الحكومة السورية: العدوان الاسرائيلي يفتح الباب على "جميع الاحتمالات" ويظهر ارتباط العدو بالإرهابيين
Read this story in Englishاعتبرت الحكومة السورية الاحد ان القصف الجوي الاسرائيلي على مواقع عسكرية شمال غرب دمشق فجر الاحد "يفتح الباب" على "جميع الاحتمالات"، وذلك في بيان تلا اجتماعا استثنائيا.
وجاء في البيان الذي تلاه وزير الاعلام عمران الزعبي "ان حكومة الجمهورية العربية السورية تؤكد ان هذا العدوان يفتح الباب واسعا امام جميع الاحتمالات، وخاصة انه يكشف بما لا يدع مجالا للشك حجم الارتباط العضوي بين مكونات الحرب على سوريا"، في اشارة الى النزاع المستمر لاكثر من عامين.
وتابع الوزير السوري "على المجتمع الدولي ان يدرك ان تعقيدات ما يجري في المنطقة بعد هذا العدوان باتت اكثر خطورة، وعلى الدول الداعمة لاسرائيل ان تعي جيدا ان شعبنا ودولتنا لا يقبلان الهوان".
وشدد على ان الحكومة "تؤكد على اهمية مواصلة انجازات جيشها في مكافحة ادوات اسرائيل في الداخل، وانه يكون دائما من حقها بل من واجبها حماية الوطن والدولة والشعب من اي اعتداء داخلي او خارجي بكل الطرق والوسائل والامكانيات المتاحة".
وقبل الإجتماع قالت وزارة الخارجية السورية في رسالتين بعثت بهما الى الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون ورئيس مجلس الامن ان "هذا العدوان الاسرائيلي السافر يأتي تأكيدا على التنسيق بين اسرائيل والمجموعات الارهابية والتكفيريين التابعين لجبهة النصرة، احدى اذرع القاعدة"، بحسب النص الذي نشرته وكالة الانباء الرسمية السورية (سانا).
واعتبرت ان الهدف من الهجوم هو "تقديم دعم عسكري مباشر للمجموعات الارهابية بعد فشل محاولاتها مؤخرا في تحقيق سيطرة على الارض، الامر الذي لا يدع مجالا للشك بان اسرائيل هي المستفيد والمحرك والمنفذ في بعض الاحيان لما تشهده سوريا من اعمال ارهابية".
وشددت الخارجية السورية على "بطلان المزاعم التي اطلقتها اسرائيل في الآونة الاخيرة لتبرير اعمالها العدوانية بذريعة نقل اسلحة الى خارج الحدود".
واكدت وزارة الخارجية ان الطيران الاسرائيلي قصف ثلاثة مواقع عسكرية شمال غرب دمشق باستخدام صواريخ جو-ارض، من دون تحديد ما اذا كانت الطائرات خرقت المجال الجوي السوري.
وقالت "في الساعة 01,40 صباح اليوم بتوقيت دمشق (10,40 ليل السبت ت غ) قامت طائرات حربية اسرائيلية بعدوان جوي صاروخي من الاراضي المحتلة ومن جنوب لبنان باتجاه ثلاثة مواقع تابعة للقوات المسلحة (...) تقع في شمال شرق جمرايا وفي ميسلون وفي مطار شراعي في منطقة الديماس في دمشق وريفها".
واشارت الى ان الهجوم ادى الى "العديد من الشهداء والجرحى في صفوف المواطنين السوريين وتدمير واسع في هذه المواقع وفي المناطق المدنية القريبة منها".
"Israeli strikes on Syrian military sites have opened the door 'to all possibilities"' means we will do nothing.
I can't help but laugh at the picture--
anyhow, these guys have been talking about retaliation since 2007 and it seems that they are still talking
And the problem with Western(Israeli) military intervention becomes self evident with the Israeli strike near Damascus. The Arab League which was on the spot to find a way to get rid of Assad, now must come to his side. "Me against my brother, but me and my brother against the stranger". It works every time. What better way to discredit the FSA than to have Israeli bombs come to their aid? And what better way to relieve Assad of solid Arab League Opposition, than to subject his regime to an Israeli air attack?
To those who read into this that Israel has joined the fight against Assad, you are wrong, this was Israel coming to the aid of the Assad Regime as only Israel can.
Another thing, the Israeli attack is a lifeline thrown to Hezbollah. Hezbollah was struggling to explain how fighting in Syria and sending its fighters back to Lebanon in body bags as "resistance". Now, the Israeli attack has turned Nasrallah into a prophet. To fight in defense of Assad is to fight Israel. Right? That sells to the masses better than the reality of the situation.
The reality is that Israel, Iran, Assad and Hezbollah all share the same strategic objectives and one always acts in aid of the other. The Israeli attack is a godsend to Hezbollah, because it is now justified to its constituency in Lebanon.
With the Arabs, bloodletting is a family affair. Strangers are not permitted. Israel has crossed that line, which will solidify Assad in power and discredit the FSA.
I wouldn't look too much into that. HA is supposed to be a LEBANESE resistance--if he and his fighters want to move to Syria and fight, that's one thing, but him starting another war here wouldn't go well in Lebanon, even among his supporters who will suffer the most. He would have a hard time explaining why starting another war is good for anyone.
They only managed to keep that reputation by shrouding their activities in mystery. In the past 6 years there has been a huge spill of information on hizbullah, of which there are true and false descriptions. With the growing awareness that hizbullah is an Iranian attache, mention of their involvement in Syria and denunciation by many middle eastern governments (many of which previously ratified the organization as a resistance towards israel), there is growing doubt, and people are slowly changing their minds. So no matter what the circumstances, hizbullah will slowly loose it's label as the "resistance" the longer it becomes involved in toxic internal politics and foreign ventures.
"Opens door to all possibilities" in English means "car bombs will be soon going off in a capital near you" in Syrian.
Some of these comments, in particular, josephani's, make me ashamed to be Lebanese. Everyone is always pointing the finger at someone else. Pray that the fighting & massacres stay out of Lebanon. The Lebanese people have opened their country too many times to refugees & have gotten stabbed in the back by their "guests". Close the borders & let the neighboring countrie fight it out. Enough!! Lebanese people & Lebanon can suffer no more!
and the dingo from down under speaks
many people have no love for the syrian regime or HA--my family has been affected in a negative way by the Syrians (relatives thrown in jail, killed or 'disappeared) so I look at them as less of an evil than Israel. As for HA, I look at them as mercenaries, because they don't follows Lebanese laws or regulations. They resemble a mafia than anything else.
not from there--it is second on my golf destinations after Scotland though.
and seriously, why the hell do you waste your time on a newssite which is literally a half a world away? It is not like you are getting great information on the ground on what really goes on out here.
Pleas Bachar, bomb Jerusalem with your scuds and show us how tough youre. Unless you can just slaughter innocent people during their sleep.
so, you are willing just in order to get rid of a few Jews to kill who knows how many fellow Arabs living in East Jerusalem. You are willing to have the Haram as Sharif bombed. Great Muslem and humanitarian you are.
Hey fool, who said I was Muslim? Labelling people seems to be your speciality.
I want Bachar to bomb israel in order to confirm my diagnostic. He won't do it, he,Israel and Hezb ebola share the same bed. The only resistance in Lebanon is us. We're resisting Israel, Syria, Iran and to some extent the Palestinians. We're the only true patriots.
Philipo, take it easy. benzona is just taunting bashar and calling an emasculated coward who shows his toughness by slaughtering his own people.
i believe that in this war there are two possibilities:
1/ israel bombed syria to help bashar so that the presence of hezbis, can now be justified to defend the regime which israel needs to keep the golan heights quiet and the arab league sides with bashar....
2/ israel wants to provoke hezbis in syria and fight them there where they would be weaker than in lebanon....
those experts who know what is going on, tfadallou, tell me which is the most credible scenario :)
It is not the "Syrian Arab Republic" it must be renamed to "Republic of Syria", are the Syrians blind to see and know what the Arabs are doing to them?. After all Syria was occupied by the Arabs coming from the desert. Technically speaking Syria is an occupied country. As to the language this is another study.
Benzona - just to make sure I cover all areas if you say you are not a Muslem, so if you are a Christian you are willing to have the Church of the Nativity and the Via Delarose taken out. If you are a Jew, then the Temple Mount.
What difference does your religion make, your prayer for the holy (to all 3 religions) city of Jerusalem to be attacked is to say the least - sick.