that, the same applies to the rebels. If bashar didn't have a real section of the population with him, no way he would last this long either.
Oh and thats only in syria, we have many in lebanon who deserve the same punishment.
Christian idiots here will still be rooting for terrorist FSA, probably because of funds from wahabi masters
The criminal leaders and mukhabarat of various states are the winners of this conflict while innocent syrians are paying the price in syria and in countries where they sought help yet ended up being opressed in. Shameful. When i hear lebanese say racist things about syrians i feel like puking over the lebanese flag. Imagine if one day you have to flew lebanon only to end up in a place where the people are racist toward you. Humans can be so cruel and filthy. The syrians can not count on lebanese to help them but they can count on Allah.
Rebels should release the Archbishop and his priest as this would bring VERY NEGATIVE publicity to the rebels and their cause from the USA and others that they are seeking weapons from.