مطرانية حلب: لا انباء عن المطرانين الارثوذكسيين المخطوفين في سوريا
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قالت مطرانية حلب للروم الارثوذكس الاربعاء ان لا انباء بعد عن المطرانين الارثوذكسيين المخطوفين في شمال سوريا، بحسب ما افاد احد الآباء في المطرانية لوكالة فرانس برس وذلك غداة اعلان جمعية مسيحية انه قد تم الافراج عنهما.
وقال الاب غسان ورد في اتصال هاتفي "ليس لدينا معلومات جديدة. لا يمكن القول انه تم الافراج" عن مطران حلب للروم الارثوذكس بولس يازجي ومطران حلب للسريان الارثوذكس يوحنا ابراهيم.

I thought the FSA-Al Qaeda terrorists want a secular democracy? Or are the "kaffer" Christian bishops not secular enough?

+ oua sa nabka +
the true face of the so called arab spring is being shown from lybia to Egypt to Syria and it comes as an accomplishement of what happened to Iraq and Palestine
+ oua nabka +

the story is still being cooked, its not ready to be dished out to the sheep.

I wouldn't be surprised if the se called Chechen abducotrs were actually speaking Farsi....

the virus is in an advanced stage,take some sunni antibiotics,u will sleep or....

Naharnet, The Daily Star, MTV and LBC all were premature in issuing the story about the release of the Bishops. It is especially disappointing that news organization in Lebanon were perpetuating these false stories and quoting some phony nonexistent Greek Orthodox Bishop, Tony Yazigi.
No excuse for Lebanese news services to not have verified the information given the broad access and availability of Greek Orthodox Hierarchs and institutions in Lebanon. Especially, you propogandist at Nahar who have Orthodox roots.
The people expect more and deserve more!

Too much religion bashing here, and too much hate. Josh, you must have been thru hell dealing with the sunnis. Were you kidnapped or something by a terrorist group?
mustapha you are a cool sunni and excellent doctor.

Josh- Bustany,
Has given away his cover. This person is actually a hardcore Shia.
Don't ask me why unless you have done your homework on Shia.
You will then know who this josh is.

oula! kepasso? tu denonces le systeme mis en place qui incite a la haine?
do us a favor and go find another news source. good riddance. rawha bala raj3a

probably half the rebels or more are a bunch of savage terrorists